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The purpose of the partnerships activity is to strengthen the higher education system to address Egypt’s development priorities more effectively. Through partnerships with the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research (MOHESR), Egyptian higher education institutions (HEIs), and the private sector, the partnerships activity will accelerate the MOHESR’s vision to transform Egypt’s public HEIs into integrated, world-class, market-relevant, and modern centers of learning that prepare and connect Egyptian students to the workforce.

Through linkages to U.S. HEIs, this activity will work directly with Egyptian HEIs and their administration, faculty, and staff to ensure students access market-relevant, inclusive, high quality degree programs and support services resulting in smooth transitions to employment.

Partnerships between U.S. and Egyptian HEIs and linkages with the private sector will support market-relevant higher education and promote student-centered work-based learning opportunities. The program will transform the Egyptian Higher Education landscape into a hub for innovation and a birthplace of impactful citizens, creating a more resilient economy solving Egypt's development challenges.