AUC Mascot
Eagles are common for both Egypt and America. It is a strong bird that can soar high, which sounds like every AUCian. It is a symbol of strength and victory. It is a dominant Arabian symbol, is on the Egyptian flag and has been depicted several times by the ancient Egyptians. A powerful predator, the eagle represents both the mix of American liberal arts education and Egyptian culture. In this way, it captures the multi-cultural dimension of AUC.
AUC's mascot was created through a phased, University-wide engagement initiative. Starting from concept ideas and design students proposals to several community-wide voting outcomes, the eagle mascot was selected in 2013 and revealed in 2014 at AUC Community Day. In 2015, the AUC community chose Horus as the eagle's name. Horus is the god of the sun, sky and kingship in ancient Egypt. Pharaonic sky god depicted as a falcon-headed man and one of the oldest and well-known ancient Egyptian gods. Horus received its AUC ID at AUC Community Day in March 2015.
AUC's Eagle mascot appears and engages at several University events and community engagement activities.
You may request the AUC Eagle mascot to participate in AUC events by reversing in advance with the athletics office at [email protected].