Honor Code and Pledge
About AUC Honor Code and Pledge
The AUC honor code lays out the basic principles of the type of community that AUC strives to be, and the ways that each individual member of the community contributes to building this type of community. It lays out the expectations, and the commitment that each member of the community makes, to ensure that AUC is a place where values are built into the life of the community. The honor pledge is a brief, four-line pledge that all members of the AUC community should take to confirm their commitment to uphold the values of the honor code, behave respectfully towards others, be familiar with related AUC policies, and take responsibility for their behavior.
Check out Honor Code frequently asked questions page.
AUC Honor Code
AUC Honor Code requires that all members of the AUC Community uphold the values and ideals of integrity, tolerance, compassion and mutual respect.
This includes behaving at all times with respect and civility towards community members: students, faculty, staff, administrators, alumni, guests, and those who are part of the broader communities.
Every member of the AUC community must commit to being a responsible citizen of AUC. This includes understanding and adhering to the expectations set out in this Honor Code and in AUC’s Code of Academic Ethics, Code of Student Conduct, and Anti-Harassment and Non-Discrimination Policy and the University Code of Ethical Conduct.
Every member of the AUC community is expected to abide by these policies, and to accept full responsibility for any words or actions which are inconsistent with the letter and spirit of these documents. This AUC Honor Code reinforces the existing policies, and does not replace them or impact their adjudication. Everyone is encouraged to report violations via the existing channels of these policies.
Every member of the AUC community is accountable for upholding AUC Honor Code.
AUC Honor Pledge
As a contributing member of the AUC community, I pledge to:
- Uphold the values and ideals of integrity, tolerance, compassion and mutual respect;
- Behave with respect and civility toward all members of the AUC Community, our guests, and members of the broader community;
- Become familiar with AUC’s Academic Integrity policy, Code of Conduct, and Anti-Harassment and non-discrimination policy;
- Accept full responsibility for my words and actions
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