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Extended Education Hub

Building on the strong track record of AUC’s existing extended education programs, the Extended Education Hub will  bring together and expand the wide array of AUC offerings that support capacity building, technical training and professional development of the country and region’s workforce.

Adopting an expansive view on lifelong learning, the Extended Education Hub will integrate a holistic approach to identifying gaps, developing programs and courses, experimenting with delivery techniques and evaluating results across sectors, age groups and demographics. 

The hub will build on the strong track record of AUC’s existing programs, currently provided by the School of Continuing Education, School of Business Executive Education, technical and diploma programs in the School of Sciences and Engineering, and professional development for government employees and civil servants in the School of Global Affairs and Public Policy. The new building that will house the hub will bring together each of these areas to create synergies and efficiencies while fostering growth across all segments. Positioned near the monorail station, the hub is well-placed to serve the professional and career development needs of the diverse workforce in the New Administrative Capital.

School of Continuing Education

The School of Continuing Education (SCE) connects AUC to the Egyptian community by providing exceptional quality education for about 20,000 student participants annually across the region. Egypt now lies on the brink of a great leap forward as part of its Vision 2030 national development plan, with expanding access to education as a cornerstone of this goal. Targeting individuals who may not be able to access AUC’s regular degree offerings, SCE’s expansion will facilitate mass outreach and offer access to a socioeconomically diverse population. 

SCE will become a lighthouse reaching satellite institutions across the region by providing accessible education as a key component of teacher development and pre-college student development where advanced academic instruction and practical application are combined. SCE’s long-term vision is to provide training and education to tens, if not hundreds, of  thousands of  teachers and pre-college students looking to improve their English-language, computer, and other professional and communication skills as they prepare to apply for university and higher learning opportunities. The New Cairo campus accommodates approximately half of SCE’s face-to-face enrollments. Within the next five years, the New Cairo seat count is projected to increase considerably. Allocating space for SCE on the New Cairo campus addresses a pressing need to provide continuing education to an expanding and socioeconomically diverse community committed to its own professional growth.

Business Executive Education

AUC’s School of Business Executive Education Institute offers some of the most comprehensive, diversified and globally recognized professional development and executive education programs that adopt a modern perspective of delivery and incorporate the latest management concepts and techniques. Among the top 1% of educational institutions worldwide to achieve triple-crown accreditation, the School of Business is an internationally recognized leader in quality business education. Building on its legacy of excellence, the School of Business is the only Financial Times-ranked, open-enrollment executive education program in the region. Providing well curated C-suite and professional programs, business executive education brings global best practice to a growing C-suite cadre of business leaders across Egypt and the region. 

GAPP Executive Education

The School of Global Affairs and Public Policy (GAPP) Executive Education program supports leadership capacity building in government agencies and public institutions. GAPP Executive Education offers customized programs tailored to the specific needs of clients and open-enrollment programs offered in collaboration with other institutions. It boasts a diverse portfolio of partnerships with academic and funding institutions. Participants range from civil servants, members of civil society, media professionals, think tanks and decision support centers, young diplomats, members of parliament, the National Council for Women, the judiciary, officials in government, youth and women. GAPP Executive Education maintains diversity and accessibility in its programs and works with persons with special needs to improve their access to the labor market and ensure inclusion. Its themes include transforming public service, media and communication, gender and youth, and diplomacy. 

Engineering and Science Services

Since 1983, Engineering and Science Services (ESS) has served the engineering and science-related industrial communities. Part of AUC’s School of Sciences and Engineering, ESS is one of the largest and the leading providers of training and consultation services for practitioners in the engineering and scientific fields across Egypt and the Middle East. Capitalizing on its diverse programs and services, ESS supports thousands of public and private sector organizations, including the banking sector, real estate, petroleum, construction and steel industries. ESS provides technical professional training and consultation services delivered through a team of highly qualified instructors from academia and industry, equipped with the latest educational tools, laboratories and computer facilities.

Committee Chair Members

Mahmoud Allam, Dean of the School of Continuing Education 

Sherif Kamel, Professor and Dean of the School of Business 

Noha Mikawi, Professor and Dean of the School of Global Affairs and Public Policy 

Lotfi Gaafar, Professor, Dean of the School of Science and Engineering 

Khaled Tarbieh, University Architect and Associate Professor 

Rachel Awad, Senior Director, Academic Affairs Projects

Quick Facts

  • 15, 568 m2 total area
  • Strategically located to serve New Cairo and the New Administrative Capital 

  • Walking distance from the monorail station

  • Equipped with innovative learning spaces

  • Networking and lounge spaces for professionals

  • Space tailored for the diverse needs of extended education learners 

  • Integrating programs across disciplines

  • Small group collaborations

  • Common areas and conference hall


Man standing and wearing a suit

Our aim is to ensure our outcome will benefit the campus for the next 50 to 100 years. This project's success will be a lasting achievement for AUC and indeed Cairo as a whole.

Scott Pryde
Principal and Design Director of DLR Group