Security Information
AUC's Location
AUC New Cairo lies in New Cairo, a district of almost 46,000 acres of land and with a projected population of 2.5 million people. New Cairo is a predominantly middle-to-high-income residential community. It encompasses schools, cultural facilities, commercial enterprises, government agencies, hotels, open spaces and parks, with the AUC New Cairo at its center. The streets of Cairo are among the safest of any large city. Like any big city, some neighborhoods in Cairo are safer than others, with an occasional pickpocket and purse snatching. In general, common safety behavior is advised.
Security at AUC
At AUC, there are safety and security offices, safeguarding all AUC facilities against fire and other safety hazards and applying jurisdiction over those incidents that occur on campus. Our security measures meet international standards and have been endorsed by Harvard University's director of international safety and security. Our campus is equipped with comprehensive state-of-the-art access control security equipment and CCTV camera systems inside and outside AUC's facilities.
AUC Emergency Numbers
Security Office: +20.2.2615. 4444
Medical Services – AUC New Cairo: +20.2.2615. 4000
Medical Services – AUC Tahrir Square: +20.2.2797. 5000
University Doctor: 0128.000.1039
Facilities and Operations (Service Center): +20.2.2615. 2222
Environmental Health and Safety: +20.2.2615. 4170/4180
ID Activation: +20.2.2615. 3724/3725
IT Help Desk: +20.2.2615. 1200
For AUC switchboard and in case of emergency, dial 19282 (19AUC)
***While on campus, just dial the last four digits.
Public Emergency Numbers
Ambulance service: 123
Civil defense and fire fighting: 125
Police: 122
Road emergencies: 012.2111.0000
The current civil defense: 180
Electricity Emergency: 121
Fire Brigade: 180
Tourism Police: 126
Water Emergency: 125
For police assistance by zone or area; check out the Police Patrol Cell Phones.
Security Alerts
If you have not registered with the AUC Emergency Communication system, do so through http://myinfo.aucegypt.edu/
ID Issuance
In order to issue an ID card, send the new ID holder's data including name, ID number, department, phone, as well as mobile numbers, address and AUC email to the Circulation Desk at [email protected].
Copy the ID Center in the original email ([email protected]) and instruct the new ID holders to visit the ID center, in order to obtain their IDs.
The ID Center is currently located in room P029 - Administration Building providing ID issuance, replacement and activation services.
For further inquiries, contact:
ID Center: Mai Mostafa, ID Center supervisor, e-mail [email protected], [email protected], ext: 3724, 3725.
For new fellows, departments must send a hard copy to both the circulation desk and the ID Center.
For newly hired staff members, the Office of Human Resources is responsible for sending a hard copy of the ID issuance memo to both the circulation desk and the ID Center.