Fiscal Year 2022 Awards
The Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) represents the University in its dealings with external sponsors such as international organizations, governments, foundations and corporations. It is also responsible for submitting all project proposals and administering awards. The office helps faculty members identify potential funding sources, develop proposals, negotiate the terms of grants and contracts, and ensure that The American University in Cairo (AUC) complies with the sponsors’ terms.
During the fiscal year 2022, the OSP managed to break records and excel through skillful and professional engagement, providing support and expertise to develop and submit competitive proposals and administer awards. The OSP submitted a record high of 193 proposals, representing more than a 17% increase compared to the past three years' average and more than an 11% increase in 2022 compared to 2021. More than 60% were centered around research. Additional success was manifested through the significant surge in the dollar value of submitted proposals which increased the percentage to more than 62% compared to the past three years' average. Such achievement is also anchored in the consistent growth of the number of announced funding opportunities. This year the increase resulted in an all-time high of 93 calls. Also, in the continuous pursuit of research to align with AUC's strategy, more than 75% of the announced opportunities were research associated.
This year's highlights were pinnacled with the highest-ever record in OSP's history of awards, where 95 awards were secured, achieving an increase of 22% compared to 2021 and an increase of 14% versus the past three years' average. Two new US Department of State-funded Tomorrow's Leaders (TL) programs were added to the federal awards front. Tomorrow’s Leaders Gender Scholars (TLS) program amounting to $1 million, will provide rigorous gender studies training and counseling. And the Tomorrow’s Leaders College-to-Work Pipeline Pilot (TLP) for $330,000 aims to bridge the skills gaps between theory and practice, enabling students to find employment opportunities. Furthermore, the USAID Scholars Activity representing the largest award submitted by OSP and awarded to AUC thus far was augmented through a surge of $15.5 million this year, increasing the total award from $37.8 million to $53.3 million. On the other hand, 46 new grants amounting to $5 million were secured from local and international foundations, among which 26 targeted research, with a dollar value of approximately $3.8 million.
For an extensive list of all awards received during the 2022 fiscal year; check out the 2022 awards list.