Writing Exam Rubric
Writing Exam Rubric 2018
Content/Ideas: 8 Points
Advanced/7-8: The writing is focused, well developed, fulfills word number and is enhanced by details.
Catchy and relevant title
The thesis is a clear and concise opinion statement
The thesis is strongly supported by well-chosen and integrated concrete details with commentary (the so what?)
Ideas are engaging or sophisticated. They reflect original thinking and/or thoughtful analysis
Acceptable/5-6: The writing may be focused, but it is only partially developed and may lack the necessary details.
- Relevant title
The thesis is present; however, it may be too broad or too specific, or it is merely implied rather than directly stated
The thesis is supported by concrete details with commentary, but it either may be too general or insufficient in number
Ideas are unoriginal and unimaginative
Unacceptable/1-4: The writing lacks focus, is incompletely developed and has few details.
The thesis is not a clear opinion statement or is not evident
Support for the thesis is minimal or non-evident; concrete details are lacking, unclear or unrelated to the topic sentence (and/or thesis)
There may be no commentary to explain the details and make connections to the thesis
Ideas are unoriginal, uninspired, ordinary or unimaginative
Vocabulary: 10 Points
Advanced/8-10: The language is rich, natural and idiomatic.
- Words are specific, precise and appropriate. Show evidence of sophisticated words and idiomatic expressions
Acceptable/5-7: The language is functional and the message is conveyed.
- Words are generally correct and appropriate, but may be ordinary or with occasional errors in words
- Use of “generic” vocabulary with a lack of abstract or specialized vocabulary and idiomatic expressions
Unacceptable/1-4: The language is awkward and unclear.
- Words are limited and the meaning is obscured
- The writer uses a limited vocabulary
Structure: (spelling, grammar, sentence structure): 10 Points
Advanced/8-10: The writer correctly utilizes a wide range of grammatical structures. Some minor errors in grammar or spelling may exist, but they do not detract from the overall quality of the essay.
- Use of complex and simple constructions *few non-pattern errors* shows appropriate use of Arabic constructions
Acceptable/5-7: The writer shows reasonable control over structures; however, a variety of errors or frequent errors in grammar and spelling detract from the quality and readability of the essay.
- Effective but simple constructions *frequent errors of agreement, tense, number, word order and articles but without distorting meaning* frequent spelling mistakes* occasional reliance on translation from English
Unacceptable/1-4: The writer demonstrates limited control of standard writing conventions. Errors are serious and excessive and interfere with the readability of the essay.
Major problems in agreement *heavy influence of English constructions
Organization, Sentence Fluency, and Connectivity: 8 Points
Advanced 7-8: The order and structure move the reader through the text easily.
- An interesting introduction draws the reader into the paper, and a satisfying conclusion leaves the reader with a sense of resolution
- Smooth, effective transitions exist among all elements (sentences, paragraphs and ideas)
- Organizational patterns are logical and sequential
- Paragraphing is natural and appropriate. The essay flows smoothly from one idea to the next
- The sentences are rhythmic and graceful
- Excellent command of a variety of connectives (including sophisticated connectives) to enhance arguments
Acceptable/4-6: Organization supports the central idea (thesis). However, the order and structure do not readily move the reader through the text.
- The introduction and conclusion are present
- Transitions are present but are inappropriate
- Paragraphing is not consistently natural and appropriate
- The sentence rhythm is attempted but inconsistent
- Fair to good use of connectors
Unacceptable/1-3: The lack of order and structure detract from the reader¹s understanding.
- The introduction and conclusion are not present
- Transitions are nonexistent
- Organizational patterns are haphazard and disjointed. Paragraphing is not utilized or is misapplied
- Ideas are loosely connected
- Lack of use of connectors