Core Curriculum Learning Outcomes
Mission Statement
The Core Curriculum of The American University in Cairo (AUC) ensures that all students, regardless of major, receive a strong grounding in the traditional liberal arts and sciences. It aims to develop students' basic academic and intellectual skills while enhancing their reading and writing skills, as well as their ability to reason and construct logical arguments. It strives to help students understand themselves, their culture, society and their place in the world. It introduces them to the ways in which the sciences and humanities seek to comprehend and shape the world around us. The Core Curriculum lies at the heart of AUC’s commitment to the liberal arts and is, first and foremost, an education in the fundamentals of learning itself.
AUC’s three-tiered core curriculum has common learning outcomes that increase in depth, scope and complexity as students progress from the freshman to the capstone level. All core courses include some or all of the following outcomes.