Intercultural Conversation Starters
Conversation Starters for Language Exchange Partners
- Bring your Grammar or integrated language book and practice from the exercises in it.
- Bring pictures/magazines/articles to discuss.
- Have a topic a week to focus on based on culture and/or current events. Possible topics:
- Foods, fasting practices across cultures, and for special holidays (Ramadan, Eid, etc.): family and the social significance of food
- My family, my identity
- Friendships and the importance of Facebook in my culture
- TV shows that I enjoy and that reflect and influence my culture
- Humor in my culture
- Popular films in the last year
- Songs of my generation
- A poem that is meaningful to me
- What’s new in the news?
- Sports activities on campus and off
- Books that “everyone” is reading/should read these days
- “In places” to hang out and chill out: on and off campus
- Cultural activities that are going on: theater, art, concerts, etc.
- Driving and traffic in Cairo and in other cultures
- Health issues: avian flu, swine flu, etc.
- Preserving the environment in and around AUC/in my culture
- The latest technology for communication: Twitter, blogs, etc.
Conversation Starters using New York Times articles, read here.
Other Topics for Conversation can be checked here.