Race to Zero

The American University in Cairo became a signatory to the Race to Zero Campaign
AUC Carbon Emissions’ Management and Mitigation Plan
The American University in Cairo is proud to announce its participation in the Race to Zero campaign, an UN-backed global initiative to achieve a zero-carbon world. By committing to this campaign, our institution will automatically be added to the UNFCCC Race to Zero campaign. This campaign replaces the Global Climate Letter for Universities and Colleges; all signatories have been contacted and consented to be part of the Race to Zero campaign.
As a signatory, AUC commits to achieving nearly net zero by 2050, joining 1,118 other educational institutions in the race for a healthier, fairer, and cleaner world. Net zero means balancing the amount of greenhouse gas emissions emitted into the atmosphere with the amount removed from the atmosphere. Therefore, achieving net zero requires both the reduction of emissions and the investment in carbon removal projects. For AUC, achieving nearly net zero means reducing the University’s absolute emissions across its whole operations and supply chain. AUC has pledged to reduce its emissions by 2035 and achieve nearly net-zero emissions by 2050.
This global campaign launched in 2019 and led by the High Level Climate Champions for Climate Action, Race To Zero mobilizes Companies, cities, regions, and financial and educational institutions around the globe to commit to taking immediate action to reduce emissions across all scopes—signatories of the campaign pledge to reach net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.
AUC is already taking important steps to quantify its environmental impact and identify areas for emissions reductions and increased efficiency. Produced biennially, AUC’s Carbon Footprint Report details the annual total of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) and other significant greenhouse gases (GHG) emitted into the atmosphere as a result of daily activities and campus operations. To achieve our net zero emissions target, AUC will focus on improving areas such as energy use, transportation, water consumption, solid waste disposal, and campus design, drawing on recommendations made in the 2023 Carbon Footprint Report. Moving forward, AUC is committed to furthering reductions, institutionalizing sustainability in both operations and curricula, optimizing the performance of our existing buildings, and planning for greener buildings with minimum environmental load and emissions.
AUC a sustainability leader in the MENA region, we hope the University’s commitment to the Race to Zero campaign encourages other institutions to join us in taking meaningful action toward reducing our carbon emissions in the face of climate change.