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Ahmed Moustafa

  • Position: Professor and Chair
  • Department: Nancy Hopkins Department of Biology
  • Email: [email protected]
Brief Biography

Ahmed Moustafa is a professor of bioinformatics at The American University in Cairo (AUC). He is currently serving as the chair of the department of biology. Moustafa is a co-founder and the director of the Bioinformatics and Integrative Genomics Laboratory (BIG Lab) at AUC. He is a former director of the biotechnology graduate program at AUC. Moustafa is also an adjunct scientist with J. Craig Venter Institute (JCVI) and a member of the scientific committee of the Egyptian Genome Project (EGP).
Moustafa was a postdoctoral fellow at J. Craig Venter Institute, USA. He obtained his undergraduate degree in Computer Science from Alexandria University, Egypt, and his PhD in Genetics from the University of Iowa, USA.
Moustafa’s research investigates the interaction between human genetics and the microbiome and the association with health and disease. He uses genome analytics and machine learning approaches to analyze multidimensional data generated by high-throughput experimental protocols to achieve these goals. Moustafa has published many highly cited research publications in peer-reviewed journals.

  • Ahmed Moustafa. Rana Saleh, Ramy Karam Aziz. Traces of SARS-CoV-2 RNA in Peripheral Blood Cells of Patients with COVID-19. OMICS: A Journal of Integrative Biology. July 2021.
  • Marcelo Freire, Ahmed Moustafa, Derek M Harkins, Manolito G Torralba, Yun Zhang, Pamela Leong, Richard Saffery, Michelle Bockmann, Claire Kuelbs, Toby Hughes, Jeffrey M Craig, Karen E Nelson. Longitudinal study of oral microbiome variation in twins. Scientific Reports. May 2020.
  • Ahmed Moustafa, Weizhong Li, Harinder Singh, Kelvin J. Moncera, Manolito G. Torralba, Yanbao Yu, Oriol Manuel, William Biggs, J. Craig Venter, Karen E. Nelson, Rembert Pieper, Amalio Telenti. Microbial metagenome of urinary tract infection. Scientific Reports. March 2018.
  • Ahmed Moustafa, Brigid S. Boland, Weizhong Li, Ericka L. Anderson, Emily H. M. Wong, Parambir S. Dulai, William J. Sandborn, William Biggs, J. Craig Venter, Karen E. Nelson, Amalio Telenti, John T. Chang. Genetic risk, dysbiosis, and treatment stratification using host genome and gut microbiome in inflammatory bowel disease. Clinical and Translational Gastroenterology. January 2018.
  • Ahmed Moustafa, Chao Xie, Ewen Kirkness, William Biggs, Emily Wong, Yaron Turpaz, Kenneth Bloom, Eric Delwart, Karen E. Nelson, J. Craig Venter, Amalio Telenti. The blood DNA virome in 8,000 humans. PLOS Pathogens. March 2017.
  • Amalio Telenti, Levi T Pierce, William H Biggs, Julia di Iulio, Emily H.M. Wong, Martin M Fabani, Ewen F Kirkness, Ahmed Moustafa, Naisha Shah, Chao Xie, Suzanne C Brewerton, Nadeem Bulsara, Chad Garner, Gary Metzker, Efren Sandoval, Brad A Perkins, Franz J Och, Yaron Turpaz, J. Craig Venter. Deep Sequencing of 10,000 Human Genomes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. October 2016.
  • BIOL 2090 - Quantitative Biology
  • BIOL 3130 - Molecular Evolution and Population Genetics
  • BIOL 3600 - Introduction to Bioinformatics
  • BIOT 5206 - Fundamentals of Bioinformatics
  • BIOT 6206 - Computational Genomics and Transcriptomics
  • BIOT 6207 - Systems and Computational Biology