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Amr Hassanein

Brief Biography

Amr Hassanein is a professor in the construction and architectural engineering department at The American University in Cairo. Hassanein joined AUC in 1991, and has developed and taught various courses in the area of construction management. His current focus is on the financial as well as legal and contractual issues of the construction industry.

Hassanein holds a BS in civil engineering from Cairo University and two MS degrees, one in civil engineering from Cairo University (1984), and the other in finance from the University of Illinois (1988). He earned a PhD in construction engineering and management from the University of Illinois in 1989.  Hassanien has also obtained the LLB degree from the University of London in 2016.  With his strong academic background, Hassanein has been able to combine the disciplines of engineering, finance and law at both the professional and educational background levels. He involves law, finance and finance applications in his courses as well as in his research work.

Hassanein is frequently invited as a referee to review papers in the field of construction management in international journals such as: Journal of Construction Procurement, Construction Management and Economics and International Journal of Managing Projects in Business

Research Interest
  • Construction management applications
  • finance applications, procurement
  • mortgage systems
  • small and medium enterprises 
  • resource balancing models for construction trades
  • and construction bidding
  • Shalaby A. and Hassanein A. "A Framework of a Re-equilibrium Model for Public Private Partnership Contracts", Canadian Society for Civil Engineering International Specialty Conference (CSCE), London, Canada, June 2016 
  • Shalaby A., Hassanein A. and Hannoura A. "Validation of a Re-Equilibrium Decision Support System for PPP Contract", International Structural Engineering and Construction Society (ISEC-09), Valencia, Spain, July 2017
  • "A Suggested Mortgage System Model for Egypt." (Journal of Real Estate Literature, 2009).
  • “Change Order Claims in the Egyptian Construction Industrial sector: Causes and Cost/Time Overruns.” (Journal of Cost Engineering, 2009).
  • Hassanein A. and Alhadidi, M. "Marketing Characteristics of Project Management as a Service in Egypt: Buyers’ Perspective", (Oxford Business & Economics Conference (OBEC), 2008).
  • “Financial and Operational Performance Assessment of Water/Wastewater Utilities: A Comparative Study.” (Journal of Infrastructure Systems, ASCE, 2008).
  • “Claims Management in the Egyptian Industrial Construction Sector: A Contractor's Perspective.” (Journal of Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 2008).
  • “Safety Performance in the Egyptian Construction Industry.” (Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE, 2008).
  • “Issues Facing Small Construction Firms: the Financing Barrier.” (Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship, 2008).
  • "The Egyptian Mortgage Practice.” (International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, 2008).
  • “Financial and Operational Performance Indicators Applied to Public and Private Water and Wastewater Utilities.” (Journal of Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 2007).
  • “Risk Management Practices of Contractors - A Case Study of Power Station Projects in Egypt.” (Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction, 2007).
  • “Contractors’ Perceptions of Construction Risks: A Case Study of Power Station Projects in Egypt.” (Journal of Cost Engineering, 2007).
  • “Safety Programs in Large-Size Construction Firms Operating in Egypt.” (Journal of Safety, Health and Environmental Research, 2007).

Hassanein has also written numerous articles published in major Egyptian newspapers, a sample of which are:

  • “Domestic debt increased during the last years of the former regime and the available liquidity in banks is enough to finance only half the budget deficit”, (Al Alam Al Youm Newspaper, 2012).
  • “Egyptian Economy is safe and the World Bank loans enhance its strength”, (Al Ahram Daily Newspaper, 2012).
  • “The political implications of the USA downgrade are greater than the economic ones”, (Al Mal Newspaper, 2011).
  • “The dollar throne will not shake”, (Al Alam Al Youm Newspaper, 2011).
  • “The strong performance of the banks prevent further downgrade of Egypt rating”, (Al Mal Newspaper, 2011).
  • “Confidence shaken in the US economy with its rating downgrade for the first time since 1941”, (Al Shorouk Newspaper, 2011).
  • “Resolving the cases of the corrupt and murderers of the rebels necessary to regain calm again”, (Al Alam Al Youm Newspaper, 2011).
  • “International loan is an opportunity to raise the performance of Specialized Banks”, (Al Mal, 2010).
  • "Benefiting from Britain's experience in low-income mortgage finance: realizing about $1.5 bn in revenues annually from sale of touristic units to foreigners," (Al Ahram Daily Newspaper, 2007).