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Angie Abdel Zaher
- Position: Associate Professor, Accounting
- Department: Youssef Nabih Department of Accounting
- Email: [email protected]
Angie Abdel Zaher has been an associate professor in the Youssef Nabih Department of Accounting at The American University in Cairo (AUC) since 2009. She earned her BA and PhD in accounting from Florida International University in 1997 and 2009, respectively and her MBA from AUC in June 2000. Before receiving her PhD, Abdel Zaher pursued a successful career in corporate accounting locally and globally in some of the top multinational companies. She had various functions ranging from auditing, general accounting, cost accounting, planning, and controlling supervisory roles in some of the world’s top multinational corporations. She started her career with KPMG as a staff auditor for the USAID division in Cairo, Egypt. Later, she joined 3M Corporation as their cost accountant in Dallas, Texas. She started out at DaimlerChrysler as a business development analyst and was later promoted to planning and reporting supervisor for the Chrysler, Jeep, and Dodge brands in Cairo, Egypt. She was the accounting manager for Vehicle Division at Toyota Tsusho Corporation in Miami, Florida, and the Parts and Accessory center for Fort Lauderdale in the United States. Abdel Zaher was the senior financial analyst for Johnson and Johnson's research and development section in Skillman, New Jersey. Her fifteen years of corporate professional expertise crosses different industries and geographic markets, giving Abdel Zaher a unique competitive edge that is leveraged in her teaching techniques and research. Her passion for the profession is what drives her teaching style, as she has implemented innovative teaching techniques like the DSRP framework and the drawing for understanding to enhance students' critical thinking skills in accounting. Zaher has been an active member of the American and European Accounting Association, where her research has been presented and discussed. Abdel Zaher's research can be found in the International Journal of Corporate Governance, International Journal of Business, Corporate Ownership and Control, Journal of Accounting and Finance, International Journal of Finance and The Journal of Economic Asymmetries.
- Auditing
- Corporate Governance
- Corporate Social Responsibilities
- Firm Performance
Articles Published in Refereed Journals
- Basuony, M. A. K., Zaher, A. A., Bouaddi, M., & Noureldin, N. (2023). Sustainability, corporate governance, and firm performance: Evidence from emerging markets [Special issue]. Corporate Ownership & Control, 20(3), 268–276.
- Abdel-Rahim, H. Y., Lorenz, M. P., & Zaher, A. A. (2022). How do cultural difference, cultural exposure, and CQ affect interpretations of trust from contract choices? Evidence from dyadic cross-country experiments. Accounting, Organizations and Society, 96, 101282. {ABDC =A*}.
- Hua-Wei, Huang S., Zhi-Yuan A. Feng, and Angie Abdel Zaher. Fair Value and Economic Consequences of Financial Restatements. Finance Research Letters, Volume 34 May 2020. {ABDC =A}.
- Farooq, Omar and Angie Abdel Zaher. Effect of ownership structure on tax avoidance: Evidence from Indian SMEs. Review of Pacific Basin Financial Markets and Policies, Volume 23 Number 2, June 2020. {ABDC =B}.
- Abdelzaher, Dina, Aleksey Martynov and Angie Abdel Zaher, Vulnerability to Climate Change: Are Innovative Countries in a Better Position?. Research in Vol. 51. January 2020. {ABDC =B}.hub
- Abdel Zaher, Angie, Dipasri Ghosh, and Dilip Ghosh., Trading Strategies in Currency Markets, International Journal of Business. Volume 20 (1) 2020. {ABDC = C}.
- Abdel Zaher, Angie, Dipasri Ghosh and Dilip K. Ghosh. Common Currency Unit for Gulf Cooperation Council: Is it Feasible?. Review of Economics & International Business and Finance. Vol. 15 No. 1, (February 2019), pp. 68-80. {ABDC =B}.
- Abdel Zaher, Angie, and Dina Abdelzaher, Women on Boards and Firm Performance in Egypt: Post the Arab Spring. Journal of Developing Areas. Vol. 53 No.1 (January 2019) pp. 211-229. {ABDC=B}.
- Abdelzaher, Dina M., Angie Abdel Zaher and Jean Harrison-Walker, Understanding the relationship between family member employees’ resilience capacity and family-firm sustainability: A look at organizational factors. Small Business Institute® Journal. Vol. 14, No. 2 (December 2018), pp. 16-40. {Cabell’s}.
- Abdel Zaher, Angie M., and Dina M. Abdelzaher. Towards a More Accurate Audit Assessments: Can Social Performance Provides Clues?. International journal of Corporate Governance. Volume (9), No. 4 (November 2018). pp.401 - 427. {ABDC=B}.
- Ghosh, Dilip K., Augustine C. Arize and Angie Abdel Zaher, Asymmetric model of neoclassical trade and optimum tax-subsidy-tariff policy. The Journal of Economic Asymmetries. {ABDC=B}. Volume 16 (November 2017) pp. 87-100.
- Abdel Zaher, Angie. Going-Concern Opinions, Executive Tenure and Gender. Journal of Corporate Ownership and Control. Volume 12 (April 2015) pp. 20-27. {ABDC=B}.
- Abdel Zaher, Angie, and Ralph Palliam, Incentives Compensation and Complex Outsourcing. International Journal of Finance. Volume 27 (2), 2015.
- Abdel Zaher, Angie. Executive Profiling and Firm resolutions Journal of Accounting and Finance. Volume 15(2), 2015. Cabell’s Publisher. www.na-businesspress.com.
- Abdel Zaher, Angie. Financial Executives and auditor’s Concern International Research Journal of Applied Finance, Volume V. (12), 2014. www.irjaf.com. (Indexed in ProQuest, EconLit, Sherpa / RoMEO (University of Nottingham).
- Abdel Zaher, Angie, and Dina Abdelzaher Institutional Ownership and Restructuring Charges Shielding Effect on Executive Cash Compensation Journal of Accounting and Finance, Volume 13 No. 2 (2013) pp 92-108. Cabell’s Publisher.
- Abdel Zaher, Angie. Institutional Ownership Influences and Executive Incentives. International Research Journal of Applied Finance, Vol II, No. 5 (May 2011) pp. 571-585. (Indexed in ProQuest, EconLit).
- Ghosh, Dipasri, Dilip K. Ghosh and Angie Abdel Zaher, Business, Ethics, and Profit: Are they Compatible under Corporate Governance in our Global Economy? Global Finance Journal, Volume 22, Issue 1, 2011, Pages 72-79. {ABDC =A}.
- Chang, Chun-Hao, Krishnan Dandapani, Dipasri Ghosh, and Angie Abdel Zaher, A Note: Possible Solution for the Foreclosure Crisis: 40-Year GPM International Journal of Business, Volume 16, No.1 (January 2011) pp. 103. {ABDC= C}.
Refereed Abstracts in Conference Proceedings
- 1st interdisciplinary Workshop on Sustainablitiy and ESG Dynamics. Castellanza, Italy. Oct 26-27, 2023. Climate Governance: The Pull vs. Push Approach to Building Adaptive Capaciyt. Co authored with Abdelzaher, Dina and Chambers, Silvana.
- COP27-Sharm el Shiekh, November 8-17, 2022. Climate Change Adaptability & Governance: Why we must get both right to move forward? Co authored with Abdelzaher, Dina and Chambers, Silvana.
- 40th EBES Conference – Istanbul, July 6-8, 2022. Auditor's Efficiency.
- Annual Event Of Finance Research Letters 2022 CEMLA Conference: New Advances In International Finance 21–22 April 2022, New Mexico, Mexico. Savvy CEOs' impact on auditor's efficiency.
- 38th EBES Conference - Warsaw Managerial Ability and Audit Report Lag January 12th, 13th, and 14th, 2022 .
- Angie Abdel Zaher. Managerial Abilitiy and Fraudlent Financial Reporting. Forensic Accounting Section. American Accounting Association (AAA) 2022 on March 4-5.
- Abdelzaher, Dina, Alex Martynov and Angie Abdel Zaher. Vulnerability to Climate Change: Are Innovative Countries in a Better Position?. The Academy of International Business (AIB) Proceeding 2019. San Antonio, Texas. Oct 17-19, 2019
- Abdel Rahim, Heba, Melanie Lorenz and Angie Abdel Zaher. Do Cross-Cultural Differences Affect Interpretations of Social Norms in Contract Choices? Evidence from a Dyadic Experiment Across Two Countries. AIB 2019 Copenhagen. The Academy of International Business (AIB) annual meetings. The sixteenth Annual Journal of International Business Studies (JIBS) Paper Development Workshop (PDW). Copenhagen, Denmark. June 24, 2019.
- Abdel Rahim, Heba, Melanie Lorenz and Angie Abdel Zaher. Effects of Cultural Differences on Cooperation in Labor Markets: Evidence from a Dyadic Real- Time Experiment Across Two Countries. American Accounting Association (AAA) 2019 Management Accounting Section Midyear Meeting on January 3-5, 2019 in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
- Abdel Rahim, Heba, Melanie Lorenz and Angie Abdel Zaher. Effects of Cultural Differences on Cooperation in Labor Markets: Evidence from a Dyadic Real-Time Experiment Across Two Countries. American Accounting Association (AAA) - Accounting Behavior and Organizations Section 2018. Phoenix, Arizona October 11-13, 2018.
- Abdel Rahim, Heba, Melanie Lorenz and Angie Abdel Zaher. Effects of Cultural Differences on Cooperation in Labor Markets: Evidence from a Dyadic Real-Time Experiment across Two Countries. American Accounting Association (AAA) 2018 Annual meeting at the Global Emerging Scholars Research Workshop in Washington, D.C. August 5, 2018.
- Abdel Zaher, Angie M. and Dina M. Abdelzaher. Seeking an Accurate Audit Assessment: Can Corporate Social Performance Provide Clues?. 2018 American Accounting Association (AAA) Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C. Research Interaction Forum. August 6-8.
- Abdel Zaher, Angie M. and Dina M. Abdelzaher. Auditor’s Risk? Have Auditor’s Failed To Consider The Corporate Social Performance? European Accounting Association (EAA) 2017. Valencia, Spain May 10-13th, 2017.
- Abdelzaher, Dina, Angie Abdelzaher, and Jean Walker. How Spirituality Impacts Consistent Employee Performance in Family Business during Turbulence? In Academy of Management (AOM) Proceedings (Vol. 2017, No. 1, p. 15575). Academy of Management.
- Abdel Zaher, Angie M. and Dina M. Abdelzaher. Does corporate social performance matters? American Accounting Association (AAA). 2017 Auditing Midyear Section Meeting. Orlando, Florida Jan 12-14th, 2017
- Abdel Zaher, Angie M. and Dina M. Abdelzaher. Women on Boards and Firm Performance in Egypt: The Market Does Not Discriminate. American Accounting Association (AAA). Auditing Midyear Section Meeting. Orlando, Florida Jan 12-14th, 2017
- Abdel Zaher, Angie M. and Dina M. Abdelzaher. Corporate Social Performance and Audit Pricing. 2016 American Accounting Association (AAA) Annual Meeting Global Emerging Scholars Research Workshop. New York, August 6-10, 2016.
- Abdel Zaher, Angie M. and Dina M. Abdelzaher. How Board Diversity Affects Firm Performance in Emerging Markets. CIK (Cyrus Institute of Knowledge). American University in Cairo Conference. 14-17 March 2016.
- Abdel Zaher, Angie M.Executive Profiling and Firm Resolutions 2014 American Accounting Association (AAA) Southeast Regional Meeting St. Petersburg FL on April 3–5, 2014.
- Abdel Zaher, Angie M.The Association between Audit Opinion and Executive Turnover. 2011 American Accounting Association (AAA) Southeast Regional Meeting Destin, Florida April 7-9.
- Institutional Ownership and Restructuring Charges Shielding Effect on Executive Cash Compensation. American Accounting Association (AAA). March 2011 Annual Meeting Program. Houston, Texas. March 6-9.
- The Effect of Restructuring Charges and Corporate Governance Mechanisms on CEO Pay for Performance Sensitivity. 2010 American Accounting Association (AAA) International Accounting Conference. Palm Springs, California. January 28- 30, 2010.
- The conference proceedings (2BMAC) are published in 3 volumes.
The Effect of Restructuring Charges and Corporate Governance Mechanisms on CEO Cash Compensation. 2nd Balkans and Middle East Countries Conference on Auditing and Accounting History Istanbul, Turkey. September 15-18, 2010.
Conference or Workshop Presentation
- COP27-Sharm el Shiekh, November 8-17, 2022. Climate Change Adaptability & Governance: Why we must get both right to move forward? Co authored with Abdelzaher, Dina and Chambers, Silvana.
- Annual Event Of Finance Research Letters 2022 CEMLA Conference: New Advances In International Finance 21–22 April 2022, New Mexico, Mexico. Savvy CEOs' impact on auditor's efficiency.
- Forensic Accounting Section. American Accounting Association (AAA) 2022 on March 4-5. Managerial Abilitiy and Fraudlent Financial Reporting.
- 38th EBES Conference - Warsaw Managerial Ability and Audit Report Lag January 12th, 13th, and 14th, 2022.
- Abdel Rahim, Heba, Melanie Lorenz and Angie Abdel Zaher. Do Cross-Cultural Differences Affect Interpretations of Social Norms in Contract Choices? Evidence from a Dyadic Experiment Across Two Countries. AIB 2019 Copenhagen. The Academy of International Business (AIB) annual meetings. The sixteenth Annual Journal of International Business Studies (JIBS) Paper Development Workshop (PDW). Copenhagen, Denmark. June 24, 2019.
- Abdel Rahim, Heba, Melanie Lorenz and Angie Abdel Zaher. Effects of Cultural Differences on Cooperation in Labor Markets: Evidence from a Dyadic Real- Time Experiment Across Two Countries. AAA 2019 Management Accounting Section Midyear Meeting on January 3-5, 2019 in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
- Abdel Zaher, Angie M. and Dina Abdel Zaher. Seeking an Accurate Audit Assessment: Can Corporate Social Performance Provide Clues?.
2018 AAA Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C. Research Interaction Forum. August 6-8. - Abdel Rahim, Heba, Melanie Lorenz and Angie Abdel Zaher. Effects of Cultural Differences on Cooperation in Labor Markets: Evidence from a Dyadic Real-Time Experiment Across Two Countries. American Accounting Association- Accounting Behavior and Organizations Section 2018. Phoenix, Arizona October 11-13, 2018.
- American Accounting Association . Abdel Rahim, Heba, Melanie Lorenz and Angie Abdel Zaher. Effects of Cultural Differences on Cooperation in Labor Markets: Evidence from a Dyadic Real-Time Experiment across Two Countries. 2018 (AAA) Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C. Research Workshop in Washington, D.C. August 5, 2018.
- Academy of Management. Abdelzaher, D., Abdelzaher, A., & Walker, J. (2017, January). How Spirituality Impacts Consistent Employee Performance in Family Business during Turbulence?. In Academy of Management Proceedings (Vol. 2017, No. 1, p. 15575). Academy of Management..
- Auditor’s Risk? Have Auditor’s Failed To Consider The Corporate Social Performance? European Accounting Association 2017. Valencia, Spain May 10- 13th, 2017.
- Amerucan Accounting Association 2016 Annual Meeting August 6-10, 2016. Corporate Social Performance and Audit Pricing.
- CIK AUC Conference, 14-17 March 2016.
- AUC Research Day, Poster Presentation. Women on Boards and Firm Performance in Egypt: The Market Does Not Discriminate. March 30th, 2016.
- Executive Profiling and Firm Resolutions. AAA 2014 SOUTHEAST REGION April 3-5, 2014.
- The Association between Audit Opinion and Executive Turnover. AAA 2011 SOUTHEAST REGION. April 7-9, 2011.
- Institutional Ownership and Restructuring Changes Shielding Effect on Executive Cash Compensation. AAA 2011 SOUTHWEST REGION. March 9-13, 2011.
- 2nd Balkans and Middle East Countries Conference on Auditing and Accounting History Istanbul, Turkey. September 15-18, 2010. The Effect of Restructuring Charges and Corporate Governance Mechanisms on CEO Cash Compensation.
- AAA 2010 Annual Meeting at San Francisco, California AAA international section. August 2-4, 2010.
- AAA 2010 International Accounting Section, Mid-Year Conference. January 28-30, 2010. Hilton Palm Springs | Palm Springs, California.
- AAA 2008 Auditing SectionMidyear Conference.January 17-19, Austin, Texas
- 2008 Florida International University, Chapman Graduate school of Business, Tuesday, January 15, 2008. Angie Abdel Zaher. Corporate Governance Characteristics Influence on CEO Cash Compensation”.
Conference or Workshop Participation
- Southern Finance Association Annual Meeting 2022 -SFA annual Meeting (SFA) Program Committee- assigned no more than eight submissions, ideally no more than six, to review and provide comments for the track chair and the VP- Program.
- European Accounting Association. May 10-13th, 2022.Bergen, Norway.
- CLT Faculty Workshop: Digital Literacies - Data, Algorithms, Surveillance. November 8, 2021.
- European Accounting Association Virtual Seminar-Nov 5, 2021.
- American Accounting Assocition. 2021 Management Accounting Section/Institute of Management Accountants Teaching Case Conference. November 5-6, 2021.
- CLT Faculty Workshop: Peer Observation. Mon, Nov 4, 2021 a. 12:45 PM – 2 PM (GMT+2).
- CLT Faculty Workshop: The Teaching Portfolio. Mon, Nov 1, 2021 a. 12:45 PM – 2 PM (GMT+2).
- PCAOB- Public Company oversight board -2021 Conference on Auditing and Capital Markets and Call for Paper- October 28-29, 2021-2021 Conference on Auditing and Capital Markets.
- EAA Education Committee Online Courses Courses Series, on How to Create Engaging Online Content using OBS Studio. October 12, 2021 at 12:00-13:00 CET.
- The Institute of Corporate Governance. Hawkamah Annual Conference 2021 ESG, Disruption and Investment. September 28th, 2021. 2:00 – 5:00 PM (Dubai Time) Platform Launch.
- CLT-Creating Learning and Teaching- What's Here to Stay? Promising Practices for Post Pandemic Teaching and Learning. Monday, September 27, 2021, 12:45 - 2:00 pm.
- European Accounting Association (EAA) Virtual Congress, “Gender in the Accounting Profession”, September 22, 2021 at 4.00pm CEST. https://arc.eaa- online.org/portfolio/gender-accounting-profession.
- China Accounting and Finance Review (CAFR) 2021 Virtual Annual Conference. Theme: Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) – Reporting and Investing. Sep2021-18Sep2021.
- Women as Engines of Economic Growth: Empowering women innovators, entrepreneurs, executives, and educators towards fulfilment of the SDGs in the MENA Region. American University in Cairo, Egypt | 16-18 September 2019
- Design Thinking for Educators bootcamp, Center for Learning and Teaching (CLT), January 2019.
- Case Teaching and Writing, Association of African Business Schools (AABS), AUC, Cairo, March 13-15, 2018.
- American Accounting Association. Annual meeting 2017, San Diego, California. August 5-9, 2017.
- Excellence in Audit Education Workshop. AAA Auditing Section Mid-Year Meeting. Thursday January 12, 2017. Orlando, FL.
- Train the trainer, The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA), AUC, Cairo, November 21, 2017.
- Teaching Enhancement Certificate 1, The Enhanced Lecture, Spring 2016
- Teaching Enhancement Certificate 1, The Art of Structuring Learning Outcomes, Spring 2016
- Teaching Enhancement Certificate 1, Technology to Support Good Practice to Undergraduate Education, Spring 2016.
- Teaching Enhancement Certificate 1, Basic of Course design. Spring 2016. 24.
- Peer Instruction and Concept Tests. CLT, AUC. Feb. 17, 2016.
- Nearpod Training. CLT, AUC. February 21st, 2016.
- Case Writing, El-Khazindar Business Research and Case Center (KCC), AUC, May 20, 2014.
- Simulation: The Sustainability (CSR) Challenge – How Companies can Create Shared Value? (AUC, Cairo – Egypt, 9th December November 2014) .
- Faculty/PhD Students/Practitioner Teaching Success Workshop, CTLA. AAA Southeast Region Meeting. April 7–9, 2011. San Destin, FL.
- The Bissada Management Simulations (BMS) training workshop (AUC 8-11, January 2012) .
- Using simulation in the classroom. AUC. May 17th -18th, 2011. Dr. Youssef Bissada and Dr. Hoda Bissada.
Service to the Discipline Reviewer
- Reviewer, Journal of Economic and Administrative Science.
“Evidence on the relation between audit committee financial expertise and internal audit function effectiveness." - Reviewer, Feminist Economics. “Female empowerment/participation in the workplace and firm performance: A study of privately-owned firms in Lebanon." August 18, 2020
- Reviewer, Finance Research Letters . “Financial Return on Equity (FROE): A New Extended DuPont Approach”. December 9th, 2019.
- Reviewer, Managerial Auditing Journal-Emerald Paper. “Audit Report Timeliness, Related Party Transactions and Auditor Industry Specialization: An Empirical Analysis”. April 26, 2019
- Reviewer, Asian Review of Accounting- Emerald paper “Moderating Effect of Board Competencies on Risk Reporting Practices”.
- Reviewer, Journal of Economic and Administrative Sciences. “A study of the effect of corporate governance features' and auditor tenure on audit report lags in
Iran”. Emerald. July 2018. - Reviewer, Applied Economics, Do bullet trains affect earnings management? Evidence from China APE-2017-0902. FEB 2018 .
- Reviewer, Journal of Developing Areas “Oil price dynamics and the Nigerian banks profitability”. November 2017 .
- Reviewer, Applied Economics. Do investors value corporate environmental performance in China? Evidence from the Beijing haze event AEL-2017-0252 July 2017.
- Reviewer, AAA Ohio regional Meeting 2017, Excess Insider Control and Corporate Social Responsibility: Evidence from Dual-class Firms.
- Reviewer, Applied Economics Journal, Executive and director cash compensation and tax aggressiveness of Chinese firms: 2017.
- Reviewer, Business Ethics: A European Review. A Systematic Review on Corporate Social Responsibility in the Middle East: Conceptual Gaps and Challenges.". February 2017.
- Reviewer, AIB 2017 conference, Dubai, UAE.Security Market Regulation: Antecedents for Capital Market Confidence in Frontier Markets: Reviewer, AIB 2017 conference, Dubai, UAE. Board Capital, Ethnic Diversity and Strategic Change in South African Firms.
- Reviewer, AAA Auditing Section 2016. Audit Firm Tenure, Intertemporal Comparability, and Corporate Bond Rating Properties.
- Reviewer, Applied Economics Journal. Credit Ratings and Corporate Disclosure Behaviour: Evidence from Regulation Fair Disclosure in Korea.
- Reviewer, Applied Economics Journal. Asymmetric relation between executive earnings management and compensation: A panel threshold regression approach.
- Reviewer, Administrative Sciences Association of Canada Annual Conference (ASAC) Conference. Deployment of Financial Reports by Small and Medium Enterprises in Rural Canada
- Reviewer, AAA 2014 SOUTHEAST REGION. Maximizing Mentoring in Public Accounting: Gender Differences and Structural Impacts on Job Outcomes.
- Reviewer, AAA 2014 SOUTHEAST REGION Abnormal" Abnormal Returns Following Repurchase Announcements: An Interesting Observation of the First-Month Effect.
- Reviewer, AAA 2014 SOUTHEAST REGION. A Cross-Cultural Comparative Study of Internal Auditor Skills: U.K. vs. Korea.
- Reviewer, Journal of Applied Economics. The effect of conservatism on cost of capital: MENA evidence.
- Reviewer, AAA 2011 SOUTHEAST REGION. Audit Technique Guide Addresses Capitalization vs. Repair". The Impact of Audit Committee Characteristics on Accounting Conservatism: The Case of Jordanian Industrial Companies.
- Reviewer, “Re-tradable Assets, Speculation, and Economic Instability”. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance, September 24, 2021.{A: ABDC}
- Reviewer, “Analysis Of Tax Structure Performance And Its Ratio In Indonesia”, Asian Journal of Economics, Business and Accounting” 02 Sep’2021
- Reviewer, “Goods and Service Tax and Indian Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises: A Multiple Linear Regression and Logistic Regression approach". The Singapore Economic Review. Feb. 16, 2021.
- Reviewer, AIB 2021. International Finance, Accounting and Corporate Governance". January 2021.
- Reviewer, Journal of Economic and Administrative. Evidence on the relation between audit committee financial expertise and internal audit function effectiveness. Oct. 2021.
- Reviewer, South Asian Journal of Business Studies . “Tax Avoidance As Earning Game Player In Emerging Economies: Evidence From Pakistan.” . Feb 20, 2021.
- Reviewer, AAA 2011 SOUTHEAST REGION. Earnings Management and Pro Forma Reporting: Do Managers Twist More Than One Dial?".
- Reviewer, AAA 2010 Mid-Year Conference and 6th Annual Doctoral/New Faculty Consortium of the International Accounting Section of the American Accounting Association in collaboration with the International Association for Accounting Education and Research. Classification Shifting In An International Setting: Legal Systems And Auditors’ Influence.
- Reviewer, AAA 2010 Mid-Year Conference and 6th Annual Doctoral/New Faculty Consortium of the International Accounting Section of the American Accounting Association in collaboration with the International Association for Accounting Education and Research. Corporate Boards, Ownership Structure And Firm Performance In An Environment Of Severe Political And Economic Uncertainty.
- Reviewer, AAA 2010 American Accounting Association Annual Meeting, auditing section. CFO's short and long–term incentives and behaviour of earnings management,
- Reviewer, AAA 2010 American Accounting Association Annual Meeting and Conference on Teaching and Learning in Accounting. The Association Between Audit Fees and Managerial Shareholding: Evidence from Hong Kong.
- Reviewer, AAA 2010 American Accounting Association Annual Meeting and Conference on Gender Issues and Worklife Balance Section.
- Reviewer, 2010 American Accounting Association Annual Meeting and Conference on Gender Issues and Worklife Balance Section. Gender Diversity on US Corporate Boards and Cost of Capital.
Papers Discussed for Conferences:
- Discussant for the Annual Event Of Finance Research Letters 2022 CEMLA Conference: New Advances In International Finance 21–22 April 2022, New Mexico, Mexico. Does a firm’s engagement in ESG mirror CEO appetite for risk? A focus on CEOs’ career horizon across different performance framing
- Discussant for the SouthEast Region Meeting of AAA 2014. April 3-5. Session 4.04: Auditing II. Audit Quality and Specialist Tenure. Jennifer J. Gaver, The University of Georgia. Steve Utke, The University of Georgia. http://aaahq.org/southeast/2014/program.cfm.
- Discussant for the SouthEast Region Meeting of AAA 2014. April 3-5. Session 4.04: Auditing II. The PCAOB Audit Reporting Model: Evolution Toward Expanding Auditor Responsibilities for SME. Maria L. Bullen, Dominican University of California. Greg Kordecki, Clayton State University. http://aaahq.org/southeast/2014/program.cfm.
- Discussant for the SouthEast Region Meeting of AAA 2014. April 3-5. Session 4.04: Auditing II. Principles-Based Accounting Standards and Auditor Expertise. Hua-Wei Huang, National Cheng Kung University. Yi-Hung Lin, National Cheng Kung University. http://aaahq.org/southeast/2014/program.cfm.
- Discussant for the SouthEast Region Meeting of AAA 2014. April 3-5. Session 4.04: Auditing II. Eliminating the Form 20-F Reconciliation and Audit Pricing. Yi-Hung Lin, National Cheng Kung University. Hua-Wei Huang, National Cheng Kung University. http://aaahq.org/southeast/2014/program.cfm.
- Discussant for the SouthEast Region Meeting of AAA 2014. April 3-5. Session 8.05: Accounting Behaviour and Organizations II. Audit Firm Concentration in Latin America. Maria T. Caban-Garcia, University of South Florida St. Petersburg. Rogelio J. Cardona, University of Puerto Rico-Rio Piedras Campus. Karen C. Castro-Gonzalez, University of Puerto Rico. http://aaahq.org/southeast/2014/program.cfm.
- Discussant for the SouthEast Region Meeting of AAA 2014. Session 8.05: Accounting Behaviour and Organizations II. The Effects of Interruption on Audit Efficiency and Effectiveness. James H. Long, Auburn University. Guy Matthew McClain, Auburn University. DeWayne L. Searcy, Auburn University. http://aaahq.org/southeast/2014/program.cfm.
- Discussant for the SouthEast Region Meeting of AAA 2014. Session 8.05: Accounting Behaviour and Organizations II. Market Orientation Effects on Organizational Performance: Views from Accounting Chairpersons and Deans of Public and Private Business Schools. Robert L. Webster, Ouachita Baptist University. Kevin L. Hammond, The University of Tennessee at Martin. http://aaahq.org/southeast/2014/program.cfm.
- Discussant for the SouthEast Region Meeting of AAA 2014. Session 8.05: Accounting Behaviour and Organizations II. Investigating Cultural Similarities versus Sector Specific Contextual Differences in Singaporean Strategic Investment Decision Making. Christine Soh, University of Edinburgh Business School. Chris Carr, No Affiliation.http://aaahq.org/southeast/2014/program.cfm.
- Discussant for the SouthEast Region Meeting of AAA 2014. First-Month Repurchase Announcements. Lingxiang Li, SUNY College at Old Westbury. http://aaahq.org/southeast/2014/program.cfm.
- Discussant for the Auditing Accounting Section of the AAA 2010 Annual Meeting at San Francisco, California. PaperTitle Strategic fee discounting of the Big 4 audit firms in Private client segments on Monday August 2, 2010 — 4:00 pm-5:30 pm. http://aaahq.org/AM2010/concurrent03.cfm
- Discussant for the Public Interest Section of the AAA 2010 Annual Meeting at San Francisco, California Paper Title Internal Control Material Weakness, Analysts’ Accuracy and Bias, and Brokerage Reputation on Tuesday August 3, 2010 — 2:00 pm-3:30 pm. http://aaahq.org/AM2010/concurrent05.cfm
- Discussant for the Financial Reporting Section of the AAA 2010 Annual Meeting at San Francisco, California Paper Title: Audit Committees and Earnings Expectations Management Tuesday August 3, 2010 — 4:00 pm-5:30 pm. http://aaahq.org/AM2010/concurrent06.cfm
Conference Sections Chaired
- Moderator for The 2022 Forensic Accounting Research Conference of the American Accounting Association 2022, Virtual, Sat, March 5 2:00pm to 3:00pm 6.01 Digital Forensic and Fraud Detection
- Moderator for the European Accounting Association 2017, Valencia, Spain May 10-13th, 2017.http://2017.eaacongress.org/userfiles/EAA%20Programme%202017.pdf
- Moderator for the 2017 Mid Year Auditing Meeting, Orlando, Florida. http://aaahq.org/Meetings/2017/Auditing-Section-Midyear-Meeting/Program
- Moderator for Second Responsible Management Education Research Cultivates Global Discussion on Inclusive Business. 7-8 September 2015.
- Moderator for Second Responsible Management Education Research Cultivates Global Discussion on Inclusive Business. 7-8 September 2015.
- Moderator For the Session 4.04: Auditing session at The Southeast Region Meeting, held in St. Petersburg FL on April 3–5, 2014.
- Moderator For the Session 8.05: Accounting Behavior and Organizations II at The Southeast Region Meeting, held in St. Petersburg FL on April 3–5, 2014.
- Moderator For the Auditing Accounting Section of the AAA 2010 Annual Meeting at San Francisco, California Session Title: Audit Committee: Composition, Quality and Performance Tuesday August 3, 2010 — 4:00 pm-5:30 pm. http://aaahq.org/AM2010/concurrent06.cfm
- Moderator For the Auditing Accounting Section of the AAA 2010 Annual Meeting at San Francisco, California Session Title: Private Clients on Monday August 2, 2010 — 4:00 pm-5:30 pm. http://aaahq.org/AM2010/concurrent03.cfm
- Moderator For the International Accounting Section of the AAA 2010 Annual Meeting at San Francisco, California. Session Title: IFRS Adoption: The influence of country level factors at Tuesday August 3, 2010 — 10:15 am-11:45 am. http://aaahq.org/AM2010/concurrent04.cfm.
- Moderator For the International Accounting Section of the AAA 2010 Annual Meeting at San Francisco, California. Session Title: Stock Options: The influence of country level factors at Monday August 2, 2010 — 2:00pm-3:30pm. http://aaahq.org/AM2010/concurrent02.cfm
Service to the Academic Institution/ University
- Participated on research video for AUC Earth Week, highlighting faculty work in the field of climate change and sustainability. The shoot took place on New Cairo campus Thursday, April 15th, 2022.
- AUC International Program Univeristy- Spring 2023 exchange and study abroad Accounting Faculty Advisor (Spring 2022-Present).
- Graduation Ceremony, Feb 2015, Feb 2016, Fall 2019, FALL 2021
- Member of the E-reportoire Task Review – Fall 2021
- Member of the Provost Search Committee March 2017 to June 2017.
- Chair of the University budget Committee Fall 2016 to theAugust 2017. https://documents.aucegypt.edu/Docs/about_Senate_members/Senate%20committees%20 2016-2017%20may%2026.pdf
- Member of the University Executive Committee 2016-2017.
- Member of the faculty senate and member of the University Budget Committee since Fall 2015-August 2017.
- Served on FYE (Freshman year orienation for 2 semesters Fall 2011 & Fall 2012, Fall 2013, Spring 2014, Fall14, Spring 2015). http://in.aucegypt.edu/student-life/first-year- experience/faculty-and-facilitators
- Organized a Panel presentation for Florida International University students exchange program attended by 15 FIU undergraduate students on Dec.13th 2010.
- Co-organizer of the panel discussion “Tax Reforms and the Accounting Profession in Egypt” – 2010 AUC seventeenth Annual research conference (April 2010).
Service to the Department & the School
- Faculty advisor for Spring 2023 exchange and study abroad application-Spring 2022 (May2022).- Present
- Course Coordinator for ACCT 2002-Managerial Accounting (March 2022- Present).
- Member of the DRC (Department Research Committee) starting the academic year 2016/2017 till to date (except for fall 18 was on unpaid leave).
- Member of the IMA (institute of Management committee) for scholarship selection committee March 2019-Present Tutorial Presentation of Connect _Managerial Accounting to the Department October 12, 2021 till to date.
- Chair of Faculty Third Year Review-April 2022-June 2022 (Management Department)- Dr. Wael.
Chair of Faculty annual Review-April 2022- June 2022. (Management Department)- the Chair of the first year review committee:
- Dr. Rim Cherif
- Dr. Nourhan Eid
- Dr. Tarek El Domiaty- Committee Member for Third Year Review , March 2021-Dr. Bayoumi
- Committee Member for First Year Report, January 2021_Dr. M El Helaly.
- Co-Chair IMA (institute of Management)-Department representative since March 2019 to March 2020.
- Hiring Committee -For Fixed term contract FY 2021 to the Accounting Department
- Hiring Committee -For Fixed term contract FY 2020 to the Accounting Department
- Member of the department Managerial Accounting Committee. Fall 2019-Feb 2022.
- Co-member of the AUC review committee representing the Accounting department- in conjunction with Dr. El Bayoumi in drafting the department academic for the External Reviewers for Department Assessment done by Dr. Zeinab Amin December2019-Jan 2020.
- Equis Lead chair for the committee on the research section of the annual report -March- April 2019.
- Member of the Research & Grant committee (DRC) in the Accounting Department. 2009- present.
- Co-Chair of the Business School Research and Grant Committee from fall 2012 to Spring 2013.
- Co-Chair for the Accounting Association since 2017 till the present
- Midyear School of Business Commencement ceremony for graduate and undergraduate students Tuesday, 29 January 2019.
- Member of School business task force for evaluating conferences within the accounting discipline for promotion and reward purposes. 2017
- Member of the Council of the School of Business (CSB) (Fall 2013 to Spring 2015).
- Member of the Assurance of learning committee and AACSB accreditation task force 2010 to the 2017.
- Departmental Convocation Representative for the class of 2018, 2019, 2020 that took place in Fall14 and Spring 15, Fall 16.
- Member on the Departmental committee in developing and drafting the Departmental Strategic Plan. April 2014.
- Member of core AUC – School of Business team for the Association for MBAs (AMBA) accreditation visit and a primary reviewer of the self-assessment report (April 2014).
- Member of PRIME working Group since Fall 2013.
- Member of the Research and Grant committee of the School of Business council 2010- 2011, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017
- Coordinator of the introductory Managerial Accounting course at the AUC (2009-2013). Responsibilities include assuring a certain degree of consistency across multiple concurrent sections in terms of content and exams.
- Member of El-Khazindar Business Research and Case Center (KCC) Editorial Board since June 2010.
Ad-hoc reviewer: (peer reviewed Journals/ Conferences)
- Managerial Auditing Journal
- Journal of Economic and Administrative Sciences
- Journal of Developing Areas
- European Accounting Association.
- Business Ethics: A European Review
- American Accounting Association
- Asian Review of Accounting
- Applied Economics
- Applied Economics Journal
- African Journal of Business and Economic Research (AJBER)
University Grants Accepted: 2022
- European Accounting Association Annual Congress Meeting-EAA 2022 Conference Grant.
- Climate Change Initiative Research Grant " From Electronic Waste Recycling to Renewable and Alternative Energies" . May 2022.
- Climate Change Initiative Research Grant "The effect of Climate Change on the Performance of Firms: What are the Implications on Mena Region Policies?"
- ACCT 2001 - Introduction to Financial Accounting
- ACCT 2002 - Introduction to Managerial Accounting
- ACCT 3001 - Intermediate Accounting I
- ACCT 3004 - Cost Accounting
- ACCT 3005 - Auditing
- ACCT 4003 - Contemporary Issues in Accounting