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Dina F. Rateb

  • Position: Associate Professor, Management Information Systems
  • Department: Heikal Department of Management
  • Email: [email protected]
Brief Biography

Dina F. Rateb is currently an associate professor for management information systems in the Department of Management at Onsi Sawiris School of Business. She is also the director of the Business Computer Center (BCC), where she has initiated a number of academic-related technologies on campus such as video conferencing. Previously, she was an Instructor for management information systems at the University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. She received her PhD from the Katz Graduate School of Business, University of Pittsburgh back in 1992.

In the academic year 09/10, she initiated and jointly presented a new major in Management of Information and Communication Technology (MICT) between the School of Business (Department of Management) and the School of Sciences and Engineering. She is still the director of the MICT until now.

Apart from updating and redesigning all the MOIS courses on a continuous basis, she initiated and introduced the following courses that she co-designed with faculty from other disciplines:

MOIS433Marketing Information Systems (new)
MOIS444Accounting and Financial Information Systems
MOIS444Accounting Information Systems
MOIS466Human Computer Interaction
MOIS499Internship and Graduation Project

Rateb's research interests focus on database management, decision support systems, enterprise resource planning (ERP), experts systems, ecosystems, account information systems, financial information systems, marketing information systems, systems analysis and design, and end-user development and human computer interaction. She was the PI of a grant about Egyptology and IT jointly with the Egyptology department (title: Back to a Future in Egypt Using Immersive Virtual Reality).

Rateb managed to negotiate with IBM free courses for our students and jointly filtered 60+ out of 200+ applicants to take two different IBM modules that totaled around $150,000 for free (around $2,000 to $3,000 per head). She is now a certified IBM big data specialist as well as a predictive analyst specialist with SPSS Modeler V16 after taking those courses and passing the exams for the certificate.

Rateb is currently the advisor for Volunteers in Action (VIA); she was the first advisor and initiator of Hand in Hand and was the acting advisor for Anti-Cancer Team (ACT) as well as AYDC. Through her work with the students in VIA, she managed to instigate family planning for the first time at AUC back in the year 2001 and promote recycling on campus. Furthermore, Rateb established an Egyptian chapter for the Association for Information Systems (AIS) and participated with her team of students in international competitions. Her guidance and support to her students throughout the entire process of each round was a cornerstone for them to win several prizes. She is heavily involved in student activities and on promoting philanthropic and civic engagement on campus as well as service learning.

  • PhD: 1992, Katz Graduate School of Business, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. Major: Management Information Systems Minor: Telecommunications, "The Fit Between Project Characteristics and Application Development Methodologies, A Contingency Approach.
  • MA: 1984 The American University in Cairo, Cairo, EGYPT. Major: Management Information Systems Minor: Operations Research
  • BA: 1979, Cairo University, Cairo, EGYPT. Major: Accounting