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Essam Mohamed

  • Position: Assistant Professor
  • Department: Institute of Global Health and Human Ecology
  • Email: [email protected]
Brief Biography

Essam Mohamed is an assistant professor at the Institute of Global Health and Human Ecology (IGHHE) - The Center for Applied Research on the Environment and Sustainability (CARES) at The American University in Cairo.

Mohamed has obtained his MSc and PhD from the Laboratory of Agricultural Engineering, Department of Natural Resources Management and Agricultural Engineering – Agricultural University of Athens – Greece (AUA), in cooperation with the laboratory of solar and other energy systems, Institute of Nuclear Technology – Radiation Protection, National Center of Scientific Research - NCSR “Demokritos” where he examined, with extensive experiments and dynamic models the interaction between renewable energy, energy recovery, water economics in reverse osmosis desalination units for possible application in rural isolated areas.

Since 2002, Mohamed has been active in several R&D projects financed by national and European Union funds. These projects were mainly related to the development of rural areas with regards to bioenergy, fresh water production, water pumping, utilization of renewable energy sources, sea and brackish water desalination, as well as energy efficiency. Mohamed has an extensive experience as project manager in several private companies, universities and research institutions. He has been working as a research and teaching fellow in several European and Egyptian universities. Mohamed is a short-term energy and water expert and consultant at the German GIZ and Cypriot HCL LTD, consultancy companies where he is helping the government of the Kingdom of Lesotho and the Cypriot Ministry of Agriculture in rural development and energy efficiency in Agriculture.

Mohamed has published more than 50 publications in books, book chapters, peer-reviewed journals, national and international conferences.

Research Interest
  • Hybrid renewable energy systems
  • Smart sea and brackish water desalination systems
  • Integrated food-energy-water systems
  • Water and energy economics
  • Rural electrification
  • Energy efficiency and sustainability
  1. Essam Sh. Mohamed, P. Boutikos, E. Mathioulakis, V. Belessiotis. Experimental evaluation of the performance and energy efficiency of a Vacuum Multi-Effect Membrane Distillation system. Desalination, Volume 408 (2017) Pages 70-80.
  2. P. Kofinasa, A.I. Dounis, Essam Sh. Mohamed, G. Papadakis. Adaptive neuro-fuzzy model for a renewable energy-powered desalination plant. Desalination and Water Treatment. Accepted for publishing October 2016.
  3. Dimitris Georgiou, Essam Sh. Mohammed, Stelios Rozakis. Multi-criteria decision making on the energy supply configuration of autonomous desalination units. Renewable Energy, Volume 75, 2015, Pages 459 - 467.
  4. E. Dimitriou, Essam Sh. Mohamed, G. Kyriakarakos and G. Papadakis (2014). Experimental investigation of the performance of a reverse osmosis desalination unit under full- and part-load operation. Desalination and Water Treatment, DOI: 10.1080/19443994.2014.933623.
  5. Evangelos Dimitriou, Essam Sh. Mohamed, Christos Karavas, George Papadakis (2014). Experimental comparison of the performance of two reverse osmosis desalination units equipped with different energy recovery devices. Desalination and Water Treatment. DOI: 10.1080/19443994.2014.957935.
  • 2012: Post-doctoral studies, Institute of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation – State Research Institute (IUNG) - Poland
  • 2009: PhD, Agricultural University of Athens - National Center of Scientific Research - NCSR “Demokritos” – Greece
  • 2002: MSc, Agricultural University of Athens - Greece
  • 1993: BSc, Cairo University - Egypt