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Fayza Haikal

  • Position: Professor of Emerita
  • Department: Department of Sociology, Egyptology and Anthropology
  • Email: [email protected]
Brief Biography

Fayza Haikal is a Professor of Egyptology at The American University in Cairo (AUC). She received her BA in Egyptology from Cairo University and her DPhil in Egyptology from Oxford University in England.  

In 2006-2007, Haikal was the Blaise Pascal Chair of Research, offered by The “Fondation de l’Ecole Normale Supérieure” and hosted by the Sorbonne, for researching and lecturing. She has been a visiting Professor at a number of universities, most recently at Charles University in Prague (May-June 2000), and La Sapienza, Roma (November 1994) as well as Paris IV-La Sorbonne (February-September 1994). She has lectured intensively in America (North and South), Europe, in the far East and also in Africa.

In addition to research, teaching and supervision of graduate research at all levels at both national and international universities, Haikal has often been part of a Jury abroad for the evaluation of academic research or academic projects.

In addition to her research and publications in Egyptology Haikal is particularly interested in Ethno-Egyptology and on the impact of Ancient Egypt on today’ s international culture. She published many articles on this subject both in French and in English.

Language Proficiency

Arabic, French, English: Excellent; Italian: Very Good; German, Spanish: Understanding and Reading

  • “An Unusual ostracon from the Gayer Anderson Museum” in Festschrift J-C. Goyon (Université de Lyon/France) IFAO. Cairo 2008
  • “’Les Egyptes’, transmission d’une culture a travers les ages“, in   Florence Quentin (edt)Le Livre des Egyptes, Robert Laffond 2014, pp.891-914  
  • De la natte au Tapis Rouge. Symbolisme de la natte hier et aujourd’hui”, in Du Sinai au Soudan: itineraire d’une egyptologue. Melanges offerts au Professeur Dominique Valbelle. De Broccard. 2017
  • “ Fayza Haikal, a witness to change: From the Pre-digital Age to modern Times” in  S. Spencer (edt), Daughters of the Nile: Egyptian Women Changing their world .Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 2016
  • Reflections on Turning Points . Kadmos, Berlin 2014
  • 2006-2010: Member of both the Administrative Board and the Scientific Board of the French Archeological Institute in Cairo.
  • 2002-to date: Member of several committees and Institutes at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina
  • 2004-2006: Chair of the SAPE (department of Sociology, Anthropology, Psychology and Egyptology)at the A.U.C.
  • 1977-2010: Member of several committees of the Supreme Council of Antiquities.
  • 1992-1996: Director of the North-Sinai Archeological Salvage Project.
  • To date : solicited for many national and international TV and Radio programs.
  • President or Honorary president or vice-president of many international congresses (The International Association of Egyptologists among others).
  • Former President or Honorary member of a number of foreign Institutions
  • Was presented with a book of Homage: (Hommage Fayza Haikal, IFAO, 2003
  • Egyptian TV program (channel 3) on my career and achievement as a pioneer Egyptian woman Egyptologist.
  • Woman of the year nomination in 2015 and honored by The Egypt Exploration Society(England) and the Ministry of Antiquities(Egypt).
  • Member of the “Institut d’Egypte”.