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Gerda Heck
- Position: Assistant Professor
- Department: Department of Sociology, Egyptology and Anthropology
- Email: [email protected]
Gerda Heck has a shared position as assistant professor in the Department of Sociology, Egyptology and Anthropology and the Center for Migration and Refugee Studies (CMRS) at The American University in Cairo. Prior to this, she held positions at the University of Cologne, the European Viadrina University Frankfurt/Oder, the Georg August University Göttingen, and at the Weissensee School of Arts in Berlin (Germany). Her academic work and research focus on migration and border regimes, urban studies, transnational migration, migrant networks and self-organizing, religion and new concepts of citizenship. She has conducted research in Germany, Brazil, China, Democratic Republic of Congo, France, Morocco, Turkey and the USA. Apart from her own research projects, she has participated in various international research projects. From 2010 to 2013, she was a postdoctoral fellow in the international and interdisciplinary research project, Global Prayers – Redemption and Liberation in the City. In 2016, she conducted research in Turkey within the scope of the international research project, Transit Migration 2: A Research Project on the De- and Re-Stabilizations of the European Border Regime. She is a member of kritnet: Network for Critical Migration- and Border-Regime Research.
Research and teaching interests
- Migration and Border Regimes,
- Urban Studies,
- Migrant Networks and (Political) Organizing,
- Religious Practices and Migration
- New Concepts of Citizenship
- Ethnography and Qualitative Empirical Research