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Hani Henry

  • Position: Professor and Chair of Psychology
  • Department: Department of Psychology
  • Email: [email protected]
Brief Biography

Henry earned his PhD in clinical psychology from Miami University of Ohio in 2006. Since then, he has been deeply engaged in teaching, research, and psychotherapy. He is a member of the American Psychological Association (APA) and APA Division 45 (The Society for the Psychological Study of Ethnic Minority Issues).

In academia, Henry has taught a broad range of undergraduate and graduate courses at The American University in Cairo (AUC). He has also designed several new courses, including Fundamentals of CounselingPsychopathology and Resilience Across CulturesAdvanced Human Development, and The Psychology of Dreams.

Henry’s research focuses on the role of culture—broadly defined—and its impact on psychological processes, particularly among marginalized and underprivileged populations. His studies have explored cultural issues affecting immigrants, refugees, Egyptian women, gay men, transgender women, as well as the cultural influences on therapy and parenting. His work has been published in respected peer-reviewed top-tier journals, such as Journal of Clinical PsychologyDeath StudiesTranscultural PsychiatryJournal of Gay and Lesbian Mental Health, Sexuality and Culture, Religion and Health, Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, and Psychological Studies. He has also presented his research at international conferences, including those organized by the Society for Cross-Cultural Research, the International Conference for the Teaching of Psychology, the Society for Psychotherapy Research, Humanistic Psychology Division of the American Psychological Association, and the Society for Culture and Psychiatry.

In the clinical realm, Henry is an active practitioner and clinical supervisor. His clinical training includes experience at two U.S. university counseling centers, a psychology clinic, and a school-based mental health program. He has also supervised psychosocial workers assisting African and Middle Eastern refugees. 

Henry has contributed to the field through leadership roles, including serving as Head of the Psychology Unit and spearheading the development of the counseling and community psychology graduate program at AUC. He also chaired the Department of Sociology, Anthropology, Psychology, and Egyptology (SAPE) at AUC from January 2016 to July 2017. In addition, he served as the associate dean of the School of Humanities and Social Sciences between 2019 and 2023. He currently serves as the chair of the Department of Psychology. 

A well-known public figure, Henry has appeared on Egyptian TV channels such as ONTV, Dream TV, MBC, and Nile TV, among others. His expertise has been featured in numerous news outlets, including Ahram OnlineAl-WatanDaily News EgyptCampus MagazineNational Public Radio (USA), and Spiegel (Austria).



  • Henry H. M. (2024). Integrating Schema Therapy with Kleinman's Cultural Explanatory Model: A Case Study.  Psychol Stud 69, 105–11

  • Henry, H. M (2023). Coming out as a gay man in Egypt. A cultural perspectivePsychology & Sexuality, 15 (2), 158-169.

  • Henry, H. M. (2020) Internalized sexual stigma as an internal minority stress: The Egyptian gay experience. Journal of Gay & Lesbian Mental Health, 24, 174-189.

  • Henry, H. M. & Elwi, M.  (2020). Egyptian rearing practices: Takaful and observance of family values. In. B. Ashdown and A. Faherty (Eds.) Parents and Caregivers across CulturesNew York, NY: Routledge. 
  • Henry, H. M. (2017). Continuing bonds with Native Culture:  Immigrants' response to loss. In D. Klass and E. M Steffen (Eds.) Continuing Bonds in Bereavement. (pp.287-300)  New York, NY: Routledge.
  • Henry, H. M. (2016). Sexual harassment in Egypt: Feminist theory revisited. Sexuality and Culture, 21, 1-17.
  • Henry, H. M. (2015). Die-hard Mubarak supporters: A cultural perspective. Journal of Social and Political Psychology, 3, 238-252.
  • Henry, H. M. (2015). Spiritual energy of Islamic prayers as a catalyst for psychotherapy. Religion and Health, 54, 387-398.
  • Henry, H. M., & Stiles, W. B. (2012). Contextual influences on acculturation: Psychological assimilation and continuing bonds for two immigrants. In M.-C. Bertau, M. Gonçalves, & P. Raggatt (Eds.), Dialogic formations: Investigations into the origins and development of the dialogical self (pp. 289–313). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
  • Henry, H. M. (2012) African Refugees in Egypt: Trauma, loss and cultural adjustment. Death Studies, 36, 583-604.
  • Henry H. M.  & Stiles, W. B. (in Press 2012) Contextual Influences on Acculturation:  Psychological Assimilation and Continuing Bonds for Two Immigrants In M.C Bertau, M. Gonçalves and P. Raggatt (Eds.) Dialogic Formations. Investigations into the Origins of the Dialogical Self. pp. Charlotte, SC:  Information Age Publishing.
  • Henry, H. M. ( 2011). Egyptian Women and Empowerment: A Cultural Perspective. Women's Studies International Forum, 34, 251-259.
  • Henry, H. M. (2010). Psychology in the Egyptian Classrooms and Young Women’s Empowerment. Feminist Teacher, 20, 204-213.
  • Henry, H. M., Hamdi, N., & Shedid, N. (2009). The cultural continuing bonds of US expatriates living in Egypt. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 33, 1-10.
  • Henry, H. M., Stiles, W.B., Biran M.W., Glick Brinegar, M. Mosher, J.K. & Banarjee. P. (2009). Immigrants' continuing bonds with their native culture: Assimilation analysis of three interviews. Transcultural Psychiatry, 46, 257-284.
  • Henry, H. M., Stiles, W.B & Biran M.W. (2008): Perceived parental acculturation behaviors and control as predictors of subjective well being in Arab American college students. The Family Journal, 16, 28-34.
  • Henry, H. M., Biran M.W. & Stiles W.B (2006). Construction of perceived parental acculturation behaviors scale. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 62, 293-297.
  • Henry, H. M., Stiles, W.B. & Biran M.W. (2005). Loss and mourning in immigration: Using the Assimilation model to assess continuing bonds with the native culture, Counseling Psychology Quarterly, 18, 109-119.
  • Henry H. M. & Biran M.W. (2004): Perceived parental cultural conflict and the psychosocial adjustment of Arab American college students: Abstract. Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association ( JAPA), 52, 466-467.
  • Doh, N., Henry, H. M.& Paternite, C.E. (2003). Prevention programming for minority adolescents. Technical report prepared for the PFS Academy. Columbus, OH. Center for Learning Excellence. Accompanying toolkit prepared by Reiger, C. & Paternity, C.

Research Presentations

  • Henry, H. M. (2024). Providing culturally-responsive gay-affirming therapy in a gay-hostile context: A humanistic perspective.  Paper presented at the 17th Annual Conference of the Society for Humanistic Psychology. Detroit, Michigan, USA
  • Henry, H. M. (2022). Construing resilience as a relational and transactional process. A cultural perspective. Keynote Speech at The International Psychology Conference, Dubai: Understanding resilience in its wider context. Heriot Watt University, Dubai, UAE
  • Henry, H. M. (2022). You are wearing a mask because you are not a believer:” Religiosity, external locus of control and mask refusal. In H. Henry (Chair) Covid-19, Health, and Behavior. The 50th Annual Meeting of the Society for Cross-cultural Research, San Diego, California, USA.
  • Henry, H. M. (2020). Sexual harassment in the Egyptian Street as an ongoing crisis: A cultural perspective.   Keynote Speech at The Psychology of Global Crisis: State Surveillance, Solidarity, and Everyday Life. Virtual International Conference at the American University of Paris.
  • Henry, H. M. & Oriby, D. (2020). Integrating schema theory with Kleinman's cultural explanatory model to understand depression in EgyptIn T. Bartolomeo (Chair) Immigration, Refugee Populations and Mental Health. The 49th Annual Meeting of the Society for Cross-cultural Research, Seattle, Washington, USA.  
  • Henry, H. M. (2019) Integrating spirituality with psychotherapy: A scientific approach."  Paper presented at the Fifth Scientific Day of the Rakhawy Institute, Rakhaway Institute of Mental Health, Cairo, Egypt. May 5, 2019.
  • Henry, H. M. & Elwi, M.  (2019). Egyptian Rearing Practices: Takaful and Observance of Family Values. In  P. Chavajay (Chair)  Rituals, Customs, Traditions, Practices – Part One. The 48th  Annual Meeting of the Society for Cross-cultural Research, Jacksonville, Florida, USA. 
  • Henry, H. M. (2018). Coming out as Gay in Egypt: A Cultural Perspective. In S. Volsche (Chair). Gender roles, Romance and Sexual Identity. The 47th Annual Meeting of the Society for Cross-cultural Research, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.  
  • Henry, H. M. (2017). Traditional Healing in Egypt: Curative Factors and Potential Benefits. In T. Bartholomew (Chair), Traditional Practices for Healing.  The 466h Annual Meeting of the Society for Cross-cultural Research, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. 
  • Henry, H. M. (2016).  Psychological roots of the current North African crisis: The Egyptian Case.  In  K. Shakrawy (Chair), Major Crises in North Africa: Causes, forms, and characteristics. Symposium on the Mediterranean and North African Crisis, Rabat, Morocco.
  • Henry, H. M.  (2016) Psychological solutions for the current North African crisis: The Egyptian Case.  In  F. Alfaysal (Chair), Solutions and answers for the problems of political and democratic transitions in North Africa. Symposium on the Mediterranean and North African Crisis Rabat, Morocco.
  • Henry, H. M (2016). Post-revolutionary Blues and Complicated Grief: The Outcome of the Egyptian Revolution.  In K. Myshall (Chair), Colonialism and Political Destabilization. The 45th Annual Meeting of the Society for Cross-cultural Research, Portland, Oregon, USA. 
  • Henry, H. M.  (2015). Internalized Homophobia and its Psychological Consequences: The Egyptian Gay Experience. In G. Parameswaran (Chair), Sexuality in Cross-Cultural Research. The 44th Annual Meeting of the Society for Cross-cultural Research, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA. 
  • Henry H. M. (2014). Forced Migrants and Difficult Life Circumstances: How Can Psychology Help? In El Mostafa Rezrazi (Moderator) The Need for Humane Interventions in Urgent Situations. Theme: Human Rights and Psychology. Second World Forum on Human Rights, Marrakesh, Morocco.
  • Henry, H. (2014). Sexual Harassment in the Egyptian Streets: A Qualitative Study. The 43rd Annual Conference of the Society for Cross-Cultural Research (SCCR). Charleston, South Carolina, USA. 
  • Henry, H. M. (2012).  Arab Families: Ethical Concepts and Values. Invited lecture at the University of Klagenfurt. Klagenfurt, Austria.
  • Henry, H. M (2012). The Empathic Response of Mubarak Supporters Towards their Leader: A Cultural Perspective” In J. Bao   (Chair). Empathy & Spirituality: Selected Papers.
  • Henry, H.M. (2011). Culture-linked symptoms and disorders: How can they be better classified and incorporated in field studies? The First Regional Conference of the Arab Center for Research and Training on Mental Health. Beirut, Lebanon.
  • Henry, H. M. (2011). Integrating spirituality into psychotherapy: The Egyptian perspective.  In B. Ashdown (Chair), Spirituality, Religion, and Morality. The 40th Annual Meeting of the Society for Cross-cultural Research, Charleston, SC., USA.
  • Henry, H. M. (2010). The meaning of empowerment as perceived by Egyptian women. In M.A. Tahir (Chair) Gender and Identities.  The 39th Annual Meeting of the Society for Cross-cultural Research, Albuquerque, NM., USA.
  • Charles, L..; Henry, H.M., Amer, M., Justus, A.; Simons-Rudolph, J.; Abuhamdeh, S.;& Settlage, B. (2010) You will not poke fun at the man who is between the hands of God”: Development of an international, cultural, and community family therapy training program in Cairo, Egypt. Poster presented at the XVIII World IFTA (International Family Therapy Association) Congress, Buenos Aeres, Argentina.
  • Amer, M. M., Charles, L., Henry, H.M.  Justus, A., Abuhamdeh, S., & Simons-Rudolph, J. (2010). New Directions for family practitioner training in the Middle East. Poster presented at the American Psychological Association, APA 118th Annual convention, San Diego, California, USA.
  • Henry, H., Munz, R., & Shaheen, D. (2009)  Examining the Continuing Bonds of  African Refugees in Egypt.  In H. Henry (Chair) Migration 1. The 38th Annual Meeting of the Society for Cross-cultural Research, Las Vegas, NV,  USA.
  • Henry, H. (2009). The Loss and Mourning of the Old AUC Campus. AUC before Community Conference, The American University in Cairo, New Cairo, Egypt.
  • Henry, H., Hamdi, N. & Shedid, G. (2008). Reverse immigration and the process of loss and mourning of US expatriates. In T. Hedges- Duroy (Chair), Cultural Change, Revival and Continuity. The 37th Annual Meeting of the Society for Cross-cultural Research, New Orleans, Louisiana USA.
  • Henry, H. (2007). Psychology in the Egyptian classroom and young women's empowerment. International Conference on the Teaching of Psychology, Vancouver, Canada.
  • Henry, H. & Biran, M.W. (2005). Psychoanalytic perspective on immigration, loss and mourning in (Moderator) On Building a Psychoanalytic Home: How the Experience of Immigration and 'Otherness' Is Made Use of in the Therapeutic Relationship. Panel presented at the association for the psychoanalysis of culture and society conference, New Jersey, USA.
  • Henry, H.; Stiles, W.B.; Biran, M.W.; Mosher J.K.; Banarjee, P. & Glick, M.J. (2005). The influence of immigrant's context and worldview in the assimilation and mourning of lost native culture. In M.J. Click (Moderator), Assimilation across contexts: Making sense of sexual abuse, immigration and psychotherapy. Panel presented at the Ohio Society for Psychotherapy Research meeting, Toledo, Ohio, USA.
  • Henry, H. & Knudson R. M. (2004). Multiculturalism, Inclusion, and Cultural Sensitivity Training: Goals for the Clinical Psychology Program. Paper presented at the 2004 Dr. Cheryl Burgan Evans' Graduate Conference on Multicultural Research. Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, USA
  • Henry, H., Stiles W. B. & Biran, M.W. (2004). Integrating the Continuing Bond of Mourning with the Assimilation Model to Address Immigration-Associated Losses. In M. J. Glick (Moderator), Case study research on the assimilation model: Part I. Panel presented at the Ohio Society for Psychotherapy Research meeting, Athens, Ohio, USA.
  • Henry, H., Stiles W.B. & Biran M. W. (2004). Using the Assimilation Model to Elaborate the Continuing Bond Model of Mourning in Non-western Immigrants. In W. B. Stiles (Moderator), Case studies in the context of verification: not just exploratory anymore. Panel presented at the Society for Psychotherapy Research Meeting, Rome, Italy.
  • Henry, H. & Biran M.W. (2003): Perceived Parental Cultural Conflict, Perceived Parental Control and Subjective well-being of Arab American College Students. Poster presented for the American Psychoanalytic Association Scientific Poster Session, New York, USA.
  • Henry, H. M. (2024). Providing culturally-responsive gay-affirming therapy in a gay-hostile context: A humanistic perspective.  Paper presented at the 17th Annual Conference of the Society for Humanistic Psychology. Detroit, Michigan, USA
  • Henry, H. M. (2022). Construing resilience as a relational and transactional process. A cultural perspective. Keynote Speech at The International Psychology Conference, Dubai: Understanding resilience in its wider context. Heriot Watt University, Dubai, UAE.
  • Henry, H. M. (2022). You are wearing a mask because you are not a believer:” Religiosity, external locus of control and mask refusal. In H. Henry (Chair) Covid-19, Health, and Behavior. The 50th Annual Meeting of the Society for Cross-cultural Research, San Diego, California, USA. 
  • Henry, H. M. (2020). Sexual harassment in the Egyptian Street as an ongoing crisis: A cultural perspective.   Keynote Speech at The Psychology of Global Crisis: State Surveillance, Solidarity, and Everyday Life. Virtual International Conference at the American University of Paris.
  • Henry, H. M. & Oriby, D. (2020). Integrating schema theory with Kleinman's cultural explanatory model to understand depression in EgyptIn T. Bartolomeo (Chair) Immigration, Refugee Populations and Mental Health. The 49th Annual Meeting of the Society for Cross-cultural Research, Seattle, Washington, USA.  
  • Henry, H. M. (2019) Integrating spirituality with psychotherapy: A scientific approach."  Paper presented at the Fifth Scientific Day of the Rakhawy Institute, Rakhaway Institute of Mental Health, Cairo, Egypt. May 5, 2019.

Clinical Experience

  • August 2006 - present: Private practice/Clinical Supervisor
  • August 2005 - August 2006: Psychology Intern, University Counseling Center Stony Brook University. State University of New York (SUNY)
  • August 2003 - June 2004: Psychology Intern, Talawanda High School, Center for School-Based Mental Health Program/ Miami University
  • August 2002 - May 200: Doctoral Associate, Miami University Student Counseling Service
  • August 2002 - May 2003: Evaluator, Fairfield Municipal Therapeutic Alternative Court Butler County, Fairfield, Ohio
  • January 2002 - May 2002: Psychotherapist, Practicum in Biopsychosocial Therapy, Miami University Psychology Clinic
  • August 2001 - December 2001: Psychotherapist, Practicum in Archetypal Psychology, Miami University Psychology Clinic
  • 2006 - PhD - Miami University

Clinical Psychology
Dissertation: Loss and Mourning in Immigration: Using the Assimilation Model to Assess Continuing Bond with Native Culture
Advisor: William B. Stiles, PhD

  • 2002  - Masters - Miami University

Clinical Psychology
Thesis: Perceived Parental Cultural Conflict, Perceived Parental Control, and Psychological Adjustment of Arab American College Students         
Advisor: Mia Biran, PhD

  • 2000 - BA -  Brooklyn College, The City University of New York (CUNY), Cum Laude
  • PSY 1000: Introduction to Psychology
  • PSY 3040: Lifespan Development
  • PSY 4099: Psychology of Dreams
  • PSY 4030: History and Systems of Psychology
  • PSY 4100: Cultural Psychology
  • PSY 4140: Advanced Child Psychology
  • PSY 4630: Clinical Psychology
  • PSY 5200: Fundamentals of Counseling
  • PSY 5064: Psychopathology and Resilience Across Cultures
  • PSY 5264: Counseling Models
  • PSY 5120: Psychosocial Issues of Refugees
  • PSY 5274: Practicum I in Counseling Psychology
  • PSY 5284: Practicum II in Counseling Psychology