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Ibrahim Elnur

  • Position: Associate Professor
  • Department: Department of Political Science
  • Email: [email protected]
Brief Biography

Ibrahim Elnur was previously director of the Middle East Research Awards (MEAwards) at the Population Council, Cairo (1999-2001), visiting researcher OAS-AUC, co-founder and coordinator of the Group for Alternative Policies for Sudan (GAPS) (1996-1999), visiting research fellow 1993, RSP/International Development Centre, University of Oxford (1993) Bergen University (2006), associate professor El Fatih University, Tripoli, Libya (1995-1996), head Department of Economics, Juba University, Sudan (1990-1995) and assistant professor, Juba University, Sudan (since 1986).  

Elnur was chair of Political Science Department at The American University in Cairo (2016-July 2019) and is the coordinator of development studies, member of the editorial board of the European Training Foundation (ETF), Turin, Italy, (2009-2021, Elected member of the Internal Conflicts Sub-Committee of International Peace Research Association (IPRA) Conference. Building Sustainable Futures, Enacting Peace and Development, Leuven, 15-19 July 2008 and reelected member in August 2014. He is a member of IGWS board since its establishment and the Middle East Center. His current research and teaching interests include the following: development and international political economy, population dynamics with emphasis on migration-development nexus, public policy, economics of education, health and war and reconstruction. His publications and research interests focus on reconstruction of war-torn communities, the state and globalization, urban poverty, changing conditions of educated elite reproduction, new urbanities-ruralities, modernities, survival strategies, feminization of the labor process and family dynamics, alternative development policies, as well as the economics of education and health.

    • Together with Nadine Sika, Youth political engagement in Egypt: What do we know so far? , paper presented to the workshop of power to youth project, Nap[les, April 5-6th 2016
    • Togther with Eilleen Kuttab (2016): Post 2016 Development Challenges in the Middle East
    • The Implosion of the Political Patronage Regimes in the Middle East, in Dan Tschirgi, Walid Kazziha and Sean McMahon (eds.)  Egypt’s Tahrir Revolution: Perspectives and Prospects,  Lynne Rienner Press (2013)
    • "Sudan 2010: Negotiating an Alternative Sudan, Africa Contemporary Record," 2010 (Revised and resent)
    • "The Changing Hydraulics of Conflict and Cooperation in the Nile Basin: The Demise of Bilateralism, in Sharif Elmusa" (ed.), Cairo Papers in Social Science special issue on: The Burden of Resources: Oil and Water in the Gulf Region and The Nile Basin, AUC Press, (June, 2011)
    • "Chasing Modernities: On Mobility-development nexuses: The Challenges of Harnessing Transformative Potential,” Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, European University Institute, Florence (July 2010), http://cadmus.eui.eu/handle/1814/14407
    • “Nile Basin Crisis: Who Gives what to Whom,” (in Arabic), Afaq Arabia, Emirates Center for Strategic Studies, No. 6, July/August, 2010
    • "Contested Sudan: The Political Economy of war and Reconstruction," Routledge Middle East Studies, Routledge, 2009
    • "Sudan: From Prolonged Civil wars to Fragile Peace," background paper for the Arab Human Development 2009 (UNDP, AHDR), 200
    • “Differentiation in the Educational Systems, Diasporas and Reproduction of Educated Elites,” in Social Science in the Arab World, Turkey and Iran: Determinants, State and Potentials ed. A. Ben Hafaiedh and M. El Jaziri, 2004
    • "September and the Widening North-South Gap: Root Causes of Terrorism in the Global Order,” Arab Studies Quarterly, 2003
    • “The Second Boat of African New Diaspora: Looking at the Other Side of the Global Divide with Emphasis on Sudan,” African Issues, 2002
    • DPhil in Development Studies, Institute of Development Studies at the University of Sussex, United Kingdom
    • Doctorate in Economic Science, KMU, Budapest, Hungary, December, 1979
    • BS (honors), Pure Theory, University of Khartoum, April, 1973
    • BS in Economics, Cairo University, Egypt (1970)