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Karim Addas

  • Position: Associate Professor
  • Department: Department of Physics
  • Email: [email protected]
Brief Biography

Karim Addas is an associate professor of physics at The American University in Cairo. From 2004 to 2006, Addas worked at the Rowland Institute at Harvard University. Addas received his PhD in Physics in 2004 from Indiana University in Bloomington, Indiana, where he wrote a thesis titled “Single- and Dual-Bead Microrheology of Semiflexible fd Virus Solutions.”

    Research Interest
    • Biological Physics 
    • Polymer Physics
    • Physics education
    • RJ: Atakhorrami, M., Addas, K.M., and Schmidt, C.F. Twin optical traps for two-particle cross-correlation measurements: Eliminating cross-talk, Review of Scientific Instruments, 79: 043103 (2008)
    • RJ: F. Huang, K. Addas, A. Ward, N.T. Flynn, E. Velasco, M.F. Hagan, et al. “Pair potential of colloidal stars”, Phys. Rev. Lett. (2009)
    • Electrodynamics: freshman level
    • Biological physics: sophomore level
    • Waves, optics, and atomic physics: sophomore level
    • Electrodynamics: junior level
    • Classical mechanics: junior level
    • Statistical mechanics: junior level