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Laila El Baradei
- Position: Professor and Chair of Public Administration
- Department: Department of Public Policy and Administration
- Email: [email protected]
Laila El Baradei is a professor of public administration at the Department of Public Policy and Administration, School of Global Affairs and Public Policy (GAPP), The American University in Cairo (AUC), Egypt. She was the acting dean for the School of GAPP during the academic year 2013 - 2014 and besides that year served for eight other years, first as the associate dean for the School of GAPP, then as the associate dean for graduate studies and research until June 2018.
El Baradei is originally a graduate of AUC with a BA degree in business administration with the highest honors and an MBA. She received her PhD in public administration from Cairo University and was a faculty member at the public administration department at Cairo University for over fourteen years before moving to AUC as a full-timer in 2006. Her areas of teaching include strategic management, essentials of public policy and administration, development management, international cooperation management, organizational behavior, human resource management, and research methods for public administration.
Her research interests are varied and have been manifested in a number of published articles and book chapters in the areas of development cooperation management, elections management, decentralization, organizational change, public administration reform, governance, child labor, downsizing, and accountability. She was a member of the authors’ team responsible for Egypt’s Human Development Report 2010, 2008, and 2004; Egypt’s Millennium Development Goals Second Country Report 2004; and the World Bank’s Country Environmental Analysis for Egypt published in 2005. Over the years, El Baradei has provided consultancy services to a number of reputable organizations such as the World Bank, United States Agency for International Development (USAID), United Nations Development Programme( UNDP), Danish International Development Agency(DANIDA), Center for Development Research in Bonn, The Economic Research Forum in Egypt, and Ford Foundation.
Currently, El Baradei is directing the "Public Policy Hub" at the School of GAPP, which is a project aiming at building the capacity of graduate students and alumni in public policy analysis, research, and effective advocacy and communication. The project follows a demand-based approach, where government organizations get to determine the policy issues to be researched, while the young policy analysts use their creativity to come up with evidence-based policy alternatives and innovative communication tools. El Baradei is also the faculty advisor for the Youssef Jameel GAPP Public Leadership Fellowship program at AUC.
- Public Administration Reform
- Good Governance
- Public Administration Education
- Elections Management
- Parallel Structures in Government Organization
- Pay Structure Reform in Government
- Management of International Development Cooperation
International Peer Reviewed Journals
- El Baradei, Laila and Passant Elwy (2022). Women Suffering from Multiple Sources of Oppression in Upper Egypt: A Case Study of Intersectional Targeting and Integrated Development Interventions as the Way Out, Journal of International Women’s Studies (JIWS), Forthcoming, Accepted 26 February 2022.
- El Baradei, Laila, Mohamed Kadry and Ghadeer Ahmed (2021). Governmental Social Media Communication Strategies during the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Case of Egypt, International Journal of Public Administration (IJPA) – Special Issue of IJPA on Governments’ Responses to a Pandemic (Published 3 May 2021; Accepted 8 January 2021).
- El Baradei, Laila (2021). Ethics Education in public affairs programs: what do faculty around the globe have to say?. Journal of Public Affairs Education (JPAE), Vol. 27(2), 198-217. (Published Online 10 September 2020).
- El Baradei, Laila (2021). The Role of Egyptian Non-Governmental Organizations in Integrating the Differently Abled. Developments in Administration, E-Journal of the International Institute of Administrative Sciences, 3, 77-89. (Published 15 December , 2021; Accepted December 2019).
- El Baradei, Laila (2020). Politics of Evidence Based Policy Making: Reporting on SDG 16 in Egypt. International Journal of Public Administration (IJPA) - Special Issue Titled: Society and Public Policy in the Middle East and North Africa, Vol. 43 (5), 425-440. First Published Online: 7 October 2019.
- El Baradei, Laila (2019). Egypt’s Currency Devaluation & Impact on the Most Vulnerable, International Relations and Diplomacy, July, Vol. 7, No. 07, 303-316.
- El Baradei, L., Abdelhamid, D., & Wali, N. (2014). Institutionalising and Streamlining Development Monitoring and Evaluation in Post-Revolutionary Egypt: A Readiness Primer, African Evaluation Journal, 2(1), Art. # 57,pp.1-16.
- El Baradei, Laila and Dina Wafa (2013). Parliamentary Elections Egypt 2011: A Multi-Stakeholder Group Assessment. Journal of US-China Public Administration, Volume 10, No. 9, September (Serial Number 95), pp. 860 -885. ISSN1548-6591 (Print); ISSN19359691 (Online).
- El Baradei, Laila and Dina Wafa (2013). Women in the Second Egyptian Parliament Post the Arab Spring: Do They Think They Stand a Chance?. Journal of International Women’s Studies, Vol. 14, Issue 3, pp. 42-63.
- Newcomer, Kathryn, Laila El Baradei and Sandra Garcia Jaramillo (2013). Expectations and Capacity for Performance Measurement in NGOs in the Development Context. Public Administration and Development, Vol. 33, pp. 62-79. (Article first published online on 27 July 2012 in Wiley Online Library).
- Ghoneim, Nashwa and Laila El Baradei (2013). The Impact of Strategic Planning on Egyptian Nonprofits’ Performance: An Assessment Using the Balanced Scorecard, Jounal of US-China Public Administration, Volume 10, No. 1, pp. 57-76. (Accepted for Publication in 2012). ISSN 1548-6591 (Print). ISSN 1935-9691 (Online).
- El Baradei, Laila, Dina Wafa and Nashwa Ghoneim (2012). Assessing the Voting Experience of Egyptians Abroad Post the January 25 Revolution, Journal of US-China Public Administration, ISSN 1548-6591, Volume 9, No. 11, pp. 1223-1243.
- El Baradei, Laila, Hamed M. Shamma and Noha Saada (2012). Examining the Marketing of e-Government Services in Egypt. International Journal of Business and Public Management, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 12-22.
- El Baradei, Laila (2012). The Role of Civil Society Organizations in Monitoring Elections: Lessons Learnt for the New Egypt. International Journal of Public Administration,Vol. 35, No. 9, pp. 587-602.
- El Baradei, Laila (2011). Parallel Structures in the Egyptian Government Bureaucracy: A Problematic Quick-Fix. Public Administration: An International Quarterly, Vol. 89, No. 4, pp. 1351-1366. (Published Online and hardcopy)
- AbdelHamid, Doha and Laila El Baradei (2010). How to Reform the Pay System for Government Employees in Egypt. International Public Management Review, Vol. 11, No. 3, pp. 59-87.
- El Baradei, Laila and Khaled Z. Amin (2010). Community participation in education: case study of the Boards of Trustees’ experience in the Fayoum governorate in Egypt. Africa Education Review, Vol. 7, No 1, pp. 107-138.
- Newcomer, Kathryn, Heather Allen and Laila El Baradei (2010). Improving Public Service Education Programs through Assessing the Performance of MPA Alumni. International Journal of Public Administration,Vol.33, No.6, pp.311-324.
- Bremer, Jennifer and Laila El Baradei (2008). Developing Public Administration/ Public Policy Master’s Programs in Egypt. Journal of Public Affairs Education, J-PAE, Washington DC, Vol. 14, No. 3, Fall 2008, pp. 439-462.
- El Baradei, Laila and Kathryn Newcomer (2008). A Human Capital Management Assessment Tool for Identifying Training and Development Needs: An Application to Egyptian Public Organizations. International Journal of Public Sector Performance Management (IJPSPM), Special Issue: Competence and Incompetence of Public Managers, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp.119-149.
- El Baradei, Laila and Kathryn Newcomer (2005). Partnering to Improve Education for Public Service. Journal of Public Affairs Education, J-PAE, Washington DC, Volume 11, No.2, April, pp.83-93.
- Forrer, John, James Kee, Kathryn Newcomer, Michelle Amante and Laila El Baradei (2004). Privatization and Organizational Change: Lessons from Cross National Research. The GW Center for the Study of Globalization Occasional Paper Series, March 26.
- Forrer, John, James Kee, Kathryn Newcomer, Michelle Amante and Laila El Baradei (2005). Privatization and Organizational Change: Lessons from Cross National Research. The International Journal of Business and Public Administration, Vol. II, #1, Spring 2005, pp.128-144.
National Refereed Publications
- Bremer, Jennifer and Laila El Baradei (2008). Assessing Quality in Public Administration/Public Policy Master’s Programs in the Middle East: the Case of Egypt. Al-Nahda Quarterly Journal, Cairo University: Faculty of Economics and Political Science, Volume 9, Issue 2, April, pp.1-60.
- El Baradei, Laila Mostafa (2005). Decentralization of Pre-University Education in Egypt. Decentralization and Local Administration Issues Forum, Issue # 4, Cairo University: Faculty of Economics and Political Science, Public Administration Research and Consultation Center (PARC), February.(In Arabic).
- El Baradei, Laila (2004). Current Trends in the Study of Public Administration Reform: A Literature Review. Nahda Quarterly Journal, Cairo University: Faculty of Economics and Political Science, Issue No. 20, July, pp.51-88. (in Arabic)
- El Baradei, Laila (2004). Towards Right-sizing the Egyptian Public Administration System. The State in A Changing World: The Administrative Aspects. Cairo University: Faculty of Economics and Political Science, Public Administration Research and Consultation Center. (in Arabic).
- El Baradei, Laila (2003). Governance and International Organizations in the Field of Development Cooperation. Development Notes. Cairo University: Faculty of Economics and Political Science, Center for the Study of Developing Countries, March. (in Arabic).
- El Baradei, Laila (2002). Child Labour In Egypt: The Policy and Institutional Set-Up, Development Notes, Cairo University: Faculty of Economics and Political Science, Center for the Study of Developing Countries, March.
- El Baradei, Laila (2001). Downsizing As an Approach to Administrative Reform in Public Agencies: Lessons Learnt from Several Countries’ Experiences, Nahda Quarterly Journal, Cairo University: Faculty of Economics and Political Science, Eighth Issue, July. (in Arabic).
- Abdel Wahab, Samir Mohamed and Laila Mostafa El Baradei (2006 and 2007). Human Resource Management: Concepts, Functions and New Trends. Cairo: Public Administration Research and Consultation Center. (In Arabic).
- El Baradei, Laila Mostafa (2000). The Management of Foreign Aid Directed to the Field of the Environment in Egypt. Cairo: Public Administration Research and Consultation Center, Administrative Issues Series, Issue No. 4, June. (In Arabic).
Book Chapters
- El Baradei, Laila and Shaimaa Sabbah (2022). Impact of COVID-19 on the Wellbeing of Healthcare Professionals: A Case Study of Selected Public Isolation Hospitals in Egypt. In A. Abdrabo, & A. Galaby (Ed.), Societal Resilience and Response to Contagious Diseases and Pandemics (pp. 1-22). Pennsylvania: IGI Global. 1(Accepted 17 Dec., 2021; Published Online March 2022).
- El Baradei, Laila (2021). Public Service Delivery: Egypt’s Pre-University Education Reforms Continuing through the Pandemic. In: Hamid Ali and Shahjahan Bhuiyan, editors. Institutional Reforms, Governance and Services Delivery in the Global South. London: Palgrave Macmillan. (First Online 25 November 2021).
- El Baradei, Laila (2021). Public Administration in Egypt Post the Arab Spring. In Juraj Nemec and Purshottoma S. Reddy, editors. Public Administration in Conflict-affected Countries”. Switzerland: Springer Nature.
- El Baradei, Laila (2018). Women Governing: the Egyptian Perspective. In Maria J. D’Agostino and Marilyn Marks Rubin, editors. Governing in a Global World: Women in Public Service. New York: Routledge Publishers.
- Wafa, Dina and Laila El Baradei (2017). Women Parliamentarians in Egypt. In Global Partners Governance, editors. Women’s Participation in Political Life in Egypt and Beyond. Cairo: The School of Global Affairs and Public Policy Executive Education in collaboration with the Global Partners Governance.
- El Baradei, Laila, Doha Abdelhamid and Nermine Wali (2016). Institutionalizing and Streamlining Monitoring and Evaluation in Post-Revolutionary Egypt. In Reinhard Stockmann & Wolfgang Meyer, editors. The Future of Evaluation- Global Trends – new Challenges – Shared Perspectives.Basingstoke/London: Palgrave MacMilan. (Accepted for Publication in 2014 and Published 2016).
- El Baradei, Laila (2013). Expected Impact of Egypt’s 25 January Revolution on Public Administration Education, Training and Practice. In Michiel de Vries and Geert Bouckaert, editors. Training for Leadership. Brussels: Bruylant, pp. 97-102.
- El Baradei, Laila and Hamed Shamma (2012). Improving E-Government Marketing Services in Egypt. In Michiel S. de Vries & Juraj Nemec, editors. Global Trends in Public Sector Reform. Brussels: Bruylant, pp. 145-159.
- El Baradei, Laila (2009). New Features of the Systems and Practices of Human Resource Management in the Government Sector. In Samir Abdel Wahab, editor. Policies of Human Resource Management in Egypt in Light of International Experience. Cairo: Public Administration Research and Consultation Center. (In Arabic).
- El Baradei, Laila Mostafa (2007). University Education in Egypt: Between Decentralization and Governance. In Mona El Baradei and Sami El Sayed, editors. Perspectives on Reforming Higher Education in Egypt: Higher Education Symposium Book. Cairo University: Faculty of Economics and Political Science,.
- El Baradei, Laila and Khaled Z. Amin (2007). Reforming the Egyptian Public Administration System. In Mostafa Kamel El Sayed, editor. Institutional Reform and Development. Cairo: Partners In Development For Research, Consulting and Training.
- El Baradei, Laila (2006). Privatization Policies and Workers’ Stance in Different Countries Experiences With Special Reference to Egypt. In El Menoufi, Kamal, editor. Labor Relations Under Political & Economic Changes: Policies & Mechanisms. Cairo: Public Administration Research & Consultation Center. (in Arabic).
- El Baradei, Laila (2006). Governance and International Organizations in the Field of Development Cooperation. In El Sayed, Mostafa Kamel, editor. Good Governance and Development In Egypt.Cairo: Center for the Study of Developing Countries. (in Arabic).
- El Baradei, Laila (2001). Accountability and Governance: A Study of the Role of the Administrative Control Agency, in Governance, Salwa Gomaa, editor. Cairo: Public Administration Research and Consultation Center. (in Arabic)
Case Studies
- El Baradei, Laila (2021). Insan NPO: Working as a Nonprofit with Syrian Migrants in Egypt, In Sage Business Cases, SAGE Publications, Ltd. Accepted (2 June 2020).
Other Intellectual Contributions
Published National And International Reports
- El Baradei, Laila (2022). Towards a More Effective Social and Public Role for Higher Education Institutions in the MENA Region, Higher Education in the World Report: New Visions for Higher Education Institutions towards 2030, Global University Network for Innovation (GUNI).
- OP: Maryham Abdelmalak, Fayrouz Eldabbagh, Ibrahem Hassan and Laila El Baradei (2020). “Startups and Human Capital Management in Egypt: In Search of Decent Jobs”, Cairo: The Public Policy Hub, School of Global Affairs and Public Policy, The American University in Cairo.
- Member of Authors’ Team (2020). Public Human Resource Management in the Arab Region, background paper for the State of Arab Public Management Report, UAE. (Forthcoming).
- Member of Authors’ Team (2010): Egypt Human Development Report 2010:Youth in Egypt:Building Our Future. Cairo: United Nations Development Program and the Institute of National Planning. The Report won the global 2013 Human Development Report Award for Excellence.
- Member of Authors’ Team (2008). Egypt Human Development Report 2008: Egypt’s Social Contract: The Role of Civil Society. Cairo: United Nations Development Program and the Institute of National Planning.
- Member of Authors’ Team (2005). Arab Republic of Egypt: Country Environmental Analysis (1992-2002). World Bank Report No. 31993-EG. Washington D.C.: World Bank, Water, Environment, Social and Rural Development Department, The Middle East and North Africa Region, April 1.
- El Baradei, Laila and Tarek Genena (2005). Assessment of the Environmental Conditions in Egypt. Development Report No. 3. Cairo University: Faculty of Economics and Political Science, Center for the Study of Developing Countries. (in Arabic)
- Documentation of Sustainable Development in Qena Governorate (2004). EcoConServ Environment Solutions Consulting Office in cooperation with Friedrich Ebert Stiftung.
- El Baradei, Mona and Laila El Baradei (2004). Needs Assessment of the Egyptian Education Sector. Center for Development Research (ZEF)- University of Bonn, Germany, December.
- Member of Authors’ Team (2004). Egypt Human Development Report 2004: Choosing Decentralization for Good Governance. Cairo: United Nations Development Program and the Institute of National Planning.
- Member of Authors’ Team (2004). Millennium Development Goals Second Country Report Egypt 2004.United Nations, Ministry of Planning and Public Administration Research and Consultation Center.
Other Publications
- El Baradei, Laila (2022). International Rankings and Measures Affecting Public Administration: Is it Possible to Trick the System, PA Times Online, 3 June, 2022.
- El Baradei, Laila (2022). To Smile or not to Smile? A very important question for public servants, PA Times Online, 6 May 2022.
- El Baradei, Laila (2022). Role of Government in Protecting the Institution of Marriage, PA Times Online, 1 April 2022.
- El Baradei, Laila (2022). Evictions and Shattered Dreams by Public Servants: Is it an Oxymoron?, PA Times Online, 4 March, 2022
- El Baradei, Laila (2022). Public Administration and Jokes: We Need to Vent, PA Times Online, 4 February, 2022.
- El Baradei, Laila (2022). Public Administration and the New Normal: One More Guess, PA Times Online, 4 January, 2022.
- El Baradei, Laila (2021). Beware Public Administrators can go Hangry, PA Times Online, 30 November, 2021.
- El Baradei, Laila (2021). Public Administration: How it all started in Egypt, China and Rome?, PA Times Online, 4 November, 2021.
- El Baradei, Laila (2021). An Increasingly Blurred Distinction between the Three Sectors of the Economy, PA Times Online, 28 September, 2021.
- El Baradei, Laila (2021). Emergent Strategies in Public Organizations: It is Sometimes Easier Done than Said, PA Times Online, 1 September, 2021.
- El Baradei, Laila (2021). Firing Government Employees and Political Pressures, PA Times Online, 3 August, 2021.
- El Baradei, Laila (2021). The New Republic: Is it a Branding Strategy?, PA Times Online, 28 June 2021.
- El Baradei, Laila (2021). COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout: A True Test of the Bureaucracy, PA Times Online, 3 June 2021.
- El Baradei, Laila (2021). Despotic Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs: Feared, Loved or Something Else?, PA Times Online, 13 May.
- El Baradei, Laila (2021). Clubhouse and Voice in Public Affairs, PA Times Online, 2 April.
- El Baradei, Laila (2021). Cyber Space Enabled Role for Public Administrators in Writing History: Developing Countries Context, PA Times Online, 18 March.
- El Baradei, Laila (2021). COVID-19 and Ethical Dilemmas, PA Times Online, 1 March.
- El Baradei, Laila (2021). Whistleblowers Need More Protection, PA Times Online, 1 February.
- El Baradei, Laila (2020). Effective Communication with Patients – More Important than Pill Shoving, PA Times Online, 19 December.
- El Baradei, Laila (2020). Principal Agent Theory means Fiscal and Budgetary Transparency: Egypt, PA Times Online, 23 November
- El Baradei, Laila (2020). Five Years after Agreeing on the Sustainable Development Goals: Where are We?, The Cairo Review of Global Affairs, 21 October.
- El Baradei, Laila (2020). Public, Private and Nonprofit Universities and Everything In Between, PA Times Online, 17 October.
- El Baradei, Laila (2020). One or Two Houses of Parliament: Would it Make a Difference?, PA Times Online, 19 September.
- El Baradei, Laila (2020). One Percent Corona Tax on Public Employees’ Salaries in Egypt: How Fair is it?, PA Times Online, 22 August 2020.
- El Baradei, Laila (2020). “Public Administration for the Dead and for the Living”, PA Times Online, 25 July 2020. http://patimes.org/public-administration-for-the-dead-and-for-the-living/
- El Baradei, Laila (2020). A Fiasco in Pavements and Contracting Out, PA Times Online, 18 July 2020.
- El Baradei, Laila (2020). Now who wants to be a public servant Post Corona?, PA Times Online, 22 June, 2020).
- El Baradei, Laila (2020). Hamlet during the Pandemic: To Lock Down, or not to Lock Down?, PA Times Online, 7 May, 2020.
- El Baradei, Laila (2020). Corona Pre-Crisis Stage: What Could We Have Done Differently?, PA Times Online, 21 April, 2020.
- El Baradei, Laila (2020). Corona Virus Pandemic and Public Administration, PA Times Online, 8 April, 2020.
- El Baradei, Laila (2020). Public Interest vs. Elected Leaders’ Interest in Staying in Power, PA Times Online, 22 March, 2020.
- El Baradei, Laila (2020). Where to start the reform process and why we choose to ignore the big picture?, PA Times Online, 11 March, 2020.
- El Baradei, Laila (2020). Official Development Assistance and Priority Fads, PA Times Online, 24 February, 2020.
- Bill Adams & Laila El Baradei (2020). Egyptian and American Regime Disruptions and Interest in the MPP and MPA, PA Times Online, January, 22 January 2020.
- El Baradei, Laila (2019). Is there an Optimal Relationship between Universities and Policymakers?, PA Times Online, 21 December, 2019).
- El Baradei, Laila (2019). Self-Reporting on SDG 16 by Governments: A Big Farce, PA Times Online, 19 November, 2019.
- El Baradei, Laila (2019). Linking Theory to Practice in Public Affairs Education: Tradition and Innovation, PA Times Online, 22 October 2019.
- El Baradei, Laila (2019). Nudging by governments and a large grey area, PA Times Online, 23 September 2019.
- El Baradei, Laila (2019). Political Will: An Indication for Authoritarianism or a Scapegoat?, PA Times Online, 22 August 2019.
- El Baradei, Laila (2019). Politics in Academia: Positive or Negative?, PA Times Online, 23 July 2019.
- El Baradei, Laila (2019). Citizenships for Sale, PA Times Online, 25 June 2019.
- El Baradei, Laila (2019). Prioritizing Public Budget Allocations: the Politics Involved in the U.S. and Egypt, PA Times Online, 20 May 2019.
- El Baradei, Laila (2019). Accountability, Checks and Balances and Good Governance. PA Times Online, 5 May 2019.
- El Baradei, Laila (2019). Nelson Mandela and International Good Governance Insights. PA Times Online, 22 April, 2019.
- El Baradei, Laila (2019). Media Independence as a Prerequisite for Good Governance: Is it an Illusion?. PA Times Online, 18 March, 2019.
- El Baradei, Laila (2019). Relevance of Woodrow Wilson to Egypt in 2019, PA Times Online, 18 February.
- El Baradei, Laila (2019). Governance in Academic Institutions: Why is it Different and Difficult, PA Times Online, 25 January.
- El Baradei, Laila (2019). Forms of Duality of Institutions and the Reasons Why: Egypt’s Case, PA Times Online, 23 February.
- El Baradei, Laila (2018). We Need Less Power Distance in Egyptian Bureaucracies, PA Times Online. 30 November.
- El Baradei, Laila (2018). SDG 16 and the Lessons for Egypt. The Cairo Review of Global Affairs, Online Global Forum, 2 August.
- El Baradei, Laila (2018). Undervalued and underestimated: When working for the state doesn’t pay off. Mada Masr, 25 July
- El Baradei, Laila (2018). Are Egyptian Women Empowered?. The Cairo Review of Global Affairs, Spring.
- El Baradei, Laila (2018). Calling a Spade a Spade in China. PA Times Online. 13 April.
- El Baradei, Laila (2018). Malabes El-Imbrator Al-Gadida. Mada Masr.
- El Baradei, Laila (2018). The Emperor’s New Clothes. Mada Masr. 19 March.
- El Baradei, Laila (2017). 2030 Agenda: Prerequisites for Success in Africa The Cairo Review of Global Affairs, Online Edition of Journal, December 15.
- El Baradei, Laila and Dina Wafa (2017). Empowering Women Parliamentarians in Egypt. Working Paper submitted to Global Partners Governance (GPG).
- El Baradei, Laila (2015). Building Trust in Government, Egypt Network for Integrated Development (ENID), Policy Brief #027, Online Platform.
- El Baradei, Laila (2015). The Case for Decentralization as a tool for Improving Quality in Egyptian Basic Education. The Egyptian Center for Economic Studies, ECES Working Paper Series, Working Paper No.180-E, June. (Available in both hard and soft copies).
- El Baradei, Laila (2015). Egypt, 1984. The Cairo Review of Global Affairs, Online Edition of Journal, May 7.
- El Baradei, Laila (2015). Book Review for: Chasing Chaos: My Decade In and Out of Humanitarian Aid. By Jessica Alexandar. Broadway Books, New York, 2013. 386 pp. The Cairo Review of Global Affairs, January 21, 2015, pp. 128-129.
- El Baradei, Laila (2014). Enhancing Accountability in the Provision of Public Services through Direct Citizen Participation, Egypt Network for Integrated Development (ENID), Policy Brief #23, Online Platform.
- El Baradei, Laila (2014). Nile View: Back to the Future?. The Cairo Review of Global Affairs, Fall 2014, Issue #15, pp. 14-15. Online Edition of Journal 12 October, 2014.
- El Baradei, Laila (2014). Nile View: Theory Y and Egypt’s Bureaucracy. The Cairo Review of Global Affairs, Summer 2014, Issue #14, pp.12-13. Online Edition of Journal 6 July, 2014.
- El Baradei, Laila (2014). Eight Points About Egypt’s Presidential Elections. The Cairo Review of Global Affairs, Webpage, 6 June, Online Tahrir Forum.
- El Baradei, Laila (2014). Nile View: The Government and the Ostrich. The Cairo Review of Global Affairs, Spring 2014, Issue # 13, pp. 14-15. Online Edition of Journal 14May, 2014.
- El Baradei, Laila (2014). Nile View: Managing Egypt. The Cairo Review of Global Affairs, 17 Feb. 2014, Issue # 12. Online Edition of Journal 17 Feb., 2014.
- El Baradei, Laila (2013). In 2020, Egypt will…. Global Brief Magazine, Monday 23 December, 2013.
- El Baradei, Laila (2013). Nile View: Keeping Hope Alive. The Cairo Review of Global Affairs, November 2013, Issue # 11, pp. 14-15. Online Edition of Journal 24 November 2013.
- El Baradei, Laila (2013). Nile View: Make Your Citizens Happy!. The Cairo Review of Global Affairs, Summer 2013, Issue # 10, pp. 153-157.& Online Edition of Journal, 30 June 2013.
- El Baradei, Laila (2012). The Egyptian Revolution and Its Message to Economists & National Planners: Make Your Citizens Happy. Baku International Humanitarian Forum, Roundtable on Humanitarian Aspects of Economic Growth Models, Azerbaijan, 4-6 October. To be published on Conference website.
- El Baradei, Laila (2011). After Revolution, Entry Points for Egyptian Youth. The Cairo Review of Global Affairs, Online Edition of Journal, March 25.
- Abdelhamid, Doha and Laila El Baradei (2009). Reforming the Pay System for Government Employees in Egypt. The Egyptian Center for Economic Studies, ECES Working Paper Series, Working Paper No.151, June.
- El Baradei, Laila Mostafa (2007). Critical Perspective of the New Civil Jobs Law. Cairo: Partners in Development for Research, Consultations and Training, Partners’ Symposium Publications, Issue Five, September. (In Arabic).
- El Baradei, Laila (2006). Do Parallel Structures Resolve the Problems of the Egyptian Government Bureaucracy?. The Egyptian Center for Economic Studies, ECES Working Paper Series, Working Paper No. 112, July.
Newspaper Articles
- El Baradei, Laila (2014). Idarat Masr. Arabic translation of article Managing Egypt of Cairo Review. Al-Sharq Al-Awsat, 27 February.
- El Baradei, Laila (2013). Al-Ibqa ala Al-Amal Hayan. Arabic translation of article Keeping Hope Alive of Cairo Review. Al-Sharq Al-Awsat, 30 November.
- El Baradei, Laila (2013). Igalou Mowateenekom Soaadaa. Arabic translation of article Make Your Citizens Happy of Cairo Review. Al-Sharq Al-Awsat, 27 July 2013, Issue # 12660.
- Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt, PhD, 1998
- The American University in Cairo, MBA, 1988
- The American University in Cairo, BA 1983
- Strategic Management of Government and Nonprofit Organizations
- Essentials of Public Policy and Administration
- E-Government
- Research Methods for Public Policy and Administration
- Comparative Administration
- Organizational Behavior
- Problems of Development Administration
- Administration of Public Personnel
June 2022: AUC Excellence in Academic Service Award: The Excellence in Academic Service Award honors faculty members who demonstrate a record of excellence in academic service to AUC. The candidate must show evidence of sustained service to the University above and beyond normal service. Financial Award received amounting to $5000.
14 June 2022: GAPP School’s Faculty Outstanding Contribution to Practice Award (Shared).
8 October 2021: GAPP School’s Achievement Certificate for contribution to Practice in 2020.
3 March 2021: SAGE’s 2021 Editor’s Choice Award for Leadership. The award is given annually to an author of a case that demonstrates excellence in its category. In choosing the winner, factors considered include: classroom utility, originality of concept, timeliness of subject, quality of writing, and depth of research.
15 July 2020: GAPP Faculty Outstanding Contribution to Practice Award for the calendar year 2019.
March 2019: Distinguished Faculty Achievement Award at the School of Global Affairs and Public Policy (GAPP) received at the 10 Years Celebration for the establishment of the School.
March 2019: The 2019 Inaugural Distinguished Achievements and Leadership and Public Administration Scholarship or Practice in the Middle East Award by the American Society for Public Administration (ASPA)’s Section on Effective and Sound Administration in the Middle East (SESAME). Award received in Washington D.C. during the Annual ASPA Conference on the 10th of March 2019.
April 2019: Certificate of Appreciation from the Public Policy and Administration Department, GAPP School, AUC.
May 2015: School of Global Affairs and Public Policy Research Moataz Al Alfi Award for peer-reviewed articles published in 2014.
May 2014: UNDP and Institute of National Planning Award in recognition of valued contribution in the 2010 Egypt National Human Development Report on youth awarded the UNDP Award for Excellence in Human Development.
- May 2014: School of Global Affairs and Public Policy Moataz Al Alfi Research Award in recognition of quality research publications in peer reviewed journals during 2013.
- July 2012: Faculty of Economics and Political Science Award and Certificate of Appreciation for participation in the development of the Strategic Plan for the School and cooperation during the implementation of the Development Support Project for the School Accreditation.
- April 2010: Arab Administrative Development Organization (ARADO) Award in recognition for Acting as Technical Advisor for Development Cooperation Conference for Four Consecutive years 2007-2010.