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Marina Apaydin

  • Position: Associate Professor, Management
  • Department: Heikal Department of Management
Brief Biography

Marina Apaydin is an associate professor of management at The American University in Cairo (AUC) with over a decade of teaching experience in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). Apaydin holds a PhD degree in strategic management and innovation from the Western University (Canada),  an MBA in finance and international business and an MA in Islamic studies, both from the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA), and a  MS in Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) from the Leningrad Electrical Engineering University (LETI). Before moving to academia, Apaydin held a position of the deputy director for management at UNESCO’s World Heritage Center in Paris, which had culminated two decades of her prior professional experience in finance, business consulting, and marketing in several industries across Europe, the Middle East, and the USA. Apaydin developed and published the 3A framework for critical thinking, which later served as a basis for Contemporary Management textbook by McGraw-Hill. It also became a way of life for hundreds of her students who adopted this acronym for their alumni association. She taught strategic and cross-cultural management, innovationinternational business, decision-making, change management, team-building, and business communications and  delivered workshops on case writing, teaching, and learning  to professors and students at several universities in Canada, Turkey, China, Egypt, and Lebanon, both, in situ and virtually. She also has published impact-factor academic and practitioner articles on this subject. Apaydin works and teaches in English, French, Italian, Russian, and Arabic.

Research Interest
  • Strategic management
  • Organizational innovation
  • International business
  • Cross-cultural management
  • Informal social networks
  • Middle Eastern cultures
  • Teaching and learning innovation
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Management  – Ivey School of Business, Western University (Canada)
  • Master of Art in Islamic Studies – Center for Near Eastern Studies, University of California in Los Angeles (USA)
  • Master of Business Administration – Anderson School of Business, University of California in Los Angeles (USA)
  • Bachelor & Master of Science in Electrical Engineering - Leningrad Electrical Engineering University (Russia)
  • Eldomiaty, T., Apaydin, M., Fouad, J., Anwar, M., &El Zahed, H. 2023. Firm growth and total factor productivity: A methodology for examining the size controversy. International Journal of Business and Economics, 22, pp. 99-112.
  • Eldomiaty, T., Apaydin, M., El-Sehwagy, A., & Rashwan, M. 2023. Institutional quality and firm-level financial performance: implications from G8 and MENA Countries. Cogent Economics & Finance. 
  • Eldomiaty, T., Apaydin, M., Rashwan, M. & Yusuf, M. 2023. How do stock market development & competitiveness affect equity risk premium? International Journal of Financial Studies. 
  • Demirbag, M., Apaydin, M., & Sahadev, S. 2021. Micro-foundational dimensions of firm internationalization as determinants of knowledge management strategy. Technology Forecasting & Social Change, 165, 1-15.
  • Apaydin, M., Jiang,F., Demirbag,M., & Jamali, D. 2021. The importance of corporate social responsibility strategic fit and times of economic hardship. British Journal of Management, 32(2):399-415.
  • Apaydin, M., Thornberry, J., & Sidani, Y. 2020. The role of informal social networks as intermediaries in the foreign markets. Management and Organization Review, 16(3): 629-656.
  • Apaydin, M., Bayraktar, E., &Hossary, M. 2018. Achieving economic and social sustainability through hyper-connectivity: a cross-country comparison. Benchmarking: An International Journal, 25 (9):3607-3627.
  • Apaydin, M. & Hossary,M.2017. Achieving metacognition through cognitive strategy instruction. International Journal of Educational Management, 31(6): 696-717.
  • Apaydin, M. 2016. The Sogdian horseman: Visual representation of a hunting scene in pre-modern Central Asia and Iran. Romano-Arabica, XVI: 179-182.
  • Apaydin, M. 2015. Reframing the Islamic city: from definition to deconstruction. The Maghreb Review, 40 (4): 473-492.
  • Apaydin, M., & Wahsh, R.2014. The role of context in knowledge & innovation strategies. European Scientific Journal, November Special Edition, V1: 61-69.
  • Apaydin, M. 2014. The role of time in post-merger integration. European Scientific Journal, June Special Edition, V1: 559-569.
  • Apaydin, M. 2014. The full circle: Case teaching and writing in business courses. European Journal of Educational Sciences,1(3): 26-38.
  • Apaydin, M. 2014. Development of Andalusian group identity. Journal of Andalusian Studies (Revista de Estudios Andaluces) 31: 85-97.
  • Apaydin, M., Koura,P., El-Gabaly, N., Mahmoud, N., & El-Noury, F. 2012. El Sewedy Cables: Expansion into Russia and Kazakhstan. International Journal of Commerce & Management, 22(3): 235-246.
  • Demirbag, M., Apaydin, M., & Tatoglu, E.2011. Survival of Japanese subsidiaries in the Middle East & North Africa. Journal of World Business,46 (4): 211-245.
  • Crossan, M.M., & Apaydin, M. 2010. A multi-dimensional framework of organizational innovation. Journal of Management Studies, 47(6): 1154-1191.
  • Apaydin, M. 2009. Analyzing foreign direct investment trends in Turkey, Central and South-Eastern Europe, and the Middle East. International Journal of Emerging Markets, 4 (1): 72-97.
  • Apaydin, M. 2008. Making a Case for the Case Method in Turkey. Journal of Management Development, 27 (7): 678-692.
  • Apaydin, M. 2008. Cracking the success paradox: Integration complexity and organizational learning in post-merger integration. International Journal of Business Strategy, 8 (1): 30-42.

Non-referred Journals

International Journal Of Linguistics, Literature And Culture

  • Oriental Discourse in Russia: The Case of Alexander Pushkin. IJLLC 2019, 6(1): 1-19.
  • The Reality Effect in Early Muslim Literature. IJLLC2017, 4(2): 16-19.

Al-Machriq (in Arabic)

  • The Role of Arab Seafarers in the Evolution of Geographical Knowledge, ALM2017, 91(1): 295-306.
  • The Evolution of the Oriental Discourse in Russian Literature, ALM2016, 90(2): 585-596.
  • Evolution of Religion, Ethnicity and Community in the Ancient Iran, ALM2016, 90(1): 195-217.
  • Islamic City: a Rhetorical Argument or a Political Tool? ALM2015, 89(1): 313-328.
  • Reconstructing Abi Hanifah’s personality based on secondary accounts, ALM2014, 88(2): 489-508.

AL-MAJARRA (in Arabic)