Mikhail Mikhail
- Position: Professor
- Department: Department of Computer Science and Engineering
- Email: [email protected]
Mikhail Mikhail is a professor of computer science and is the founder of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at The American University in Cairo. In 1985, he pioneered the introduction of a degree in computer science at AUC. The program was the first in Egypt and the first outside the borders of the United States to be accredited by the American Professional Accreditation Board, the Computer Science Accreditation Board (CSAB) and later by the Accreditation Board of Engineering and Technology (ABET).
Since joining AUC in 1982, Mikhail has spent his time building the Department of Computer Science and Engineering's Faculty, Staff, Labs, and Curriculum from the ground up. The department now offers a BSc in computer science; a BSc in computer engineering; an MSc in computer science; an MA in computing; an MSc in computer engineering; a MEng in computer engineering; and a graduate diploma in computer science.
At AUC, Mikhail served as head of mathematics (1983 - 1985), as director of the computer science program (1985 -1988), as chair of the Department of Computer Science (1988 - 1994, 2002 - 2006), and as chair of the Computer Science and Engineering Department (2006 - 2008).
Mikhail teaches mathematics, particularly numerical analysis, and a variety of graduate and under graduate computer science courses.
He has published articles in numerical solutions of partial differential equations, aero acoustics and control of aircraft noise, wind tunnels design, and mechanical systems design.
Mikhail consulted for a number of high tech projects while in Canada. He worked on mechanical systems designs, for example, while working for NASA’s space shuttle program.
Mikhail holds a BSc in aeronautical engineering and a BSc in mathematics from Cairo University. His MA degree is in aero-thermodynamics and his PhD is in aerospace engineering from Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada.
- All aspects of computer communications and networks.