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Mohamed Serag

  • Position: Professor
  • Department: Department of Arab and Islamic Civilizations
  • Email: [email protected]
Brief Biography

Mohamed Serag is a professor of Islamic studies at the Department of Arab and Islamic Civilizations at The American University in Cairo (AUC). Serag was a professor and head of the Islamic Law Department at the Alexandria University Faculty of Law, Egypt; a visiting professor at Sana’a University in Yemen; chair of the Department of Islamic Law at Cairo University; assistant and associate professor of law at the International Islamic University in Islamabad; and associate professor of Islamic Studies at Cairo University. He authored, translated, and co-edited numerous books on Islamic law, including books on the Islamic law of trusts; Islamic legal theory and practice; Islamic laws of contract, inheritance, and bequests; the Islamic banking system; and torts in Islam.

  1. Mohamed Serag (Muhammad Ahmad Siraj) and Wafya Hamouda (translators),al'elaqat aldwlyh fy al-Islam, (Kuwait: Markaz Nuhud lil-dirasat wa al-buhuth, 2022)
  2. Mohamed Serag (Muhammad Ahmad Siraj) and Ahmad Ali Dabash (translators), Tafsir al-qawanin: Al-Nass wa al-siyaq wa al-tafsir al-maqasidi by Elmer Dreidger. (Kuwait: Markaz Nuhud lil-dirasat wa al-buhuth, 2021)
  3. Fi ‘usul al-nizam al-qanuni al-Islami: Dirasa muqarina li-‘ilm usul al-fiqh wa tatbiqatihi al-fiqhiyya wa al-qanuniyya, Nouhoud Center for Studies and Publications, 2020.
  4. مرجع أكسفورد (nohoudh-center.com)
  5. كتاب أكسفورد للقانون المقارن (مجلدان) – الشبكة العربية للأبحاث والنشر (arabiyanetwork.com)
  • Cairo University, BA 1966
  • Cairo University, MA 1971
  • Cairo University, PhD 1976