Mohamed A. Swillam
- Position: Chair and Professor
- Department: Department of Physics
- Email: [email protected]
Mohamed Swillam received his PhD from McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada, in 2008. After graduation, he worked as a postdoctoral fellow in the same group. In October 2009, he joined the Department of Physics and the Institute of Optical Sciences at the University of Toronto, where he works as a research fellow. In September 2011, he was appointed as an assistant professor at the Department of Physics, The American University in Cairo (AUC). He is now a Professor at the Department of Physics at AUC. His research interests mainly focus on nanophysics with emphasis on design optimization and fabrication of active and passive nanophotonic and plasmonic devices and systems, silicon photonics, optical interconnects, integrated on-chip optical systems, lab-on-chip, nano-antenna, metamaterials, and solar cells. The main applications include biomedical systems, energy harvesting, and telecommunications. He authored more than 250 technical papers in highly-ranked journals and conferences. He also holds five patents, a book, and a book chapter in these areas.
Swillam is an editor in the journal of nanophotonics, guest editor in J. of optical and quantum electronics and J. applied physics A. He is also a member of the editorial board of many physics and photonics journals, including the Journal of advanced electromagnetics, the journal of review of applied physics, the Journal of photonics and optoelectronics, the journal of bio-inspired nanotechnology, an international conference of metamaterial, physics 2016, a third international conference of condensed matter physics, international conference on numerical simulation of Optoelectronic devices, ICMAP and SOPO. He is also a senior member of the IEEE photonic society since 2010. He is the founder and the advisor of the optical society of America and SPIE chapters at the AUC and the vice president of the Egyptian Unit.
Swillam currently holds a few national and international grants in the area of energy and sensing applications, and on-chip devices for telecommunications, with a total value of more than $3 million.
Swillam received various awards and fellowships, including the AUC Research and Creative Endeavors Award (2017), an early career award from the applied computational electromagnetic society and IEEE (2016), the state award for advanced technology in 2013 and Misr-Elkhair best publication award in science in 2012, Ontario Ministry of Research (MRI) fellowship in 2011, NSERC postdoctoral fellowship 2009, and the dean’s graduate student award of knowledge translation and innovation from McMaster University in 2009. He is also the recipient of the best student paper award from IEEE/LEOS Ottawa section for Photonics North 2007 and from ACES 2009.
- Nanophysics theory and applications
- Design and fabrication of the novel solar cell
- Design of surface plasmon waveguide for biomedical and optical interconnects
- Fabrication of optoelectronics and nanoplasmonic structures for sensing and communication applications
- Design and fabrication of optical nanoantenna for biomedical and energy harvesting
- Silicon photonics
- Time-domain spectroscopy techniques in THz
- Efficient techniques for microwave imaging
- Optical coherent control of nanophotonic devices and its application
- Novel gain-assisted metamaterial
- Signal processing techniques for electromagnetics
- Smart optimization methods for microwave and optical components
- Sensitivity analysis and design optimization of microwave and nanophotonics components
- Modeling and simulation of optical fiber communication systems
- Fabrication and characterization of integrated nano components
- Modeling and simulation of microwave and antenna components
- CAD tools for modeling active and passive photonic devices
- CAD tools for modeling nanostructures and quantum semiconductors
- M. A. Swillam, Photonics Optimization, Lambert Academic publications, Berlin, Germany. 2013. ISBN 978-3-8484-2555-6.
- M. A. Swillam, Fundamentals of Nanophysics: with Applications to Electronics and Photonics, El Sevier. To be finished by June 2019.
Book Chapters
M. A. Swillam, FDTD for Photonics and Nanophotonics, in FDTD for Nanotechnology, CRC publications. 2013, second edition 2017.
Refereed Journal Papers
- S. Magdi, J. El-Rifai, and M. A. Swillam, Lithography-Free Fabrication of Crystalline Silicon Nanowires Using Amorphous Silicon Substrate for Wide-Angle Energy Absorption Applications, ACS applied nanomaterial, 2018, 1 (6), pp 2990–2996, 2018.
- M. Y Abdelatty, M. M Badr, M. A Swillam, Compact Silicon Electro-Optical Modulator Using Hybrid ITO Tri-Coupled Waveguides, Journal of Lightwave Technology 36 (18), 4198-4204.
- S. Magdi, J. El-Rifai, and M. A. Swillam, One step fabrication of Silicon nanocones with wide-angle enhanced light absorption, Nature publications, Scientific reports 8, 4001, 2018.
- M. Y. Abdelatty, M. M. Badr, and M. A. Swillam, High-speed hybrid plasmonic electro-optical absorption modulator exploiting epsilon-near-zero effect in indium-tin-oxide, Journal of Nanophotonics 12 (3), 036011.
- S. M. Sherif, LA Shahada, and M. A. Swillam, Vertical Silicon Nanowires based Directional Coupler Optical Router, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, PTL, 2018, In Press.
- A. B Ayoub, Q Gan, and M. A, Swillam, Silicon Plasmonic Integrated Interferometer Sensor for Lab on chip Applications, Optics Communications, 2018, In Press
- M. Desouky, A. M. Mahmoud, M.A. Swillam, Silicon-based mid-IR super absorber using hyperbolic metamaterial, Nature publications, Scientific reports 8 (1), 2036 (2018).
- A. B Ayoub, M. A Swillam, Silicon Plasmonics On-Chip Mid-IR Gas Sensor, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, PTL, 201
- D. C. Zografopoulos, G Sinatkas, E Lotfi, LA Shahada, MA Swillam, EE Kriezis, R Beccherelli, Amplitude modulation in infrared metamaterial absorbers based on electro-optically tunable conducting oxides, Applied Physics A 124 (2), 105, 2018.
- M. Desouky, A. M. Mahmoud, M.A. Swillam, Tunable Mid IR focusing in InAs based semiconductor Hyperbolic Metamaterial, Scientific Reports, Nature publications, Scientific Reports 7, Article number: 15312 (2017).
- A. A. R. Mohamed, L. A. Shahada, M. A. Swillam, Electro-Optic Plasmonic Modulator With Direct Coupling to Silicon Waveguides, IEEE Photonics Journal, 9 (6), 1-7, 2017.
- R. S. El Shamy, H. Mossad, M. A Swillam, Silicon-on-Sapphire (SOS) waveguide modal analysis for mid-infrared applications, Journal of Physics Communications 1 (3), 035011, 2017.
- A. B Ayoub, M. A Swillam, High-performance optical systems using MIM based plasmonic structures, Journal of Physics Communications, 1 (3), 035007, 2017.
- S. Magdi, M. A. Swillam, Investigating several ZrN plasmonic nanostructures and their effect on the absorption of organic solar cells, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 50, 2017, 385501.
- M. Y Elsayed, A. M Gouda, Y. Ismail, M. A. Swillam, Silicon-based SERS substrates fabricated by Electroless etching, Journal of Lightwave Technology, 35 (14), 3075-3081, 2017.
- A. M Gouda, N. K. Allam, M. A. Swillam, Efficient fabrication methodology of wide-angle black silicon for energy harvesting applications, RSC Advances, 2017
- S. M. Sherif, D. C. Zografopoulos, LA Shahada, R Beccherelli, M. A. Swillam, Integrated plasmonic refractometric sensor using Fano resonance, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 50 (5), 055104, 20
- M. M. Badr and M. A. Swillam, Linearized finite-element method solution of the ion-exchange nonlinear diffusion model, J. Nanophotonics, 11 (2), 026013-026013, 2017.
- N. H. Fouad, A. O. Zaki, D. C. Zografopoulos, R Beccherelli, M, A, Swillam, Low power hybrid plasmonic microring-on-disks electro-optical modulators, Journal of Nanophotonics 11 (1), 016014-016014, 2017.
- R. Gamal, S Shafaay, Y Ismail, M. A. Swillam, Silicon plasmonics at midinfrared using silicon-insulator-silicon platform, Journal of Nanophotonics 11 (1), 016006-016006, 2017.
- M. Y. Elsayed, Y. Ismail, M. A Swillam, Semiconductor plasmonic gas sensor using on-chip infrared, Applied Physics A 123 (1), 113, 2017.
- S. Magdi, D Ji, Q. Gan, M. A Swillam, Broadband absorption enhancement in organic solar cells using refractory plasmonic ceramics, Journal of Nanophotonics, vol. 11, no.1, 2017.
- RS El Shamy, H Mossad, MA Swillam, Long-range all-dielectric plasmonic waveguide in mid-infrared, Applied Physics A, vol. 123, no. 1, p. 52, 2017.
- MY Abdelatty, AO Zaki, MA Swillam, Hybrid silicon plasmonic organic directional coupler-based modulator, Applied Physics A, vol. 123, no. 1, p. 11, 2017.
- D. C. Zografopoulos, · M. A. Swillam, R. Beccherelli, Electro-optic modulators based on hybrid plasmonic micro-ring disk resonators with femtojoule switching energy, Appl. Phys. A (2016) 122:1039.
- AE Khalifa, HA Elhamid, M. A Swillam, Optimal design of intermediate reflector layer in micromorph silicon thin-film solar cells, Journal of Nanophotonics 10 (4), 2016.
- M. A. Ayad, and M. A. Swillam, Mid-Infrared Plasmonic Power Splitters, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 28 (21), 2431-2434, 2016.
- A. M. Gouda, M. Y. Elsayed, A. E. Khalifa, Y Ismail, and M. A. Swillam, Lithography-free wide-angle antireflective self-cleaning silicon nanocones, Optics Letters vol. 41, no.15, 3575-3578, 2016
- A. O. Zaki, K. Kirah, M. A. Swillam, Integrated optical sensor using hybrid plasmonics for lab on chip applications, J. Optics, vol. 18,no. 2016.
- M. Ismail, R. S. El Shamy, K. Madkour, S. Hammouda, and M. A. Swillam, Toward automated parasitic extraction of silicon photonics using layout physical verifications, Journal of Optics vol. 18 , no. 8, 085801, 2016.
- S. M Sherif, M. A Swillam, Metal-less silicon plasmonic mid-infrared gas sensor, Journal of Nanophotonics vol.10, no.2, 2016.
- D. C. Zografopoulos, · M. A. Swillam, · L. A. Shahada, · R. Beccherelli, Hybrid electro-optic plasmonic modulators based on directional coupler switches, Applied Physics A, 122 (4), 1-6, 2016.
- A, O. Zaki, K. Kirah, and M. A. Swillam, Hybrid plasmonic electro-optical modulator, Applied Physics A, 122 (4), 1-7, 2016.
- D. C. Zografopoulos, M.A. Swillam, and R. Beccherelli, Hybrid Plasmonic Modulators and Filters Based on Electromagnetically Induced Transparency, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 28 , no. 7, 2016.
- R. R Andrawis, M. A Swillam, M. A El-Gamal, E. A Soliman, Artificial neural network modeling of plasmonic transmission lines, Applied Optics, vol. 55, no. 10, 2016
- R. Kotb, M. ElMaklizi, Y. Ismail, M. A. Swillam, Optical Trapping and Manipulation of Nanoparticles using Meta Plasmonic Structure, Journal of Optics, Vol. 18, No 1, 2016.
- M. Ayad, S. Obayya, M. A. Swillam, Modelling of quantum confinement of nanostructures, Journal of Optics, Vol. 18, No 1, 2016.
- R. Gamal, Y Ismail, M. A. Swillam, Silicon Waveguides at the Mid-Infrared Range, J. Lightwave Technology 33, Aug. 2015.
- K. Khairallah, M. A. Swillam, NEMS based MIM Plasmonics tunable filter, the Journal of Micro/Nanolithography, MEMS, and MOEMS, 14 (2), 025501-025501, 2015.
- R. Gamal, Y Ismail, M. A. Swillam, Optical biosensor based on a silicon nanowire ridge waveguide for lab on chip applications, Journal of Optics, 17 (4), 045802, 2015.
- A. Azzazi, and M. A. Swillam, Nanoscale highly selective plasmonic quad wavelength demultiplexer based on a metal-insulator–metal, Optics Communications 344, 1, 106–112 June 2015
- H. Mekawey, Y. Ismail , and M. A. Swillam, Dispersion analysis and engineering of 2D plasmonic waveguides, Journal of Optics 17 (1), 015003, 2015.
- R. kotb, Y. Ismail, M. A. Swillam, Nonlinear Tuning Techniques of Plasmonic Nano-Filters, Optics Communications 336, 306-314, 2015.
- S Ibrahim, M. A Swillam, S. Obayya, Analysis of plasmonic effects in silicon nanoholes, Optical Engineering. 53 (10), 107103-107103 ,2014.
- M. ElMaklizi, M. Hendawi, and M. A Swillam, Super focusing in visible and UV using a metasurface Journal of Optics, 16 105007, 2014. Highlighted as labtalk on IOP website October 25, 2014, Highlighted in Europhysics news 46,1,2015
- R. Andrawis, M.A Swillam and Ezzeldin Soliman, Submicron omega-shape plasmonic polarization rotator, Journal of Optics, 16 105001, 2014.
- A. Emad, M.A. Swillam, Plasmonic silicon solar cells using titanium nitride: A comparative study, J. Nanophotonics, 8 (1), 084098-084098, 2014.
- S. Hussien, M. A. Swillam, N. K, Allam Vertically aligned crystalline silicon nanowires with controlled diameters for energy conversion applications: Experimental and theoretical insights, J. Applied Physics, 115 (19), 194305, 2014.
- M. A. Swillam, and A. S. Helmy. Semi-analytical design methodology for large scale metal-insulator–metal waveguide networks, Journal of Optics, vol. 16. no.6, 2014.
- M. Ayad, S. Obayya, M.A. Swillam, Submicron 1xN Ultra Wideband MIM Plasmonic Power Splitters, Journal of Lightwave Technology, 32 (9), 1814-1820, 2014.
- H. K. Wang, C. Lin, B. Lau, M.A. Swillam, and A. S. Helmy, Broadband Compact Silicon Wire to Silicon Slot Waveguide Orthogonal Bend, Journal of Lightwave Technology, 32 (7), 1399-1405, 2014.
- S. Tawfik and M. A. Swillam Plasmonic slot waveguides with core nonlinearity, Plasmonics, 9, Issue 2, pp 409-413, 2014.
- M. R. AbdelHafez, and M.A. Swillam, Efficient sensitivity analysis approach based on finite element solutions of photonic structures Optics Communications, 313,430-435, 2014
- M. H. El Sherif, O. S. Ahmed, M. H. Bakr, and M. A. Swillam, Realizing vertical light coupler and splitter in nano-plasmonic multilevel circuits, Optics Express, vol. 21, 22, pp. 26311-26322, 2013.
- S. E. El-Zohary, A. Azzazi, H. Okamoto, T. Okamoto, M. Haraguchi, and M. A. Swillam, Resonance-based integrated plasmonic nanosensor for lab on chip applications, J. Nanophotonics, 0001;7(1):073077-073077, 2013.
- R. Kotb, Y Ismail, .M A. Swillam, Integrated Metal-Insulator-Metal Plasmonic Nanoresonator: An Analytical Approach, Progress in electromagnetic research lett , Vol. 43, 83-94, 2013.
- M. A. Swillam, R. Kotb, Y Ismail, Tunable plasmonics, Advanced Electromagnetics. , vol. 2, No. 2, 2013.
- K. Khirallah, I. Ramsis, M. Serry, M. A. Swillam, S. Sedky, Spatial beam splitting for fully integrated MEMS interferometer, Optics Comm. 295, 249–256, 15 May 2013.
- C. Lin, M. A. Swillam, and A. S. Helmy, Analytical model for metal–insulator–metal mesh waveguide architectures, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 29, 3157-3169, 2012.
- C. Lin, H. K. Wang, B. Lau, M.A. Swillam, and A. S. Helmy, Efficient Broadband Energy Transfer via Momentum Matching at Hybrid Guided-Wave Junctions, Applied Physics letters 101, 123115, 2012.
- M. Khorasaninjead, M. A. Swillam, K. Pillai, and S. S. Saini, Silicon Nanowire Arrays with Enhanced Optical Properties, Optics Lett 37, 4194-4196, 2012.
- M. H. El Sherif, O. S. Ahmed, M. H. Bakr, and M. A. Swillam, Polarization-controlled excitation of multilevel plasmonic nano-circuits using single silicon nanowire, Optics Express, vol 20, 12473-12486, 2012.
- M. A. Swillam, and A. S. Helmy, Feedback effect in plasmonic slot waveguides examined using the closed form, Photonics Technology lett., vol.19,no. 24, pp 497-499, March 2012.
- M. A. Swillam, O. S. Ahmed, M. H. Bakr, and X. Li, Filter design using multiple coupled microcavities, Photonics Technology lett., vol. 23, no. 16, Aug.15th , 2011.
- O. S. Ahmed, M. A. Swillam, M. H. Bakr, and X. Li, Efficient design optimization of ring resonator-based optical filters, IEEE J. Lightwave Technology, vol. 29, no.18, September 15, 2011.
- M.A. Swillam, and N. Rotenberg, H. M. van Driel, All-optical control of ultrafast beaming through single sub-wavelength aperture in planner metal, Optics Express, vol. 19, no. 8, pp. 7856-7864, April 2011.
- M. A. Swillam, and A. S. Helmy, Analysis and applications of 3D rectangular metallic waveguides, Optics Express, vol. 18, no. 19, pp. 19831-19843, Sept. 2010.
- B. Lau, M. A. Swillam, and A. S. Helmy, Hybrid orthogonal junctions: wideband plasmonic slot - silicon wire couplers, Optics Express, vol. 18, no. 26 , pp. 27048-27059, Dec. 2010.
- M. A. Swillam, M. H. Bakr, and X. Li, Efficient design for wideband integrated polarization splitters/combiner, IEEE J. Lightwave Technology, vol.28 , no.8, pp. 1176-1183, April 2010.
- O. S. Ahmed, M. A. Swillam, M. H. Bakr, and X. Li, Modeling and design of nanoplasmonics using transmission line modeling, Optics Express, vol. 18, no. 21, pp. 21784- 21797, October 2010.
- O. S. Ahmed, M. A. Swillam, M. H. Bakr, and X. Li, Efficient approach for accurate parameter extraction with terahertz time-domain spectroscopy, IEEE J. Lightwave Technology, vol.28 , no.11, pp. 1685 - 1692, June 2010.
- M. A. Swillam, R. H. Gohary, M. H. Bakr, and X. Li, Efficient approach for sensitivity analysis of lossy and leaky structures using FDTD, J. Progress in Electromagnetic Research (PIER), vol. 94, pp. 197-212, 2009.
- M. A. Swillam, M. H. Bakr, and X. Li, Design optimization of compact wideband optical switch exploiting stair case index MMI, IEEE J. Lightwave Technology, vol. 27, no.2, pp 80 – 87, Jan. 15th 2009.
- M. A. Swillam, M. H. Bakr, and X. Li, Efficient 3D sensitivity analysis of surface plasmon waveguide structures, Optics Express, vol. 16, no. 21, pp. 16371-16381, Oct. 2008.
- M. A. Swillam, M. H. Bakr, X. Li and J. Deen, Efficient sensitivity analysis of time-independent Schrödinger equation with application to quantum lasers, Optics Communication, vol. 281, no. 17, pp 4169-4554, Sep. 2008.
- M. A. Swillam, D. Khalil and A. H. Morshed Effect of the fabrication and design parameters on the performance of MMI devices made by ion exchange: a detailed study, J. Optics A: pure and applied optics, vol. 10, 125301, Dec. 2008.
- M. A. Swillam, M. H. Bakr, and X. Li, Full vectorial 3D sensitivity analysis and design optimization using BPM, IEEE J. Lightwave Technology, vol. 26, no. 5, pp 528 – 536, Mar.. 2008.
- M. A. Swillam, M. H. Bakr, and X. Li, Full-wave sensitivity analysis of guided wave structures using FDTD, J. Electromagnetic Waves and Applications., vol. 22, no. 16, pp 2135-2145, 2008.
- M. A. Swillam, M. H. Bakr, and X. Li, Efficient adjoint sensitivity analysis exploiting the FD-BPM, IEEE J. Lightwave Technology, vol. 25, no. 7, pp. 1861 – 1869, July 2007.
- M. A. Swillam, M. H. Bakr, and X. Li, The design of multilayer optical coatings using convex optimization, IEEE J. Lightwave Technology, vol. 25 , no. 4, pp. 1078 – 1085, April 2007.
- M. A. Swillam, M. H. Bakr, and X. Li, Accurate sensitivity analysis of photonic devices exploiting the finite-difference time-domain central adjoint variable method, J. Applied Optics, vol. 46 , no. 9, pp. 1492 – 1499, March 2007.
- M. A. Swillam, M. H. Bakr, N. K. Nikolova, and X. Li, Adjoint sensitivity analysis of dielectric discontinuities using FDTD, J. Electromagnetics, vol. 27, no. 2, pp. 123 – 140, Feb. 2007.
- M. A. Swillam, O.S. Ahmed, M. H. Bakr, Efficient design of coupled microcavities at optical frequencies, Invited review, Journal of Micromachines 3 (2), 2012, 204-217.
Invited Papers
- M. A. Swillam, All Dielectric Metamaterial for MIR Applications, the 9th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics, META’18, Marseille, France, 2018.
- M. A. Swillam, On-Chip Plasmonic Modulator, The 3rd International Conference on Theoretical and Condensed Matter Physics 2017, New York, USA, 2017.
Keynote talk
- M. A. Swillam, Novel platform for Optical Modulation Using Silicon Photonics, The 4th Advanced Electromagnetics Symposium, Malaga, Spain 2016
- M. A. Swillam, Optical and Electrical Control of NonHermition Silicon Nanophotonics, the 7th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics, META’16, Malaga, Spain, 2016.
- M. A. Swillam, Mid infrared Applications of Silicon Thermoplasmonics, Photonics North 2016, Quebec City, Canada.
- S. M. Sherif, L. A. Shahada, M. A. Swillam, Silicon Nanowires Organic Hybrid Modulator Based On Directional Coupler, the 7th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics, META’16, Malaga, Spain, 2016.
- Dimitrios C. Zografopoulos , M. A. Swillam and Romeo Beccherelli, Hybrid plasmonic add-drop filter based on novel micro-ring-disk resonators with fJ switching energy, the 7th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics, META’16, Malaga, Spain, 2016.
- D. C. Zografopoulos, M. A. Swillam, L. Shehada, and R. Beccherelli, Hybrid electro-optical plasmonic modulators and switches for integrated optical signal processing, the 6th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics, META’15,2015, New York, USA.
- M. A. Swillam, Energy Manipulation in Nano-Scale Using Thermoplasmonics, the 6th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics, META’15, 2015, New York, USA.
- M. A. Swillam, Smart Techniques for Modelling Nanophotonic Circuits, 14th International Conference on Numerical Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices (NUSOD), Mallorca, Spain, 2014.
- M. A. Swillam, Tunable plasmonics, International conference on Metamaterial, plasmonics and photonic crystals, META 13, Dubai, March 2013.
- M. A. Swillam B. Lua, C. Lin and A. S. Helmy, Design, fabrication, characterization of Nano-scale plasmonic networks, Photonics North, Ottawa 2011.
- M. A. Swillam, B. Lua, C. Lin, and A. S. Helmy, Feedback effect in plasmonic networks, International Conference on Advanced Infocomm Technology 2011, Wuhan, China.
- M. A. Swillam, C. Lin, and A. S. Helmy, Fabrication and application of silicon-plasmonic networks, Workshop on Metamaterials and Plasmonics: Novel Materials, Designs, and Applications, Buffalo, NY.
- M. H. Bakr, N. K. Nikolova, M. A. Swillam, and Y. Song, Recent advances in time domain adjoint variable sensitivity analysis International workshop on Computational Electromagnetics in Time-Domain (CEM-TD), Perugia, Italy, 2007.
Selected Conference Papers (Proceedings)
- M. Elgarf, M. Badr, and M. Swillam, Silicon Ring Resonator Electro-optical Modulator Utilizing Epsilon-near-zero characteristics of Indium Tin Oxide the 9th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics, META’18, Marseille, France, 2018.
- Sherif M., L. Shahada, and M. Swillam, Compact Silicon Nanowire Ring Resonator Sensor the 9th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics, META’18, Marseille, France, 2018.
- M. Abdelatty, and M. Swillam, Hybrid Plasmonic Vanadium Dioxide Electro-optical Switch based Modulator the 9th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics, META’18, Marseille, France, 2018.
- H. Mekawey, Y. Ismail, and M. Swillam, Extraordinary Transmission in Mid-IR through a perforated doped silicon film - the 9th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics, META’18, Marseille, France, 2018.
- H. Mekawey, Y. Ismail, and M. Swillam, Silicon-based Nanoscale Plasmonic Bowtie Nanoantenna in the Mid-IR - the 9th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics, META’18, Marseille, France, 2018.
- M. Y. Abdelatty, M. M. Elgarf, M. A. Swillam, Hybrid Vanadium Dioxide Plasmonic Electro-Optical Modulator based on Race-Track shaped Resonator, Frontiers in Optics, JW3A. 106, Washington DC, USA ,2018.
- M. Desouky, A. M. Mahmoud, M. A. Swillam, Mid IR absorption using Hyperbolic Silicon tubes. Frontiers in Optics, JTu3A. 97, Washington DC, USA, 2018.
- N. Salama, M. Desouky, M.A. Swillam. Sub-wavelength focusing in air using semiconductor based Hyperbolic Metamaterial for infrared imaging, Frontiers in Optics, JTu2A. 103, Washington DC, USA, 018
- S. Magdi, J. El-Rifai, M. A. Swillam. Enhanced Light Absorption in Silicon Nanocones for Solar Applications, Laser Science, JTu3A. 9, Washington DC, USA, 2018.
- S. Magdi, J. El-Rifai, M. A. Swillam, Fabrication of Black Silicon using Laser Annealing, Laser Science, JW3A. 9, Washington DC, USA 2018
- A. Amer, M. M. Badr, M. A. Swillam, VO2/ITO Hybrid Plasmonic High Performance Electro-Optical Modulator, Laser Science, JW3A. 96, Washington DC, USA 2018
- M. Abdelsalam, A. Mahmoud, M. A. Swillam. All-Dielectric Polarization-Independent Metasurface Using Cross-Shaped Unit cell, Frontiers in Optics, JW4A. 2, Washington DC, USA, 2018
- A. Abbas, and M. A. Swillam, Electro-optic polymeric reflection modulator based on plasmonic metamaterial, Proc. SPIE 10529, Photonics West, San Francisco, USA, 2018
- A. Ayoub, and M. A. Swillam, High-performance optical modulator using ultra-thin silicon waveguide in SOI technology, Proc. SPIE 10526, Photonics West, San Francisco, USA, 2018.
- A. Ayoub, and M. A. Swillam, High-speed BPM method using leap-frog technique, Proc. SPIE 10526, Photonics West, San Francisco, USA, 2018.
- M. Desouki, A. Mahmoud and M. A. Swillam, An all silicon-based metamaterial for mid-IR energy harvesting, Proc. SPIE 10541, Photonics West, San Francisco, USA, 2018.
- M. El-Sayed, A. Gouda, Y. Ismail, and M. A. Swillam, Surface enhanced Raman scattering as a sensing technique using silicon nanowires and plasmonic nanoparticles, Proc. SPIE 10541, Photonics West, San Francisco, USA, 2018.
- A. Gouda, N. Allam, and M. A. Swillam, Simple scalable fabrication method of wide-angle black silicon surface for energy-harvesting applications, Proc. SPIE 10527, Photonics West, San Francisco, USA, 2018.
- E. Grirgis, C. Tharwat, and M. A. Swillam, Polymer-coated silicon nanoparticle synthesis for optical applications, Proc. SPIE 10543, Photonics West, San Francisco, USA, 2018.
- M. Hussein, M. Farhat, M. A. Swillam, and S. Obayya, Electrical characteristics of silicon nanowires solar cells with surface roughness, Proc. SPIE 10543, Photonics West, San Francisco, USA, 2018.
- S. Magdi, and M. A. Swillam, Examining the performance of ZrN plasmonic nanostructures in organic solar cells, Proc. SPIE 10527, Photonics West, San Francisco, USA, 2018.
- H. Mekawey, Y. Ismail, and M. A. Swillam, Silicon slot waveguide dispersion analysis and engineering through dynamic excess carrier generation, Proc. SPIE 10537, Photonics West, San Francisco, USA, 2018.
- M. Sherif, L. Shahada, and M. A. Swillam, Optical modulator based on silicon nanowires racetrack resonator, Proc. SPIE 10526, Photonics West, San Francisco, USA, 2018.
- M. A. Swillam, and R. El- Shamy, Mid-infrared plasmonic gas sensor, Proc. SPIE 10541, Photonics West, San Francisco, USA, 2018.
- M. Abdelsalam, A. Mahmoud, and M. A. Swillam, Polarization-independent dielectric metasurface for mid-infrared applications Proc. SPIE 10542, Photonics West, San Francisco, USA, 2018.
- Y. Azab, M. Mansoura, M. Farhat, A. M. Heikal, M. A. Swillam, and S. Obayya, Analysis of highly sensitive surface plasmon photonic crystal fiber biosensor, Proc. SPIE 10541, Photonics West, San Francisco, USA, 2018.
- A. M. Gouda, M. Y. Elsayed, A. E. Khalifa, Y. Ismail, and M. A. Swillam, Random textured silicon oxide nanocones for high-performance thin silicon solar cells, Proc. SPIE 10527, Photonics West, San Francisco, USA, 2018.
- M. Abdelatty , M. Badr , M. A. Swillam, Hybrid plasmonic electro-optical absorption modulator based on epsilon-near-zero characteristics of ITO Proc. SPIE. 10535, Photonics West, San Francisco, USA, 2018.
- M. Abdel-Galil , Y. Ismail , M. A. Swillam, Subwavelength focusing in the infrared range using a planar metallic lens of binary slits with refractive index modulation Proc. SPIE. 10535,
- M. Badr ; M. Abdelatty ; M. A. Swillam, All-silicon transparent oxide-integrated electro-optical modulator Proc. SPIE. 10535, Photonics West, San Francisco, USA, 2018.
- M. Y. Elsayed ; Y. Ismail ; M. A. Swillam, Mid-infrared graphene-insulator-graphene plasmonic modulator Proc. SPIE. 10535, Photonics West, San Francisco, USA, 2018.
- R. El Shamy ; M. A. Swillam, Experimental verification of layout physical verification of silicon photonics Proc. SPIE. 10537, Photonics West, San Francisco, USA, 2018.
- S. Sherif ; L. Shahada ; M. Swillam, Optical modulator based on silicon nanowires racetrack resonator Proc. SPIE. 10526, Photonics West, San Francisco, USA, 2018.
- A. Ayoub ; M. A. Swillam, Leap-frog-based BPM (LF-BPM) method for solving nanophotonic structures Proc. SPIE. 10526, Photonics West, San Francisco, USA, 2018.
- M. A. Swillam ; R. El Shamy ; Qiaoqiang Gan ; Diaa Khalil, Mid-infrared plasmonic gas sensor Proc. SPIE. 10541, Photonics West, San Francisco, USA, 2018.
- M. A. Swillam, Hybrid plasmonic electro-optical ring resonator based modulator based on electrically tuning the ITO’s properties, The 3rd International Conference on Theoretical and Condensed Matter Physics 2017, New York, USA, 2017.
- M. M. Badr, M. Y. Abdelatty, M. A. Swillam, All-Silicon Directional Coupler Electro-Optic Modulator Utilizing Transparent Conducting Oxides, Frontiers in Optics/Laser Science, Washington D.C., USA, 2017.
- D. C. Zografopoulos, G Sinatkas, E Lotfi, LA Shahada, MA Swillam, Infrared tunable absorbers based on electro-optically controlled conducting oxides, the 8th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics, META’17, Korea, 2017.
- M. Y. Abdelatty, M. M. Badr, M. A. Swillam, Hybrid Plasmonic Electro-Optical Directional Coupler Based Modulator Based on Electrically Tuning the ITO’s Properties, Frontiers in Optics/Laser Science, Washington D.C., USA, 2017.
- M. Desouky, A. M. Mahmoud, M.A. Swillam, Mid IR focusing in Doped-Semiconductor Hyperbolic Metamateial, Frontiers in Optics/Laser Science, Washington D.C., USA, 2017.
- M Hussein, MFO Hameed, SSA Obayya, M. A Swillam, Effective modelling of silicon nanowire solar cells, in IEEE ACES, Roma, 2017.
- M Abdel-Galil, Y Ismail, M.A. Swillam, Subwavelength focusing in the infrared range using a meta surface, in IEEE ACES, Roma, 2017.
- MY Azab, MFO Hameed, AM Heikal, SSA Obayya, M. A. Swillam, Surface plasmon photonic crystal fiber biosensor for glucose monitoring, in IEEE ACES, Roma, 2017.
- RS El Shamy, M. A. Swillam, S Obayya, Full 3D electromagnetic wave analysis using 2D simulation, in IEEE ACES, Roma, 2017.
- A Shaaban, MFO Hameed, SSA Obayya, LR Gomaa, M. A. Swillam, Modified BPM for plasmonic modeling, in IEEE ACES, Roma, 2017.
- AO Zaki, KA Kirah, M. A. Swillam, Metal-capped silicon organic micro-ring electro-optical modulator, in SPIE, San Fransisco, 2017.
- AB Ayoub, M, A. Swillam, High performance silicon Mach-Zehnder interferometer based photonic modulator, in IEEE ACES, Roma, 2017.
- SM Al Menabawy, Q Gan, M. A. Swillam, Multifunctional TiN nanowires for wide band absorption in organic solar cells, in SPIE, San Fransisco, 2017.
- S Magdi, M. A. Swillam, Broadband absorption enhancement in amorphous Si solar cells using metal gratings and surface texturing, in SPIE, San Fransisco, 2017.
- I Shoer, A Nageeb, A Osman, HI Mekawey, Y Ismail, M. A. Swillam, Modeling and analysis of scattering from silicon nanoparticles with high excess carriers for MIR spectroscopy, in SPIE, San Fransisco, 2017.
- AB Ayoub, M. A. Swillam, Novel BPM technique using leap-frog technique, in SPIE, San Fransisco, 2017.
- M. M Badr, M. A. Swillam, Solving the nonlinear diffusion model of the ion exchange process using finite element method, in SPIE, San Fransisco, 2017.
- A. B Ayoub, AER Nader, M Saad, Q Gan, M. A, Swillam, Fiber-optic-based interferometric sensor, in SPIE, San Fransisco, 2017.
- A. O. Zaki, KA Kirah, M. A. Swillam, Silicon plasmonic microring modulator using embedded conducting oxides, in SPIE, San Fransisco, 2017.
- A. B. Ayoub, M. A. Swillam, Ultra-sensitive silicon-photonic on-chip sensor using microfabrication technology, in SPIE, San Fransisco, 2017.
- I. Shoer, A. Nageeb, A. Osman, C. Tharwat, H. Mekawey, R. El Shamy, Y. Ismail, M. A. Swillam, Dynamic Optical Control of Silicon Nanoparticle Scattering in the Near and Mid-IR, in SPIE, San Fransisco, 2017.
- H. Mekawey, Y Ismail, MA Swillam, Dynamic routing control through bends for Si sub-micrometer optical interconnects, in SPIE, San Fransisco, 2017.
- M. Y Elsayed, A. M Gouda, Y Ismail, M. A. Swillam, Silver-decorated silicon nanowires array as surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) substrate, in SPIE, San Fransisco, 2017.
- S. M. Sherif, M. A. Swillam, Silicon-plasmonic-integrated mid-infrared sensor using CMOS technology, in SPIE, San Fransisco, 2017.
- M. Y. Elsayed, AO Zaki, Y Ismail, M. A. Swillam, Integrated lab-on-a-chip sensor using shallow silicon waveguide multimode interference (MMI) device, in SPIE, San Fransisco, 2017.
- C. Tharwat, M. A. Swillam, Y. Badr, S. M. Ahmed, K. Bishay, F. A. Sadallah, E. A. Elsaid, Novel optical technique for 2D graphene reduction, in SPIE, San Fransisco, 2017.
- S Al Menabawy, Q Gan, M. A. Swillam, Analysis of various ZrN plasmonic nanostructures and their effect on the absorption of organic solar cells, JW4A.135. Frontiers in Optics/Laser Science, 2016.
- R El Shamy, H Mossad, M. A. Swillam, Mid-Infrared TE-pass and TM-pass polarizer based on Silicon on Sapphire (SOS) waveguide, JTh2A.169.Frontiers in Optics/Laser Science, 2016.
- A. Gouda, M. Elsayed, N. Allam, M. A. Swillam Black Silicon Based on Simple Fabrication of Mesoporous Silicon nanowires For Solar Energy Harvesting 43rd IEEE Photovoltaic Specialist Conference (PVSC) Portland OR, 5-10 June, 2016.
- S. El Sayed , L. Shahada , A, Zaki , and M. A. Swillam, Novel Hybrid Silicon Plasmonic Modulator, the 7th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics, META’16, Malaga, Spain, 2016.
- R. El Shamy, H. Mossad, M. A. Swillam, Long Range Plasmonic Waveguide Using Doped Silicon in Mid-Infrared, the 7th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics, META’16, Malaga, Spain, 2016.
- M. Y. Abdelatty, A. Zaki, M. A. Swillam, Hybrid silicon organic directional coupler based modulator, the 7th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics, META’16, Malaga, Spain, 2016.
- A. Mohamed, M. A. Swillam, Plasmonic Mach-Zehnder Modulator with Direct Coupling Silicon Waveguides, the 7th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics, META’16, Malaga, Spain, 2016.
- M. Yousef Elsayed , Y. Ismail , M. A. Swillam, Semiconductor Plasmonic Gas Sensor Using On-Chip Infrared Spectroscopy, the 7th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics, META’16, Malaga, Spain, 2016.
- Dimitrios C. Zografopoulos, M. A. Swillam, Lamees Shahada, Romeo Beccherelli, Hybrid plasmonic directional coupler switches and modulators, the 7th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics, META’16, Malaga, Spain, 2016.
- Aya Zaki, Khaled Kirah, M. A. Swillam, Resonance based hybrid plasmonic on-chip sensor, the 7th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics, META’16, Malaga, Spain, 2016.
- Ahmad Bassam Ayoub, M. A. Swillam, High Performance Nano-Plasmonic MIM-Based Lab-on-Chip Sensor, the 7th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics, META’16, Malaga, Spain, 2016.
- M. Y Elsayed, Y. Ismail, M. A. Swillam, Graphene plasmonic electro-absorption modulator, IEEE Photonics North (PN), 2016, Quebec City, Canada.
- A. M Gouda, M. Y Elsayed, C. Tharwat, M. A. Swillam, Silicon-based nanostructures as surface enhanced Raman scattering substrates, IEEE Photonics North (PN), 2016, Quebec City, Canada.
- A. B. Ayoub, M. A. Swillam, Nanoscale plasmonic Metal-Insulator-Metal architecture for gas sensing applications, IEEE Photonics North (PN), 2016, Quebec City, Canada.
- S. M. Sherif, L. Shahada, A. Zaki, and M. A. Swillam, Hybrid Silicon Plasmonic Ring Resonator Modulator, IEEE Photonics North (PN), 2016, Quebec City, Canada.
- A. M. Gouda, N. K. Allam, M. A. Swillam, Facile omnidirectional black silicon based on porous and nonporous silicon nanowires for energy applications. IEEE Photonics North (PN), 2016, Quebec City, Canada.
- M. Y. Elsayed, Y. Ismail, M. A. Swillam, Semiconductor plasmonic gas sensor, IEEE Photonics North (PN), 2016, Quebec City, Canada.
- A. S. Abdeen, A. B. Ayoub, A. M. Attiya, M. A. Swillam, High efficiency compact Bragg sensor, IEEE Photonics North (PN), 2016, Quebec City, Canada.
- R. S. El Shamy, M. Ismail, M. A Swillam, K. Madkour, S. Hammouda, Analytical parasitic extraction for fast physical verification of silicon photonics, IEEE Photonics North (PN), 2016, Quebec City, Canada.
- S. Elsayed, L. Shahada, D. Zografopoulos, R. Beccherelli, M. A. Swillam, Plasmonic Modulator Based on Fano Resonance, Qatar Foundation Annual Research Conference Proceedings 2016 (1), ICTPP3082.
- S. M. Sherif, L. Shahada, and M. A. Swillam, Silicon Nanowires Organic Hybrid Modulator Based On Directional Coupler, IEEE Photonics North (PN), 2016, Quebec City, Canada.
- S. M. Sherif, L. Shahada, A. Zaki, and M. A. Swillam, Hybrid Silicon plasmonic Modulator, the 7th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics, META’16, Malaga, Spain, 2016.
- A. Azzazi ,A Ayob, M.A. Swillam, Nanoscale highly selective plasmonic multi-channel demultiplexer, Photonics West, San Francisco, 2016.
- A. Bassam. Q Gan, M.A. Swillam, Silicon plasmonic-integrated interferometer sensor, Photonics West, San Francisco, 2016.
- R. El Shamy, H. Mosad, M.A. Swillam, Dispersion engineering of silicon-on-sapphire (SoS) waveguides for mid-infrared applications, Photonics West, San Francisco, 2016.
- R. Gamal, Y. Ismail, M. A. Swillam, Nanoscale confinement of silicon slot waveguides in the MIR, Photonics West, San Francisco, 2016.
- S. Sherif, D. C. Zografopoulos, L. Shahada, R. Beccherelli, M.A. Swillam, Near Infrared Plasmonic Sensor Based on Fano Resonance, Photonics West, San Francisco, 2016.
- A. O. Zaki, N.H. Fouad, D. C. Zografopoulos, R. Beccherellic, M. A. Swillam, Low-power compact hybrid plasmonic double-microring electro-optical modulator Photonics West, San Francisco, 2016.
- M. A. Swillam, Ahmed Emad, Silicon solar cell using optimized intermediate reflector layer, Photonics West, San Francisco, 2016.
- S. Magdi, Q. Gan, M. A. Swillam Organic solar cells with various plasmonic nanostructures using titanium nitride, Photonics West, San Francisco, 2016.
- M. A. Ayad, M. A. Swillam, S. S. Obayya, Efficient and accurate modelling of quantum nanostructures, Photonics West, San Francisco, 2016
- M. A. Swillam, K. Khirallah NanoPlasmonics tunable filter using NEMS technology, Photonics West, San Francisco, 2016
- A. Zaki, K. Kerah, M. A. Swillam, High Sensitivity Hybrid Plasmonic Rectangular Resonator for Gas Sensing Applications, Frontiers in Optics/Laser Science Conference (FiO/LS), San Jose, California, October 2015.
- D. C. Zografopoulos, M. A. Swillam, and R. Beccherelli Hybrid plasmonic modulators based on electro-optic polymers 2nd European Optical Society Topical Meeting on Optics at the Nanoscale, Capri, 2015
- M. A. Swillam, A. Helmy, Semi-analytical Design Methodology for Large Scale Plasmonic Networks, the 6th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics, 2015, META’15, New York, USA.
- A. Zaki, K. Kerah, M. A. Swillam, Hybrid plasmonic electro-optical modulator, the 6th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics, 2015, META’15, New York, USA.
- S. H. Abel Razek Mohamed, N. K. Allam, M. A. Swillam, Fabrication of Crystalline Silicon Nanowires with Different Dimensions for Solar Cell Applications, Radio Science Conference (NRSC), 2015 32nd National, 2015.
- H. Mekawey, M. A, Swillam, Y. Ismail, Dispersion analysis and manipulation of TiN 2D plasmonic waveguides Photonics West 2015.
- M. El Maklizi, M. Hendawy, M. A. Swillam, super focusing using plasmonic lens based on super oscillation effect, Photonics West 2015.
- M. Ismail, R. El Shamy, K. Madkour, S. Hammouda, M. A. Swillam, Toward new design rule check of silicon photonics for automated layout physical verifications, Photonics West 2015.
- M. A. Swillam, A. S. Helmy, Designing plasmonic slot waveguide networks using a semi-analytical approach Photonics West 2015.
- R. K. Abd-Allah, Y. Ismail, M. A. Swillam, Analytical model of the modal characteristics of plasmonic slot waveguide Photonics West 2015.
- R. K. Abd-Allah, Y. Ismail, M. A. Swillam, Nonlinear electro-optic tuning of plasmonic nano-filter Photonics West 2015.
- R. Gamal, S. A. Shafaay, Y. Ismail, M. A. Swillam, Nano scale confinement using dielectric waveguides at the mid-infrared region Photonics West 2015.
- S. H. Abel Razek Mohamed, N. K. Allam, M. A. Swillam, Optimization of the fabricated silicon nanowires for energy-harvesting applications Photonics West 2015.
- R. Wahdan, Y. Ismail, M. A. Swillam, Optical biosensor based on silicon nanowire ridge waveguide, Photonics West 2015.
- R. K. Abd-Allah, Y Ismail, and M. A. Swillam, Integrated coupled multi-stage plasmonic resonator for on-chip sensing, SPIE Europe 2014.
- M. Ayad and M. A Swillam, Efficient Modelling of Quantum Nanostructures, 14th International Conference on Numerical Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices (NUSOD), Mallorca, Spain, 2014.
- S Ibrahim, S. Obayya, M. A Swillam, Theoretical analysis of metallic nanohole filled with dispersive material, SPIE Europe 2014.
- R. K. Abd-Allah, Y Ismail, and M. A. Swillam, Plasmonic tunable nano-filter, Radio Science Conference (NRSC), 2014 31st National, 2014.
- S. E. El-Zohary, A. Azzazi, H. Okamoto, T. Okamoto, M. Haraguchi, and M. A. Swillam, Design optimization and fabrication of plasmonic nano sensor, Photonics West, San Francisco, February 2014.
- M. A. Swillam, A. Azzazi, Tunable Nanoscale plasmonic MIM demultiplexer, Photonics West, February 2014.
- A. E. Khalifa, and M. A. Swillam, Cheap an Efficient Plasmonic Solar Cell, Photonics West, San Francisco, February 2014.
- M. H. El Sherif, O. S. Ahmed, M. H. Bakr, and M. A. Swillam, Multilevel light bending in nanoplasmonics, Photonics West, San Francisco, February 2014.
- M. Ayad, M. A. Swillam, Submicron-integrated plasmonic power splitter, Photonics West, San Francisco, February 2014.
- S. Hussein, N. K. Allam, and M. A. Swillam, Silicon Nanowires with controlled diameters for energy conversion applications, Frontiers in Optics/Laser Science XXIX (FiO/LS) meeting 2013, Orlando, Florida.
- H. M. K. Wong; C. Lin, M. A. Swillam, A. Helmy, Broadband Compact Si Wire to Slot Waveguide Couplers, Conference of laser and electro optics, CLEO 2013, San Jose, CA.
- M. H. El Sherif, O, S. Ahmed, M. H. Bakr, and M. A. Swillam, 3D plasmonic circuits, International conference on Metamaterial, plasmonics and photonic crystals, META 13, Dubai, March 2013. (abstract only)
- M. A. Swillam ,C. Lin, and Amr S. Helmy, Equivalent circuit model for plasmonic slot waveguide networks, Photonics west, San Francisco 2013.
- M. A. Swillam, and M.A. Nasr, Deep subwavelength focusing using optical nanoantenna with enhanced characteristics for near and far field applications, Photonics west, San Francisco 2013.
- S. Tawfik and M. A. Swillam Plasmonic slot waveguides with core nonlinearity, Photonics west, San Francisco 2013.
- M. H. El Sherif, O, S. Ahmed, M. H. Bakr, and M. A. Swillam, Toward 3D plasmonic circuits: controlled coupling to multilevel plasmonic circuits, Photonics west, San Francisco 2013.
- M. A. Swillam, M. Khorasaninjead, and S. S. Saini, Measurements of giant second harmonic generation from vertically-aligned silicon nanowires, Photonics west, San Francisco 2013.
- M. Rageb and M. A. Swillam, Efficient Sensitivity Analysis of Waveguide Structures Using Finite Element Method (FEM), Photonics west, San Francisco 2013.
- K. Kairallah, I. Ramsis, M. Serry, M. A. Swillam, S.Sedky, Spatial beam splitting for fully integrated MEMS interferometer, Photonics west, San Francisco 2013.
- M. Rageb and M. A. Swillam, Efficient Sensitivity Analysis of Optical Structures Using Finite Element Method, IEEE ICCES 2012, Cairo 2012.
- C. Lin, H. K.Wang, B.Lau, M.A. Swillam, and A.S. Helmy,Broadband Efficient Hybrid Plasmonic Nano-Junctions, IEEE Photonic society annual meeting, Oct. 2012 .
- C. Lin, M. A. Swillam, and A. S. Helmy, Closed-form Modelling of Plasmonic Mesh Structures, IEEE Photonic society annual meeting, Oct. 2012 .
- M. A. Swillam, O. A. Mohamed, M. H. Bakr, and X. Li, Highly Efficient Design methodology for Very Large Scale Coupled Microcavities, Photonics North, Ottawa Canada 2012.
- O. S .Ahmed, M. A. Swillam, M. H. Bakr, and X. Li, Efficient sensitivity analysis of photonic structures with transmission line modeling, Photonics North, Ottawa Canada 2012.
- O. S .Ahmed, M. A. Swillam, M. H. Bakr, and X. Li, A perturbation approach for the design of coupled resonator optical waveguides (CROWs), Photonics West, 2012.
- M. A. Swillam, O. S .Ahmed, M. H. Bakr, and X. Li, Novel approach for filter design using multiple coupled microcavities, Integrated photonics, silicon and nanophotonics, Toronto 2011.
- M. A. Swillam, and A. S. Helmy Filter response of plasmonic feedback junction Integrated photonics, silicon and nanophotonics, Toronto 2011.
- O. S .Ahmed, M. A. Swillam, M. H. Bakr, and X. Li, Transmission line modeling of nanoplsmonics, Integrated photonics, silicon and nanophotonics, Toronto 2011.
- O. S .Ahmed, M. A. Swillam, M. H. Bakr, and X. Li, Accurate Characterization of Doped Semiconductors with Terahertz Spectroscopy, SPIE Photonic North, Ottawa 2011.
- M. A. Swillam, and M. H. Bakr, Graded index MMI and its applications in optical communications, SPIE Photonic North, Ottawa 2011.
- M. A. Swillam, and N. Rotenberg, H. M. van Driel, Optically controlled ultrafast enhanced transmission from a sub-wavelength hole in a planar metal film, Conference of laser and electro-optics (CLEO), Baltimore 2011.
- M. A. Swillam, and A. S. Helmy, Analysis of guided modes in rectangular plasmonic waveguides and its applications, Conference of laser and electro-optics (CLEO), Baltimore 2011.
- B. Lau, M. A. Swillam, and A. S. Helmy, Wideband coupler between plasmonic slot and silicon nanowires, Conference of laser and electro-optics (CLEO), Baltimore 2011.
- M. A. Swillam, and A. S. Helmy Characteristics and applications of rectangular waveguide in sensing, slow light and negative refraction, SPIE Photonic West, San Francisco,.2011.
- M. A. Swillam, M. H. Bakr, and X. Li, Wideband integrated polarization splitters/combiner, SPIE Photonic West, San Francisco, 2011.
- O. S .Ahmed, M. A. Swillam, M. H. Bakr, and X. Li, Efficient and accurate parameter extraction approach for terahertz time domain spectroscopy, SPIE Photonic West, San Francisco 2011.
- M. A. Swillam, M. H. Bakr, and X. Li, Efficient approaches for dispersion engineering of guided wave components, SPIE Photonic North, Niagara Falls, 2010.
- M. A. Swillam, M. H. Bakr, and X. Li, Ultra wideband integrated 2x2 optical router using novel MMI design, SPIE Photonic West, San Francisco 2010.
- M. A. Swillam, M. H. Bakr, and X. Li, Efficient sensitivity analysis of surface plasmon waveguide structures, SPIE Photonic West, San Francisco 2010.
- M. A. Swillam, R. H. Gohary, M. H. Bakr, and X. Li, Efficient sensitivity analysis of modal parameters of lossy structure using FDTD, IEEE/Antenna and propagation international symposium, Toronto 2010.
- M. A. Swillam, M. H. Bakr, and X. Li, Modal sensitivity analysis of guided wave structures using one FDTD simulation, The 25th International Review of Progress in Applied Computational Electromagnetics (ACES). Monterey, CA, 2009. Best Paper award.
- M. A. Swillam, M. H. Bakr, X. Li and J. Deen, Efficient sensitivity analysis of Hermitian and non Hermitian optical quantum structures, The 25th International Review of Progress in Applied Computational Electromagnetics (ACES). Monterey, CA, 2009.
- M. A. Swillam, M. H. Bakr, and X. Li, Wide band optical switch using stair case MMI, LEOS Annual Meeting, Newport Beach, CA, 2008.
- M. A. Swillam, M. H. Bakr, and X. Li, Efficient approach for 3D full vectorial sensitivity analysis using ADI-BPM, Integrated Photonics and Nanophotonics Research and Applications (IPNRA), Boston, Massachusetts, 2008.
- M. A. Swillam, M. H. Bakr, and X. Li, Accurate and efficient sensitivity analysis using the beam propagation method, SPIE Photonics North, Proceedings of SPIE 7099: 70991C-1–70991C-8. Montreal, 2008.
- M. A. Swillam, M. H. Bakr, N. K. Nikolova, and X. Li, Second order accurate sensitivities of dielectric discontinuities using FDTD, The 24th International Review of Progress in Applied Computational Electromagnetics (ACES): 1034–1039. ACES, Niagara Falls, 2008.
- M. A. Swillam, M. H. Bakr, and X. Li, A novel design approach for multilayer dielectric filters exploiting linear programming, IEEE/Antenna and propagation international symposium 3940 – 3943, Hawaii, 2007.
- M. A. Swillam, M. H. Bakr, and X. Li, Accurate and efficient sensitivity extraction of complex structures using FDTD, IEEE –SPIE Photonics North, Proceedings of SPIE 6796: 67963A-1– 67963A-8. Ottawa, 2007. Best student paper award.
- M. A. Swillam, M. H. Bakr, and X. Li, BPM based efficient sensitivity analysis exploiting the adjoint variable method, Integrated Photonics and Nanophotonics Research and Applications (IPNRA), paper IWB4, , Salt Lake City, 2007.
- M. A. Swillam, M. H. Bakr, and X. Li, Design of multilayer optical filters using linear programming based on autocorrelation sequences, Integrated Photonics and Nanophotonics Research and Applications (IPNRA), paper ITuA6., Salt Lake City, 2007.
- M. A. Swillam, A. H. Morshed, and D. Khalil Optimized 3D design of an MMI splitter with ion exchange technology, SPIE Photonic North, Proceedings of SPIE vol. 5970, Article CID 59701G, Toronto, 2005.
- M. A. Swillam, A. H. Morshed, and D. Khalil Optimization of optical wide band 3-dB MMI splitter with graded-index side diffusions, IEEE International Conf. on Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering ICEEC’04, no. 173, pp. 633 – 636, Cairo, 2004.
- M. A. Swillam, A. Yehia, A. H. Morshed, and D. Khalil Self-imaging in graded index MMI devices, Mediterranean Microwave Symposium MMS’2003, pp 61-64, Cairo, 2003.
- M. A. Swillam, A. H. Morshed and D. Khalil, Graded index MMI on a glass substrate, NATO Advanced research workshop on Frontiers in Planar Lightwave Circuit Technology: Design, Simulation and Fabrication, Ottawa, Canada (21-25 Sep. 2004).
Science Articles
- M..A. Swillam, Super-focusing of light with a plasmonic super lens, Europhysics, vol. 46, no.1, 2015.
- M..A. Swillam, Manipulating light at the nanoscale, SPIE Newsroom, October 2015.
Invited Talks
- M. A. Swillam, On-Chip Plasmonic Devices, Keynote Speaker, 3rd International Conference on Theoretical and Condensed Matter Physics, NYC, 2017.
- M. A. Swillam, Novel platform for Optical Modulation Using Silicon Photonics, The 4th Advanced Electromagnetics Symposium, Malaga, Spain 2016
- M. A. Swillam, Optical and Electrical Control of NonHermition Silicon Nanophotonics, the 7th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics, META’16, Malaga, Spain, 2016.
- M. A. Swillam, Mid infrared Applications of Silicon Thermoplasmonics, Photonics North 2016, Quebec City, Canada.
- S. M. Sherif, L. A. Shahada, M. A. Swillam, Silicon Nanowires Organic Hybrid Modulator Based On Directional Coupler, the 7th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics, META’16, Malaga, Spain, 2016.
- Dimitrios C. Zografopoulos , M A. Swillam , and Romeo Beccherelli, Hybrid plasmonic add-drop filter based on novel micro-ring-disk resonators with fJ switching energy, the 7th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics, META’16, Malaga, Spain, 2016.
- M. A. Swillam, Energy Manipulation using Thermoplasmonics International Conference on Metamaterial, plasmonics and photonic crystals, META 15, NYC, USA, 2015.
- M. A. Swillam, Manipulation of light at Nanoscale, Texas A&M Qatar, 2015.
- M. A. Swillam, Novel Nano optical Material, Qatar University, 2015
- M. A. Swillam, Smart Techniques for Modelling Nanophotonic Circuits, 14th International Conference on Numerical Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices (NUSOD), Mallorca, Spain, 2014.
- M. A. Swillam, Recent Advances in Silicon Photonics, University at Buffalo, NY, 2014.
- M. A. Swillam, Tunable plasmonics, International Conference on Metamaterial, plasmonics and photonic crystals, META 13, Dubai, March 2013.
- M. A. Swillam B. Lua, C. Lin and A. S. Helmy, Design, fabrication, characterization of Nano-scale plasmonic networks, Photonics North, Ottawa 2011.
- M. A. Swillam, B. Lua,, C. Lin, and A. S. Helmy, Feedback effect in plasmonic networks, International Conference on Advanced Infocomm Technology 2011, Wuhan, China.
- M. A. Swillam, C. Lin, and A. S. Helmy, Fabrication and application of silicon-plasmonic networks, Workshop on Metamaterials and Plasmonics: Novel Materials, Designs, and Applications, Buffalo, NY.
- M. H. Bakr, and M. A. Swillam, Advances in an adjoint sensitivity analysis, Dalhousie University, 2010.
- M. A. Swillam, Design and Modelling of Plasmonics and its potential application in Solar cells, IBM, 2009.
- M. A. Swillam, Efficient techniques for design optimization of nanophotonics, University of Michigan, Ann Arber, 2008.
- M. A. Swillam, Application of 3D Plasmonic Structures, University of Toronto, 2009.