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Mona Said

  • Position: Professor, Economics
  • Department: Mohamed Shafik Gabr Department of Economics
  • Email: [email protected]
Brief Biography

Mona Said is currently a professor of economics at The American University of Cairo (AUC), Egypt. She earned her BA and MA degrees in economics from AUC and her MPhil and PhD degrees in economics from the University of Cambridge, United Kingdom, where her doctoral research was on the political economy and econometrics of labor market segmentation and institutional change in Egypt.

She previously held the position of Regional Economic Consultant on the South Eastern Mediterranean (SEMED) Region, at the Office of the Chief Economist of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) London, United Kingdom, and was an Economic Consultant to various International European and Euro-Med Institutions (UN Women, ILO, European Training Federation and FEMISE). She was also previously a lecturer in economics and assistant professor with reference to the Middle East at the Economics Department of the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), London University. She also held operational positions at the Middle East and North Africa Department of the World Bank and Policy Development and Review Department of the International Monetary Fund. Said is currently an academic affiliate of the London Middle East Institute (LMEI), SOAS, London, board member of FEMISE (the Euro-Mediterranean Forum of Institutes of Economic Sciences) France and an active Research Fellow of the Economic Research Forum for Arab Countries, Iran and Turkey.

Her current research interests are in labor and human resource economics, poverty and income distribution, gender gaps in earnings and job quality and equity implications of trade policy, Islamic finance and micro-finance. Her publications have appeared in several international refereed venues such as: Economic Development and Cultural Change, Journal of Developing Areas, Comparative Economic Studies, Review of Radical Political Economics and in books by Oxford University Press and Springer.

See Google’s Scholar Citation Indices here.


Referred Journal Articles

  • “Gender-Based Wage and Occupational Inequality in the New Millennium in Egypt” (with F. Hamidi) Journal of Developing Areas, Project Muse Journals, John Hopkins University Press, Vol. 48, No. 1, 2014, pp. 21-41. DOI: 10.1353/jda.2014.0008
  • “Do Workers in Exporting Industries Earn Higher Wages? Evidence from Recent Trade Liberalisation Episodes in Two Developing Countries” (with S. Azzawi) Global Business and Economics Review, Inderscience Publishers, Vol.16, No.4, 2014, pp.369 - 395.DOI: 10.1504/GBER.2014.065362
  • “Trade Reform, Job Quality and Wages of the Working Poor in Egypt: Evidence from Manufacturing Panel Data" Journal of Developing Areas, Project Muse Journals, John Hopkins University Press Vol. 46, No. 2, 2012, pp. 159-183.DOI: 10.1353/jda.2012.0035.
  • “Wage Differentials During Economic Reform and Crisis: Evidence from Egypt and Jordan” Comparative Economic Studies, Palgrave Macmillan Journals, Volume 54, issue 1, March, 2012, pp. 65-101. DOI: 10.1057/ces2012.5
  • “Compensating Differentials and the Value of Job Security: Evidence from the Egyptian Public Sector” International Journal of Economics and Finance, Canadian Centre of Science and Education, Vol. 4, No. 1, January 2012, pp. 56-69. DOI:10.5539/ijef.v4n1p56
  • “Does the Public Sector Discriminate Against Women? Occupational Segregation Prior to Privatization in Egypt” Advances in Management and Applied Economics, International Scientific Press, Volume 1, Issue 2, 2011, pp 185-205.
  • “Competition and the Distribution of Sector and Gender Wage Gaps: Quantile Regression Evidence from Egypt” International Research Journal of Finance and Economics, Euro Journals, Issue 71, August 2011, pp. 48-69.
  • “Sector Selection and Pay Differentials During Financial Crisis Episodes: Recent Evidence from Jordan” International Research Journal of Applied Finance, Volume II, Issue 7, July 2011, pp. 720-737
  • “Returns to Schooling and Labor Market Stratification in the Middle East and North Africa: Evidence from Egypt and Morocco”(with F. El-Hamidi)Middle Eastern Finance and Economics, Issue 14 , June 2011, pp. 83-98.
  • “Risk Aversion and the Preference for Public Sector Employment in Egypt”, International Journal of Economics Research, Volume 2, Issue 5, 2011, pp. 132-143.
  • “The Impact of Trade Liberalization on Manufacturing Employment and Wages in Egypt: 1990-2007” (with A. El-Shinnawy) International Research Journal of Finance and Economics, Euro Journals, Volume 46, September 2010, pp.138-159
  • “Islamic Alternatives to Purely Capitalist Modes of Finance:  A Study of Malaysian Banks from 1999 to 2006” (With J. Salevurakis and T. Afifi) Review of Radical Political Economics, Sage Publications Journals. Volume 41, Number 4, Fall 2009, pp. 516-538. DOI: 10.117/0486613409341453

Books and Monographs

  • Oil and Democracy in Iraq, 2007 (with R. Springborg, R. Owen, M. Karshenas, C. Henry and J. Sfakianakis). London: Saqi Press.  ISBN: 0863566650,
  • Public Sector Employees and Arab Labour Markets, 1998 (Translated into Arabic as: Al-Amala Fi Al-Qitah Al-'AamwaAswaq Al-'Amal Fi Al-Buldan  Al-'Arabia)  ( Cairo: Arab Labor Organization and Economic Research Forum for Arab Countries Iran and Turkey

Refereed Book Chapters

  • “Youth Employment in the aftermath of the global financial crisis and revolutions in MENA ”in E. Sayre and T. Yousef Young Generation Awakening: Economics, Society and Policy on the Eve of the Arab Spring, 2016 (NY: Oxford University Press).
  • “Wage and Inequality Adjustments in the Egyptian Labor Market in the Era of Financial Crisis and Revolution” in R. Assaad The Egyptian Labor Market in the Era of Revolution, 2015 (NY: OxfordUniversity Press).
  • “Wage Formation and Earnings Inequality in the Jordanian Labour Market” in R. Assaad. The Jordanian Labor Market in the New Millenium, 2014, (New York: Oxford University Press)
  • “Do the Working Poor Benefit from Trade? Recent Evidence from Egypt” in J. Costa-Font and Garcia Montalvo, J (eds). The Economics of the Mediterranean, 2013 (London: Routledge-Economics)
  • “Dynamics of multidimensional poverty and trade liberalization: Evidence from panel data for Egypt”" (With S. Al-Azzawi) in V. Berengerand F. Bresson(eds.) Monetary Poverty and Social Exclusion around the, Mediterranean Sea, part of Springer Book series "Economic Studies in Inequality, Social Exclusion and Well-Being. 2013,  (New York: Springer-Verlag), 299-328.
  • “Determinants of Job Quality and Wages of the Working Poor: Evidence from 1998-2006 Egypt Labor Market Panel Survey”in W. Mikhail and K.Hadri (eds.) Contributions in Financial and Applied Econometrics: Selected Papers from the 15th Annual Conference of the African Econometric Society forthcoming,
  •  “The Fall and Rise of Earnings and Inequality in Egypt: New Evidence from the Egypt Labor Market Panel Survey 2006" Ch. 2 in R. Assaad (ed.) The Egyptian Labor Market Revisited, pp. 53-81, 2009. (New York and Cairo: American University in Cairo Press)
  • Earlier version: "…"  Economic Research Forum working Paper WP 0708, October 2007
  • “The Structure of Employment, Earnings and Inequality in the 1990s” (with R. Assaad, F. El-Hamidi and J. Wahba), Ch.4 in T. Youssef (ed.) Unlocking the Employment Potential in the Middle East and North Africa: A New Social Contract, pp. 89-126, 2004 (Washington DC: World Bank), ISBN: 0-8213-5678-X
  • "A Decade of Rising Wage Inequality? Gender, Occupation, and Public-Private Issues in the Egyptian Wage Structure?", Ch. 2 in R. Assaad (ed.) The Egyptian Labour Market in an Era of Reform, , pp. 65-95, 2002, (New York and Cairo: American University in Cairo Press) ISBN 977424712
  • "Public Sector Employment and Labor Markets in Arab Countries: Recent Developments and Policy Implications", Ch. 3 in S. Isfahanai (ed.) Labour and Human Capital in the Middle East, pp. 91-145, (London: Ithaca Press), 2001, ISBN 0863722954.
  • Earlier version: "…"  Economic Research Forum working paper WP 9630, 1996.
  •  “Industrial Policy and the Role of the State in Egypt: Lessons from the East Asian Experience.”, (with H-J Chang and K. Sakr), Ch. 10 in H. Handoussa (ed.)  Economic Transition in the Middle East: Global Challenges and Adjustment Strategies, 1997, pp. 219-262,  (New York and Cairo: American University Press)
  • Earlier version: "…"  Economic Research Forum working paper WP 9513, 1995

Book Reviews in Refereed Journals

  • Review of “Arab Economies in the Twenty First Century” by P. Rivlin in Economic Development and Cultural Change, Volume 59, No. 3, 2011.
  •  Review of “Egypt’s Economic Predicament: A study in the interaction of External Pressure, Political Folly and Social Pressure in Egypt” by G. Amin in Middle East Studies Association Bulletin (vol. 32, 1998).

Invited Journal Articles

  • "Waithood:  How the Egyptian Economy has Failed its Youths" (with K. O’Niell)The Middle East in London, Volume 7, No. 6,  December 2010, pp 8-9 (invited)
  • “The ‘Youth Bulge’ in Egypt: Is Labor Migration the Solution?” ” (With K. O’Niell) Middle East InstituteView Points , Vol. 1,April 2010, pp. 80-83 (Washington DC: The Middle East Institute) (invited)
  • "Can Fiscal Decentralization Contribute to Poverty Alleviation? Evidence from a Low Income Economy" (with Z.Brixiova and E. Gemayl) Topics in Middle Eastern and North African Economics, Vol. 5, no. 1, 2003. (invited)

Selected Conference Proceedings, Working Papers and Technical Reports

  • “ Employment Policies and Youth Interventions in Egypt” Country Report (Torinio: European Training Foundation)
  • "Inclusive Growth in MENA: Employment and Poverty Dimensions in a Comparative Context”" (with H. Hakimian) , Research Report, under FEMISE 2011-2012 annual research competition, January 2013 (in collaboration with London Middle East Institute, SOAS, London University).
  • "Return Migration in the South Mediterranean Countries: Determinants, Impact and policy implications" (with J. Wahba) Research Report, under FEMISE 2010-2011 annual research competition, September 2012 (in collaboration with University of Southampton UK and Mohamed V University Morocco).
  • “Egypt’s Burgeoning Green Economy: The Demand for Sustainable Solutions”, Skills Development to Promote the emergence of Knowledge Based Economies in the South Mediterranean, 2012 (Marseille, France: FEMISE Association and European Investment Bank).
  • "Impact of Financial Crisis on Youth Employment- Middle East and North Africa" ILO Youth Employment Program, 2011 (Geneva: International Labour Organization)
  • Trade liberalization, Inter-industry Wage Differentials and Job Quality in Egyptian Manufacturing” (with S. AlAzzawi), CREMED Conference on the Economics of the Mediterranean and the Euro-Mediterranean Process, Barcelona Graduate School of Economics and the European Institute LSE, July 2010 (On-line proceedings: http://www.cremed.eu/index.php/activities1/cremed-workshops/149 )
  • "Unemployment, Job Quality, and Labor Market Stratification in the Mediterranean  Region: The cases of Egypt and Morocco"( with J. Salevurakis and J. Wahba) FEMISE Published Research Report no. FEM 32-20, 2009 (Marseille: FEMISE Association, Institut de la Méditerranée).) Publication URL :   http://www.femise.org/PDF/ci2007/FEM32-20.pdf