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Ossama Hosny

  • Position: Professor and Graduate Program Director
  • Department: Department of Construction
  • Email: [email protected]
Brief Biography

Ossama Hosny is a professor in the Department of Construction Engineering in The American University in Cairo and the coordinator of the progreen diploma – a professional International certificate in green technologies. He is a certified project management consultant since 2001.

Hosny was selected as a member in several prestigious committees including: the committee for establishing the first code of practice for “Construction Project Management in Egypt”, the committee for updating the code of practice for “Design and Construction of Concrete Construction”, the higher committee for “Examining and Certifying Construction Management Consultants in Egypt” and the committee of “Construction Technology”.

Hosny is the recipient of Engineer Osman Ahmed Osman Award for improving the efficiency of the Construction Industry in Egypt for year 2007 and is the author/co-author of more than 90 journal and conference papers and several modules on construction management. He was invited as a keynote speaker for several workshops in project management, infrastructure and asset management. He supervised more than 45 MSc and PhD theses.

    Research Interest

    Hosny's research interests cover a wide area in project management which includes: lifecycle cost analysis/optimization, asset/infrastructure management, sustainability in construction, energy efficient buildings, risk management and application of artificial intelligence techniques in construction. He was awarded more than 15 research grants from prestigious governmental and private agencies in Egypt, USA, Europe and the Middle East. These include: Tempus, European Union, Information Technology Academia Collaboration (ITAC), ITIDA, Research, Development and Innovation Programme (RDI), King Abdallah University for Science and Technology (KAUST), Housing and Building Research Center (HBRC), The Aga Khan Cultural Services – Egypt, SIAC Contracting Company and others.

    • Gouda, A., Hosny, O. and Nassar, K.  (2017), “Optimal crew routing for linear repetitive projects using graph theory”, Automation in Construction, Elsevier, Vol. 81, Pg. 411 – 421.
    • El-Hoteiby, A., Hosny, O. and Waly A. (2017), “Particular Conditions to Cover Potential Risks of Construction Projects”, J. of Legal Affairs and Disp. Resol. in Eng. and Construction, ASCE, 9(3).
    • Abotaleb, I, Nassar, K. and Hosny, O. (2016), “Layout optimization of construction site facilities with dynamic freeform geometric representations”, Automation in Construction, Elsevier, 66(6), Pg15–28.
    • Abu Samra, S., Osman, H., and Hosny, O. (2016). "Optimal Maintenance and Rehabilitation Policies for Performance-Based Road Maintenance Contracts." J. of Perf. of Construction Facilities, 31(1).
    • Asaad, M., Hosny, O., Elhakeem A. and El-Haggar, S. (2015). “Green Building Design in Egypt from Cost and Energy Perspectives”, J. of Arch. Eng. and Design Management. 11(1), Pg. 21-40.
    • Hosny, O, Barkouky, M. and Elhakeem A. (2015). “An Optimized Artificial Neural Networks Claims Prediction and Decision Awareness Framework for International Construction Projects in Egypt”, Journal of Construction Engineering and Project Management, 5(1), Pg. 11- 19.
    • Nour M, Hosny O, Elhakeem A (2015). “A BIM based approach for configuring buildings' outer envelope energy saving elements”, J. of Information Tech. in Constr. (ITcon), Vol. 20, pg. 173-192.
    • Nassar, K. and Hosny, O. (2013). “Fuzzy Clustering Validity for Contractor Performance Evaluation: Application to UAE Contractors”, Journal of Automation in Construction. Elsevier. 31(5), 158-168.
    • Hosny, O., Nassar, K. & Ismail, Y. (2013). “Prequalification of Egyptian Construction Contractors Using Fuzzy-AHP Extent Analysis Model”, J. Eng., Const. & Arch. Mgt. 20(4), 381-405.
    • Elbeltagi, E., Hosny, O, Dawood, M., and Elhakeem, A. (2014), “BIM-Based Automated Project  Cost Estimation/Control Model for Building Construction”, Int. J. Eng. Res. & App., 4(7), 56-66
    • Hosny, O., Nassar, K. & Olusola Peter, A. (2012). “A Decision Support System for Housing Developers in Developing Countries Under Uncertain Buyer Behavior”, Journal of Management in Engineering, 28(3), 311-323, ASCE.
    • Elbeltagi, E., Hosny, O., Elhakeem, A., Abdelrazek, M., & El-Abbasy, M. (2012). “A Fuzzy Logic Model for Selection of Vertical Formwork Systems”. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 138 (7), 832–840, ASCE.
    • Nour M., Hosny, O. and Elhakeem, A. (2012). “A BIM based Energy and Lifecycle Cost Analysis/Optimization Approach”, The Int. J. for Eng. Research and Application. 2(6), 411-418.
    • Hosny, O. and Elhakeem, A. (2012). “Simulating the Winning Bid: A Generalized Approach for Optimum Markup Estimate”, Journal of Automation in Construction, Elsevier, 22, 357 – 367.
    • Nassar, K. & Hosny, O. )2012). “Solving the Least Cost Cut and Fill Sequencing Problem Using Particle Swarm”, Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE, 138(8),659 – 670.
    • Elbeltagi, E., Hosny, O. Elhakeem, A., Abdelrazek, M. & Abdullah, A. (2011) “Selection of Slab Formwork System using Fuzzy Logic”, Journal of Construction Management and Economics, 29(7).