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Sabbaticals and Other Leaves

Last Updated : Jul 04, 2024

Faculty Leaves

Sabbatical, pre-tenure, professional development, and leave without pay will be processed by submitting an online form that will flow automatically from faculty members to the department chair to the dean to the provost to add transparency and reliability to each step of the process.

To submit an application for FY25-26, click here.

Application for year 2025-2026 Date
Due date for faculty to submit online leave applications to the department chair/director for sabbatical, development (pre-tenure), professional development (instructor, POP), and leave without pay*

November 1, 2024**


The chair/director submits his/her recommendation to the deanNovember 7, 2024**
Dean submits his/her recommendation to the provostNovember 15, 2024**
Provost submits his decision to the faculty copying chair and deanNovember 30, 2024**

* For medical and maternity leaves, the online request will flow from the faculty member to the AUC Medical Services to make their recommendation directly to the provost.
** If the deadline falls on a weekend or holiday, the deadline is automatically extended to the next working day.

To submit an evaluation form for preparation for the tenure award, click here.

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