‘It Resonates with Me as a Woman’ — Sarrah Abdelrahman ‘11 on Healing from Harassment
Maintaining her Instagram account's good vibes is a goal, but it didn't stop Sarrah Abdelrahman '11 from voicing out her opinion and speaking up for herself, and for sexual harassment victims who've had difficulty healing from their traumas. In an attempt to make the knowledge accessible, Abdelrahman decided to create video series of translations of the book The Courage to Heal: A Guide for Women Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse by Ellen Bass and Laura Davis.
News@AUC caught up with Abdelrahman to learn about her personal experience as a survivor and her future plans.
Making the Knowledge Accessible
"Violence against women in all forms has always moved me because it resonates with me as a woman. I've been voicing my opinion about harassment in every way I can, but ever since the new movement has started this past summer, I felt it was the right time for me to create this video series to translate The Courage to Heal. I've been using my Instagram to post and interact with women and girls on the subject."
Healing from Sexual Harassement
"I've come across this book two and a half years ago, and I read 70 pages in the first sitting. I've never found something that I could relate to that much, and it was honestly a life saver. It was the first time that I've seen what I go through articulated so well. Through that book, I was able to take further steps in my own healing process, and I wanted everyone to get the same access to this book and be able to heal."
The Spark
"What prompted me to start this initiative is not only my own journey to heal, but also my will to make an impact relating to the safety of girls and women worldwide. So far, it’s been an exhilarating journey sharing and reading about all the amazing girls and women who’ve gone through the same thing that I've gone through. I also wish to take part in making our society a safer environment for everyone."
Future Collaborations
"I've been collaborating with the United Nations Population Fund on spreading awareness of gender-based violence. It is a unique and insightful experience to work with a huge vehicle for change like the United Nations, and I look forward to collaborating with more individuals, NGOs, projects and groups interested in the same cause. For now, I am working on the book, but I can’t wait to collaborate with others so the impact is wider."