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EarthWeek: Staying Sustainable at AUC

Brandon Rothrock
April 14, 2019

This week, the Office of Sustainability and the Center for Applied Research on the Environment and Sustainability are celebrating AUC’s EarthWeek, an annual event celebrating international Earth Day. This year’s theme is EarthWeek: A Sustainable Second Century, focusing on the past, present, and future of sustainability and environmental outreach at AUC. All week, there will be a food, energy and water greenhouse set-up on Bartlett Plaza, where students, faculty and staff can learn about hydroponics, aquaponics and solar panels.

Throughout the week, there will be presentations, pop-ups, giveaways, prizes, games, and a special appearance by the Trash Monster.

This year's EarthWeek coincides with the release of the Office of Sustainability's Carbon Footprint Report 2019. A carbon footprint is a widely accepted indicator of measuring the impact of human activity on global warming. AUC's carbon footprint is the annual total of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) and other significant greenhouse gasses emitted into the atmosphere as a result of daily campus activities and operations.

According to the report, AUC saw emissions reductions in heating, ventilation, and air conditioning and domestic hot water, electricity for lighting and other equipment, paper use, water supply, solid waste disposal, fertilizers and refrigerants. These reductions are the work of various faculty, staff and students initiatives aimed at producing a more sustainable future.

Read here to view a copy of the report and to learn more about what you can do to help AUC.

For more information on how to get involved, contact [email protected].
