Meet the New Members of AUC’s Alumni Council
From digital and technological experts to entrepreneurs, ambassadors and financiers, the newly elected members of AUC’s Alumni Council span a broad array of professions, yet they all share a common goal: strengthening AUC’s alumni network and enhancing the University’s global visibility.
Walid Abdelnasser ’83, ’85, political science
“We appreciate your trust and count on your support and involvement to build a vibrant and united AUC alumni community,” said Abdelnasser on his election. Having lived and served as an ambassador and diplomat in countries on four different continents, Abdelnasser has been observing the global scene and comparing AUC to other international universities. Building a solid and sustainable AUC alumni community in Europe has been one of the hallmarks of Abdelnasser’s life. “We need to establish an enhanced and institutionalized dialog between the University and its graduates, particularly through the Alumni Council, and this dialog has to be regular,” he said. “I am confident that it will yield a mutually enriching outcome for both parties. We are here to ensure that our beloved University continues to be what we joined AUC for: an exemplary school of liberal arts and sciences.”
Hala Abdel Wadood ’96, journalism and mass communication
Selected among Egypt’s Top 50 Women of 2019, Abdel Wadood has a passion for AUC ever since she was a student representing the University in different countries and events as a member of its folklore group. “My time at AUC was one of the best in my life. I always feel nostalgic and bonded to the University,” she said. “When I think of AUC, it brings back all the good times, good memories, good education, good friends, exciting activities, amazing trips and much more. It gives me the feeling of having acquired an unmatched experience that helped me enhance my skills and shape my personality.” As the council’s vice president, Abdel Wadood plans to give back to AUC by listening to fellow alumni's needs, setting and implementing a strategy accordingly, communicating initiatives, evaluating outcomes, and listening to alumni feedback to make improvements and maintain what had a good impact. “We must engage with as many of our 48,000 alumni worldwide as we can,” she said.
Dina Abdel Wahab ’93, political science
Abdel Wahab is “a proud graduate of AUC” who firmly believes in the power of “this great institution” that connects its people. “I always feel that as alumni, we have a connection that links us whether we crossed paths during our AUC days or not,” she said. Abdel Wahab plans to use her expertise with international organizations such as the United Nations and World Bank to establish a platform for the professional development of alumni that includes sectoral events with business-to-business opportunities, a mentorship program for fresh graduates and training opportunities with a focus on new trends in businesses, such as digital transformation and innovation. “Actions speak louder than words,” said Abdel Wahab. “We are stronger together and each have something to contribute to one another’s success. So let's all get together, volunteer our time, pay it forward and collaborate for a brighter future for all of us.”
Ahmed Bakry ’87, ’90, mechanical engineering
As Student Union president in 1987 and a member of AUC's presidential advisory board, Bakry has a passion to serve AUC He started his own business as a startup, and now owns and manages leading companies in four sectors: industry, technology, revenue-generating real estate and education. He also founded Education First, a community service initiative, which aims to enhance the quality of education in public schools.
Akram Farag ’89, computer science
“AUC is my second home. I was, is and always will be an active member of the AUC community,” said Farag, who was engaged in activities at the University even before he joined as a student and founded AIESEC AUC in 1986. An entrepreneur and leading figure in technology, media and telecommunications in the MENA region and Southern Europe, Farag plans to utilize his expertise in electronic communications to reach alumni in different parts of the world. He plans to connect AUC to its alumni by creating an electronic platform for its graduates to exchange opportunities, such as creating a marketplace for their products and services; reviving the medical insurance service offerings for alumni and their families; organizing more networking events for alumni executives, professionals and startups; and expanding the Life Mentorship Program to include more alumni mentors. “I have a passion for making AUC a better place. We need to hear from you. Come forward and engage with us and with AUC.”
Galal El Ghor ’87, mechanical engineering
After winning a gold award as a top salesperson in 1993, El Ghor started his own business five years later, specializing in corrosion control. Making use of his excellence in sales, El Ghor plans to initiate an alumni revenue fund to help graduates in need under the slogan, Together, We Are Strong. “We have to show our solidarity by backing each other up,” he said. “The power of AUC alumni is in the diversity of their fields, which cover all sectors of the economy.” El Ghor plans to increase networking events, featuring celebrity alumni as speakers, and have a publication listing all alumni by profession for quick access so AUC graduates can easily communicate with each other and their alma mater. “Getting most of the flying birds back to their nest” is mainly what El Ghor is planning to achieve during his tenure at the council.
Ahmed Hamouda ’92, computer science
As a technology sales executive in different regions throughout his professional career, Hamouda traveled to many countries and cities while making use of every chance to meet and connect with AUCians worldwide. He decided to join the council as a way of paying back to his alma mater. “AUC has always been in my heart; it’s the place where we received, in my opinion, the best education available in Africa and the Middle East,” he affirmed. In the past few years, Hamouda met AUCians at events in San Francisco, Dallas, Virginia, New York, Florida and Michigan. Since the COVID-19 pandemic, he participated, planned and engaged with different AUC groups remotely over teleconference meetings at least four times every month. He aims to act as a “focal point” for alumni living in the Americas, connecting them to other alumni based in different areas via remote conferencing and social media technologies. He is also working on updating the AUC alumni community database in North America. “After the pandemic is over, I will plan face-to-face gatherings in strategic states where most alumni reside, mainly for networking and [exchanging] new ideas,” he said. “I encourage all alumni to participate and engage in these activities to support the council's mission and effectively partner with the Alumni Council to offer programs that foster campus traditions and perpetuate a passion for a lifelong involvement with our beloved AUC.”
Mahmoud Obeid ’91, mechanical engineering
A board member of the Alumni Club in Jordan for the past 30 years, Obeid has always worked to augment alumni’s sense of belonging to AUC. His priorities include increasing communication between the University and its graduates in the Middle East by creating a global network through the new AUC Alumni Business application, which will also help enhance employability. “I want to appoint alumni ambassadors in every country, empower social and professional interaction among alumni worldwide, and understand what our graduates expect from AUC," Obeid said. “We are part of a great community; we owe a lot to the University. We should work on translating ‘We of AUC’ forever to be a reality.”
Aly Osman ’14, business administration
Founder of The Influencers, a social media development and marketing agency, Osman plans to work on the University’s existing social media platforms to make it easy for all people of AUC to connect while creating new platforms of engagement. His main goal is to reach "every single alum in any place in the world." He noted, “It's about time to stand together all of us as Egyptians and AUCians to be able to pass the coronavirus pandemic economically, emotionally and physically. I have already started and will continue to use all my skills and platforms to help reach the Alumni Council targets. This will make our goals easier to achieve not only locally but internationally as well.” Osman is also a motivational speaker who delivered talks all around Egypt and is set to begin in Dubai and the United Kingdom. Osman's word to alumni worldwide: “From now on, you’ve got representation.”
Mohamed Rizk ’02, economics
With an extensive career in finance, Rizk has a primary key to success: to have a plan. With AUC’s Alumni Council, he plans to “work with other members on different visions, agree on the short-term and long-term projects, and create an action plan with clear objectives and KPIs to be able to monitor their performance.” He also plans to create funds to finance different events worldwide, increase benefits for alumni, and revise the council bylaws. His passion for doing volunteer work was the main driver for his decision to join the council. “I think the first step is to establish communication between the council and alumni. As an AUC graduate, I was not aware of the achievements of the previous council,” he said. Rizk stresses the importance of sharing the council's vision with alumni and periodically sharing the achievements, which will “get alumni to stand behind the council and consequently strengthen their bonds with the University.”