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No Tuition Increase in 2019-2020 Academic Year in USD Terms

By News@AUC Staff
February 24, 2019

The American University in Cairo is pleased to announce that the 2019-2020 academic year tuition for Egyptian students will remain equal to the current tuition as expressed in USD. Going forward, AUC will publish tuition in USD. Egyptian students can continue to pay their tuition in EGP at the official exchange rate on the date of payment.

What are the 2019-2020 tuition rates for Egyptian and International Students?

The 2019-2020 undergraduate tuition equals the current year’s tuition of $583 per credit hour for Egyptian students. International student tuition is $735 per credit hour. These rates apply to the entire academic year. 

Why will the tuition be denominated in USD for all students?

Between 60-65% of the University’s revenues come from tuition, most of which is collected in EGP, while 60% of its expenses are paid in USD.  This misalignment of currency between revenue and expenditures complicates and constrains the long-term financial planning and sustainability of the University.  

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What happens if a student is unable to pay tuition due to financial reasons? What should s/he do?

AUC stands behind the commitment made following the currency devaluation of 2016: that no currently enrolled student, in good standing, will be forced to withdraw due to an inability to pay tuition. Since 2016, we have not lost a single student due to financial inability. Currently enrolled students, in good standing, who may face a serious financial emergency should apply for financial aid. Learn more here.


Will this affect students on scholarships?
Students who receive any level of financial assistance including full scholarships or fellowships, will continue to do so.


Can students pay tuition in advance? Are there any advantages to doing so?

Absolutely. The early payment policy introduced last year continues. AUC offers two incentives to pay in advance, by the semester or the full year.

First, returning students, and all provisionally accepted new students, who pay the full tuition at least 60 calendar days before the first day of classes will receive a 2 % discount. Second, advance payment protects the student, for up to a full year, against potential fluctuations in foreign exchange rates. Learn more here.
