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Welcome to the online hub of the student-created #Consider campaign at AUC. Consider is a movement about healthful, community-based thinking. A smoke-free community is one that cleans the air for children, visitors, those with asthma, those trying to quit and all who are at risk for second-hand smoke-related health issues (which is everyone). A sustainable community is one that promotes recycling, carpooling, reusable items and sustainable agriculture. A healthy community is one that offers a variety of food options, lots of green spaces, counseling and stress-free areas. All of these initiatives -- and those still to come -- make the AUC community a stronger, more vibrant one. 

#Consider Each Other 

#Consider Community

#Consider Environment 

#Consider Health

According to the Tobacco-Free Survey, 60 percent of smokers at AUC choose to pick up a cigarette when they are under stress. Taking this into consideration, along with feedback from the community, the designated smoking areas on campus will be replaced by stress-free zones. The first stress free zone launched May 21, 2018, behind the AUC Library in front of the gardens. Students, faculty and staff stopped by to pick up stress balls, pamphlets on stress relief created by community psychology students, stickers and to contribute to the #Consider collaborative art project. 

This campaign was designed by students in Nagla Samir's Advertising and Branding course during the 2018 Spring semester: Mohamed Saeed, Omar El Shamy and Youssef Zaki.

The original idea for the stress-free zones on campus was conceptualized by students in Nagla Samir's Advertising and Branding course during the 2018 Spring semester: Mohamed Etman, Sarah Osman and Alaa Mansour.