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The Taste of Coptic History

By Em Mills
May 21, 2024

To picture ancient Coptic society, you have to look at how each piece of their daily lives wove together. Art, historic monuments, the traces of fabrics and writings, jewelry, each has something to say about the people who created them, but for Mennat-Allah El Dorry, assistant professor of Egyptology and the Egyptian Chair in Coptic Heritage, there is something special about studying something everyone has a deep connection to: food. 


“When you think of ancient Egypt, you think of the tombs and the temples, and sometimes we forget that they were people, just like us. Eating is such a simple, human thing,” El Dorry says.

From Jurassic Park to Coptic Studies

El Dorry discovered her interest in food and food culture in Egypt as a student at AUC, but the idea of archaeology captured her attention as far back as watching Jurassic Park as a little kid. “When I saw the first scene where this helicopter swoops down to an archeological site, I thought, ‘This is exactly what I want to do’. I found my calling very, very young,” she says.

Her passion led her to the study of Egyptology at AUC, where a friend encouraged her to take a Coptic studies course that drew her into the world of Coptic art, architecture and archaeology. “I initially became fascinated with what we traditionally study in Coptology, but I realized there's so much more to Coptic history than just that,” El Dorry says. “I was captivated by studying the lives of regular people living in different time periods in Egypt, how they dealt with one another, how they ate, the simple day-to-day activities.”

The relationship between Egyptology and Coptology is intertwined, and part of what makes El Dorry so passionate about teaching Coptic studies is its oft-overlooked importance in the flow of Egyptian history. “A lot of people consider ancient Egypt to be the focal point, which belittles the wealth of information we have about the rest of Egyptian history,” she says. “We have another 2,000 years of fascinating information, including Coptic history and Coptic archaeology. It's important to look at the history of Egypt as one fabric that changes and develops in continuity.” 

“When I tell people that I'm an Egyptologist, Coptologist or archaeologist, people either assume that we’re either off chasing mummies like Indiana Jones, or that we just spend our days doing boring library research."

Bringing Everything to the Table

Working on her PhD dissertation, focused on archaeobotanical material from a now-abandoned Coptic monastery in Wadi El Natrun, El Dorry became more and more interested in food and the various functions it serves both in our lives and Coptic Egyptian history. “Food plays a role in politics, our identities, economy and trade –– and studying it shows us a lot about how our history developed over time,” she says. “I find it particularly important to study and document food because it’s such a central part of who we are.”

“When you think of ancient Egypt, you think of the tombs and the temples, and sometimes we forget that they were people, just like us. Eating is such a simple, human thing,” 

Using her work at the Coptic monastery as an example, El Dorry emphasized how each trace of historical evidence came together to paint a vivid picture of life for the people who resided there. “We learned a lot about their daily lives through different time periods based on archaeological evidence, textual evidence, archaeobotanical material and ethnoarchaeological data,” says El Dorry. “We can even tell that there are regional variations in food preparation between different areas, and understand the specifics of how they prepared foods or the wine that would be used for liturgy.”

The information gleaned from studying the agricultural traces left behind is as personal as it is fascinating and instantly relatable since some of the foods that were prepared by the Copts of that period remain staples even now. “It's nice to get this intimate view of how they were preparing things and see where they got the food and plants from,” she says. “When we bring all the different types of archaeological data together, it’s much easier to imagine how they lived.”

The Joy of Studying Food

“When I tell people that I'm an Egyptologist, Coptologist or archaeologist, people either assume that we’re either off chasing mummies like Indiana Jones, or that we just spend our days doing boring library research,” El Dorry says. But for her, archaeology is somewhere in the middle. “We strike a happy medium between adventure on-site and researching in the fantastic libraries that we have access to.”

Sleuthing out the intricacies of Coptic society takes an immense amount of work, and it certainly isn’t easy. But for El Dorry, the real struggle is just finding the time to do it all. “The biggest challenge is that you never have enough time to read everything you are interested in or do everything that you want to do,” she says. Food has countless meaningful aspects to study, far more than just the facts of what people ate, and you could spend a lifetime looking at its roles, origins and impact. But beyond its academic value in Coptology, part of the joy of working with food is that everyone can connect to it. “Everyone loves to talk about food and loves to eat,” El Dorry says. “I love talking about food, theorizing how people would have eaten in the past, trying recipes. It’s all incredibly exciting.”


Graphic Design Senior Showcase

Dalia Al Nimr
May 15, 2024

Exploring themes of equality, cultural heritage and sustainability, AUC's Graphic Design program presents its senior show "Cmd X," taking inspiration from the computer shortcut to symbolize the transition of students from academia to professionals. 

Graphic design seniors are showcasing their graduation projects at the Command X (Cmd X) exhibition, currently on display at the Sharjah Gallery in AUC New Cairo, tackling themes on cultural heritage, gender equality and environmental protection while offering viable solutions through art. This is the 10th class of graphic design students to graduate from AUC since the program’s inception in 2011.

Cmd X is a computer shortcut used when cutting an item out of one environment and placing it in another. “In the case of our exhibition, the term carries several meanings,” said Bahia Shehab (MA ’09), professor of practice, curator of this year’s exhibition and one of the faculty supervisors for the student projects. “It symbolizes the conclusion or ‘cut’ of their time in academia and the end of this chapter in their educational journey, marking their transition from students to professionals. The X is also a Roman numeral highlighting a decade of graphic design graduates from AUC. ‘Command’ signifies their leadership role in the field of design, empowered to innovate, inspire and effect positive change.”

“Many of the projects developed by the students serve as great educational tools for courses that engage with topics of sustainability, cultural heritage, feminism, social justice and equality,. Exhibitions are important educational spaces and we want our community to use them as such.” 

The show is curated in five thematic clusters reflecting pressing concerns developed by students: “Fragile Equality,” with projects on cultural heritage preservation and gender equality; "Land,” celebrating the beauty of our natural environment as well as the resilience and loss of cultural heritage for communities fighting displacement while highlighting the dangers ahead; “Techno Shaabi,” which highlights Egyptian vernacular street culture in music, fashion and design; “Wholeness,” focusing on design solutions for physical and mental health while advocating for holistic well-being within different communities; and “Threads and Identity,” exploring and critiquing fashion, culture and gender perception and representation. 

“Many of the projects developed by the students serve as great educational tools for courses that engage with topics of sustainability, cultural heritage, feminism, social justice and equality,” said Shehab. “Exhibitions are important educational spaces and we want our community to use them as such.” 

Throughout their years of study, graphic design students develop various conceptual, technical and professional skills that prepare them for their senior year, which is comprised of a semester dedicated to research and a semester to develop their final projects. This year’s projects were supervised by faculty members Ahmad SaqfalhaitBahia ShehabBrenda SegoneJochen Braun and Nagla Samir.

As the faculty supervisors put it, students choosing their topics is key: “If they’re passionate about the environment, or they care about accessibility for people with disabilities, if they are fascinated by music from a different era or they want to preserve the history or knowledge of a certain community that is endangered, these aspirations and hopes are reflected in their final projects. ... We hope that their work inspires you to embrace innovation, champion diversity and strive for a brighter, more inclusive future.”

Open to the public, the exhibition is running every day from 9 am to 4 pm (except weekends). Planned visits can be arranged in July and August by contacting Shehab. The exhibition will open again throughout September.


Student projects:
