HR Programs and Staff Development
- الجامعة الأمريكية بالقاهرة
- HR Programs and Staff Development
Building on our belief that, in any organization, the human resources are the most important resources an organization depends on to achieve success and from this scope, HR vision is to lead the organization through investing in its human capital; and our mission is to develop and implement innovative human resources programs and services designed to support the mission of AUC.
Staff Professional Development Programs
The Office of Human Resources in collaboration with the School of Continuing Education, will introduce two programs to test several customized management and customer service training modules.
Learning and Development
The Office of Human Resources is adopting the latest technologies in learning and development by providing advanced solutions to facilitate the growth and development process of AUC’s workforce.
Performance Management System
To assure all AUC employees are engaged, stretched and challenged to learn and grow purposefully; making a difference while taking ownership of their professional journey, AUC conducts an annual performance management system for all levels across the University.
President’s Service Excellence Award
The purpose of this award is to recognize and celebrate the outstanding contributions of our staff to the University.
Pilgrimage and Jerusalem Award
It is an annual award given to four staff members as a recognition for their lifelong service to AUC. Winners receive the award from the University for two Pilgrimage and two Jerusalem visits. Members are chosen according to the terms and conditions applied.
Staff Exchange Program
Given the continuing efforts of the Office of Human Resources to focus on staff talent development and career progression, we give our staff members the opportunity for a one-week exchange at one of Europe’s associated universities.
Staff Onboarding Program
The onboarding program will begin from the moment you are offered a job to work with us and will continue along the way. The Office of Human Resources is your strategic partner to help you seamlessly enter your new role, and will also be on your side in your growth and development journey.
Employee Emergency Relief Fund
The Employee Emergency Relief Fund provides support for employees of the University who are confronted with a significant, unforeseen financial emergency. The fund is supported through the contributions of members of the AUC community.
Presidential Associates Program
Established in 1981, the Presidential Associates Program at The American University in Cairo (AUC) provides recent university graduates who are American citizens or permanent residents the opportunity to work at the highest levels of an international university, learn Arabic and experience life in Cairo.