Frequently Asked Questions
- الجامعة الأمريكية بالقاهرة
- Academic English for Graduates Program Frequently Asked Questions
General Guidelines
Regular class attendance is essential to the learning process. Students who are absent are responsible for making up their work. They should find out what they missed and what they need to prepare for the following class. If students miss a class due to illness, they need to provide valid documentation. If students miss a class due to a serious or unavoidable emergency, they should contact their instructor.
Students are expected to arrive to class on time. Frequent tardiness will result in it being counted as an absence. In the case of ELIN 0301 and ELIN 0302, students are permitted a maximum of seven days or 21 class hours of absence during the regular semesters and 10 hours in the summer session.
Students enrolled in ENGL 0310 who are absent more than six classes or 12 class hours will receive a grade of IP. Students in ENGL 0311 or ENGL 0312 who are absent from more than three classes or six class hours will also receive a grade of IP. Lateness will be counted as a partial absence.
Students who exceed these limits for any reason will be required to leave the ELI without completing the semester and without being allowed to take the final examination.
If a student has to miss an exam for any reason, the student should contact his/her instructor in advance. A make-up exam can only be allowed with the permission of the AEG program director, but consulting with the director does not guarantee a make-up exam. Assessment dates, which are given to students at the beginning of the semester, should be noted and conflicts on those dates avoided.
You should discuss this with your instructor ahead of time and arrange when to turn in the work due that day.
If a student has a complaint about alleged unfair or improper treatment in a course or about any other academic matter, the issue should be discussed first with the faculty member responsible for the course in question. If the issue is not resolved at that level, the student should discuss the complaint with the AEG program director. If needed, the complaint can be escalated to the ELI Department Chair through a request in writing from the student.
General Requirements and Regulations
Your placement into the AEG program depends on your entrance scores on the IELTS or TOEFL. Depending on your performance throughout the semester and your end of semester results, it normally takes at least one full-time semester to complete ELIN 0301 or ELIN 0302 or ENGL 0310, 311, and 0312.
None, if enrolled in ELIN 0301 or ELIN 0302
- One undergraduate course, if enrolled in all the modules: ENGL 0310, 0311 and 0312
- One undergraduate course or one graduate course, if enrolled in two modules
- Two undergraduate courses or one graduate course and one undergraduate course, if enrolled in one module
Note that graduate students must complete their degrees within five years of initial enrollment at AUC, which includes the time spent taking English courses. In spite of this time limit, students should not take more courses alongside ENGL courses than they know can be handled. Prioritizing ample time to English development now will be more beneficial to future work at AUC whereas not doing so may negatively impact MA graduate work.
An IP (In Progress) grade is given to a student who may have worked hard but has still not achieved the required level to pass the course. The student is then required to retake the course. Students are allowed to take a course two times in total.
A fail grade means that you have taken the course, whether it is a graduate intensive English or module, two times and have not met the requirements to proceed to the next level. This also means that you will be dismissed from AUC. In order to return to AUC and possibly the AEG program, you must reapply and receive a higher TOEFL or IELTS score than that which you previously entered with. This score will therefore place you at a higher level of English competency and a higher level course than the one from which you were disqualified.
Your instructor will be giving you detailed feedback throughout the semester and will indicate the level at which you are performing based on your test scores and active participation in the course. This assessment/feedback is based on class work and a series of tests administered throughout the semester.
General Information Questions
No. Students who withdraw from the required English class they are enrolled in must also withdraw from any other non-English class in which they are enrolled.
Yes. Any graduate student who is granted full admission to the AUC is exempt from taking any prerequisite courses in the AEG program.
It is possible for graduate students to skip a course depending on their performance throughout the semester and their end of semester results.