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Intensive Academic English for Graduates Program


Goals, Objectives and Outcomes

In both ELIN 0301 and ELIN 0302, students improve their proficiency in the following skill areas:

In order to develop the above skills, instructors work with students in small classes to achieve the course goals, course objectives and student learning outcomes listed below.

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Course Goals

  • Writing correct and effective sentences
  • Writing effective paragraphs including introductory and concluding paragraphs
  • Writing a four to five paragraph expository academic essay (for ELIN 302 only)

Course Objectives

  • Use pre-writing strategies to plan writing
  • Give critical peer-feedback 
  • Use peer and teacher feedback to edit writing 
  • Comprehend the overall and internal organizations of the four to five-paragraph essay
  • Identify and create effective thesis statements and topic sentences
  • Increase academic vocabulary volume and accuracy
  • Improve accuracy of sentence structure in academic writing
  • Improve accuracy of grammar within sentences
  • Increase proficiency in formatting and punctuating type-written texts

Student Learning Outcomes

  • Write a 4-5 paragraph essay addressing a given prompt appropriately(ELIN302 only)
  • Write unified paragraphs with clear topic sentences, supporting sentences, and a conclusion
  • Write an effective thesis statement based on a prompt
  • Write a well-organized, well-developed introduction paragraph for an essay
  • Write a well-organized, well-developed concluding paragraph for an essay
  • Incorporate ideas from a reading into a written response using formulaic academic phrases
  • Write a summary of a reading    
  • Use learned content and academic words effectively in writing
  • Combine sentences
  • Demonstrate correct usage of English mechanics
  • Revise and edit sentence grammar and structure


Course Goals

  • Developing academic reading strategies and skills
  • Reading critically
  • Discussing orally or in writing issues raised by a text

Course Objectives

  • Use pre-reading strategies
  • Identify reading skills and strategies
  • Vary reading strategy depending on purpose
  • Develop metacognitive awareness of reading skills and strategies
  • Paraphrase information from a text orally or in writing
  • Understand information in written texts
  • Discuss the main concepts within a reading
  • Engage in extensive personal reading

Student Learning Outcomes - ELIN 301

  • Use appropriate reading strategies for various reading tasks with support
  • Engage in extensive personal reading with support
  • Develop appropriate reading speeds for various tasks while improving comprehension
  • Organize textual information by completing partially filled graphic organizers or notes
  • Identify explicit main points and major details using text wording
  • Identify the author’s point of view
  • Interpret graphs and other diagrams
  • Make plausible predictions
  • Express an opinion about the reading
  • Use context clues to determine meaning of unknown words
  • Use knowledge of word parts and forms to determine meaning of unknown words

Student Learning Outcomes – ELIN 302

  • Implement appropriate reading strategies for various reading tasks
  • Engage in extensive personal reading
  • Increase reading speed for various tasks while maintaining comprehension accuracy
  • Identify explicit and implicit main ideas and details
  • Organize textual information by completing graphic organizers or by taking notes
  • Summarize/outline main points and major details by paraphrasing
  • Relate information from graphs and other diagrams to the text
  • Identify authors’ purpose, audience and viewpoint
  • Make plausible inferences
  • Critically analyze readings
  • Use context clues to determine meaning of unknown words and phrases
  • Use knowledge of word parts and forms to determine meaning of unknown words


Course Goals

  • Build a passive academic vocabulary
  • Build an active academic vocabulary
  • Develop the skill of determining the meaning of unknown words

Course Objectives

  • Use new vocabulary correctly orally and in writing
  • Distinguish between academic and informal vocabulary
  • Understand the concept of word forms and their use
  • Use online resources to enhance vocabulary acquisition

Student Learning Outcomes

  • Use a dictionary to find a word and select the meaning appropriate to the context
  • Use new vocabulary correctly orally and in writing                
  • Distinguish between formal and informal vocabulary and use both appropriately
  • Use academic vocabulary in writing                        
  • Spell words correctly in writing                        
  • Use correct word forms in speaking and writing                
  • Identify correct word forms based on the context                
  • Use contextual clues to infer the meanings of unknown words        
  • Apply knowledge of prefixes, roots, and suffixes to infer the meanings of unknown words 


Course Goals

  • Understand academic lectures

Course Objectives

  • Identify listening and speaking skills and strategies
  • Develop metacognitive awareness of listening and speaking skills and strategies
  • Distinguish between fact and opinion, relevant and irrelevant information
  • Listen to and take notes on a variety of comprehension passages
  • Use notes as a basis for class discussions and activities
  • Paraphrase, synthesize and organize information

Student Learning Outcomes

  • Identify topic, main ideas, and details of a listening passage        
  • Develop inferencing skills while listening                
  • Identify speakers’ point of view (ELIN301), purpose, opinion    
  • Use context clues to determine meaning of unknown words        
  • Develop (ELIN 301) or improve (ELIN302) note taking skills     
  • Use notes for academic performance and success


Course Goals

  • Speak in an academic context
  • Give effective oral presentations based on Internet research

Course Objectives

  • Identify listening and speaking skills and strategies
  • Develop metacognitive awareness of listening and speaking skills and strategies
  • Participate in discussions based on academic topics, videos and lectures
  • Use notes as a basis for class discussions and activities
  • Participate effectively in class discussions and debates
  • Improve pronunciation, fluency, and grammatical accuracy of speech
  • Improve academic research skills
  • Paraphrase, synthesize and organize information
  • Give an effective oral presentation on an academic topic

Student Learning Outcomes for both levels:

  • Speak fluently and intelligibly
  • Use content and academic words effectively in speaking
  • Use grammatically correct words and phrases in speech
  • Prepare well-researched, content-specific academic oral presentations
  • Deliver technology-supported academic oral presentations

ELIN 301 – Student learning outcomes  

  • Participate orally in class discussions, group work, and partner activities
  • Speak for 3-7 minutes on a given topic or prompt
  • Summarize a short text orally by speaking for 1-2 minutes

ELIN 302 – Student learning outcomes   

  • Engage effectively in class discussions, group work, and partner oral activities
  • Speak for 3 -12 minutes on a given topic or prompt
  • Summarize an extended text orally

ELIN 0301

An overall grade of 70% or more is required to pass to the next level. Students with an overall score of 80% or more as well as over 80% in the writing and the recommendation of the instructor(s) can qualify to take an exemption exam.

Formal Assessments: 70%

Formal assessments will be administered based on the themes covered in the content/skills class and will count as 70% of the overall ELIN 0301 grade.

Formative Assessment: 30%

There will be various assignments in each of the classes attended which will be graded by the instructor and reflected in the overall ELIN 0301 grade. The weighting of each class grade is as follows:

  • Reading and Writing 15%: Grades will be based on class participation, task-based reading and writing activities, peer review, class discussions, quizzes, and homework. Grades will be based on completion of skills activities and class discussions.
  • Listening and Speaking 15%: Grades will be based on class participation, class discussions, quizzes, and homework. Grades will be based on completion of skills activities and class discussions. 

Summative Assessment: 70%

Formal summative assessments will be administered based on the themes covered in the content/skills class and will count as 70% of the overall ELIN 0301 grade.

There will be two-unit exams, each covering language skills taught within the unit. The exams will consist of writing, reading, listening, and speaking sections and, with the exception of the final oral presentation, will be based on the content of the unit being tested.

The weight will be as follows:

  • Writing: 30%
  • Reading and Vocabulary: 10%
  • Listening: 10%
  • Formal Oral Presentations: 20%

There will be two formal presentations, and they will be weighted as follows:

  • Presentation #1: 8%
  • Presentation #2: 12%

ELIN 0302

A passing grade for a graduate student is 70% based on the following components: Students with an overall score of 80% or more in a given subskill, will be exempt from the relevant module(s).

Formal Assessments: 70%

Formal assessments will be administered based on the themes covered in the content/skills class and will count as 70% of the overall ELIN 0302 grade.

Formative Assessment: 30%

There will be various assignments in each of the classes attended which will be graded by the instructor and reflected in the overall ELIN 0302 grade. The weighting of each class grade is as follows:

  • Reading and Writing 15%: Grades will be based on class participation, task-based reading and writing activities, peer review, class discussions, quizzes, and homework. Grades will be based on completion of skills activities and class discussions.
  • Listening and Speaking 15%: Grades will be based on class participation, class discussions, quizzes, and homework. Grades will be based on completion of skills activities and class discussions. 

Summative Assessment: 70%

Formal summative assessments will be administered based on the themes covered in the content/skills class and will count as 70% of the overall ELIN 0302 grade.

There will be two-unit exams, each covering language skills taught within the unit. The exams will consist of writing, reading, listening, and speaking sections and, with the exception of the final oral presentation, will be based on the content of the unit being tested.

The weight will be as follows:

  • Writing: 30%
  • Reading and Vocabulary: 10%
  • Listening: 10%
  • Formal Oral Presentations: 20%

There will be two formal presentations, and they will be weighted as follows:

  • Presentation #1: 8%
  • Presentation #2: 12%

ELIN 301 and ELIN 302 meet four days a week (Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday) from 5:15 to 8:45 pm. 

Attendance and participation are considered very important in this intensive language program.

A student who exceeds 21 hours of absence during the semester will receive an “In Progress” grade.