Writing Enriched Curriculum
What is WEC?
As a successor to WAC (Writing Across the Curriculum) and WID (Writing in the Disciplines) initiatives, WEC is a program that was developed in the United States at many universities in the early 1990’s-present. The goals are to support non-writing intensive departments and schools to enrich their programs with discipline-specific oral and written communication to enhance students’ learning experiences and ability to effectively communicate within the discipline during their course of study and after graduation. While many departments and schools recognize the importance of these skills, many faculty are hesitant to integrate oral and written communication assessment as part of their curriculum because they feel short on time, resources, and know-how to develop the students’ skills.
More about WEC's mission, vision and objectives
Academic Participants
The WEC at AUC has the resources to support one to two new departments in the program each year.
We are providing workshops and one-on-one support for various departments in the School of Humanities and Social Sciences, School of Sciences and Engineering, School of Business and School of Global Affairs and Public Policy.