Other Activities and Outreach
DigPINS (Digital Pedagogy, Identity, Networks and Scholarship)
DigPINS is a free, fully online, global cohort of thoughtful educators working together for four weeks to dig deeper into digital literacies, CLT offered this in summer 2020 and summer 2021, with an AUC cohort interacting with educators in 2-4 USA university partners. #DigPINS offered a connected learning experience to explore digital pedagogy, in different modalities, equity in digital learning, digital assessments and in 2021, a fourth week where participants choose their topic for discussion.
CLT received a Hewlett Foundation Grant to co-organize the Mid-Year Festival (MYFest22) in collaboration with Kean University in the US under the umbrella of the grassroots movement Equity Unbound.
MYFest was designed to be a “recharge and renewal experience” exploring the following themes:
- Open educational practices, open publishing, and digital literacies,
- Critical pedagogy and socially just education
- Wellbeing and joy
- Community building and community reflection
It is a “build-your-own-learning-journey” glocal PD experience taking place throughout the months of June, July and August, with a “buffet approach” (choose sessions that interest you). This article in Inside Higher Education describes the design of MYFest as an aspirational virtual professional learning experience.