Faculty Workshops
Professional Enrichment Pathways on Designing Innovative and Engaging Student Learning Experience
These newly designed professional engagement pathways will invite faculty to learn in a community of peers with CLT and AUC faculty facilitators. This model allows faculty members the flexibility to choose from a variety of workshops that fall under different pathways. Faculty may choose to attend one workshop or more of each pathway depending on their interest. A certificate of participation will be offered for faculty who complete the pathway requirements over one semester or more.
Based on the pathway events and workshops, faculty participants who are interested in integrating small innovations in their classrooms will receive CLT support to apply and conduct a simple student feedback exercise. These faculty will be invited to share their experience and findings with the AUC community through a variety of CLT events and departmental channels. Faculty who will complete this additional cycle of application, assessment, reflection and sharing will receive a special certificate of completion for the pathway they engaged in.
Experiential Learning: Authentic Learning for Your Classroom
This session is about shifting away from a punitive mindset when it comes to academic integrity to set up students for success in and beyond the classroom. There is no question that teaching, learning, and assessment have changed since generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) tools such as ChatGPT and similar apps have become ubiquitous over the past few years. We can be ethical or unethical about how these tools are used in our classrooms and beyond. In this session, we will talk about students, faculty and leaders’ responsibilities for upholding and modeling academic integrity in ways that set up students for success today, tomorrow and beyond.