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Distinguished faculty of scholars and researchers impacting the world!

Name(desc) Position Department
NameEl-Sayed, Mayyada Position Associate Professor Department Department of Chemistry
NameEl-Sayed Abdel Meguid , Ahmed Position Assistant Professor Department Department of Philosophy
NameEl-Shawarby, Hala Position Senior Instructor Department Department of English Language Instruction
NameElAfifi, Amina Position Senior Instructor I Department Department of Rhetoric and Composition
NameElBanbi, Ahmed Position Professor Department Department of Petroleum and Energy Engineering
NameElbayoumi, Ahmed Position Associate Professor Department Department of Accounting
NameElbendary , Amina Position Associate Professor and Chair Department Department of Arab and Islamic Civilizations
NameEldawlatly, Seif Position Associate Professor Department Department of Computer Science and Engineering
NameEldesouky , Lameese Position Assistant Professor Department Department of Psychology
NameElkhodary, Khalil Position Professor and Associate Dean for Undergraduate Studies and Administration Department Department of Mechanical Engineering
NameEllis, Addison Position Assistant Professor Department Department of Philosophy
NameEllis, Kate Position Associate Professor Department Department of Psychology
NameEllozy , Aziza Position Advisor to the Provost for Transformative Learning and Teaching Department Center for Learning and Teaching
NameElmrayed , Seham Position Assistant Professor Department Institute of Global Health and Human Ecology
NameElnur , Ibrahim Position Associate Professor Department Department of Political Science